Moonlit Endeavors

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I rolled over, quickly scanning the time on the clock.


I bit my lip nervously, as slowly got up from my makeshift bed on the floor.

I didn't want to wake anyone up.

I quietly tip toed around all the sleeping girls, making my way to the door.

I let out a small sigh of relief, once I was out of the room, quickly making my way to the foot of the mountain.

Eijirou had asked me to meet him at the mountain at 2am. If I had a phone, he could have just texted me the message. But Shigaraki made sure that was impossible.

I have to say....going out of his way to write me a little note definitely made my heart flutter.

I began quickly making my way through the trees and leaves, finally seeing those familiar red tufts of hair. He left it unspiked right now.

He turned around, upon hearing all the rustling, smiling softly when he saw me.

"Hey! You made it." He said lightly, holding his hand out for me to take.

"Yeah. A secret note to break curfew? That's very daring of you." I teased, taking his hand as he began leading us further away from the camp grounds.

"Well, I haven't had a chance to spend any time with you. So, I figured we could go for a night hike. Plus, look how bright the moon is tonight." Eijirou said, pointing up at the clear, starry sky.

It was true. The moon was bright and full, perfectly illuminating our hidden path through the trees.

It was so peaceful outside, the cool summer breeze blowing in our hair, the sound of the owls hooting. It really was a beautiful setting.

"Wow. I've never seen anything like this." I called out, closing my eyes to enjoy the beautiful night.

"Pretty cool right?" Eijirou grinned, turning slightly to look at me.

He couldn't stop the smirk from forming on his face, as he continued. "You know what else is cool? Pretending to like my shitty curry." He joked, using our intertwined hands to pull me closer.

I couldn't help myself from laughing now, as I remembered the events from earlier.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings! You seemed so proud of the food. Plus, Kendo was getting under my skin a bit." I replied, mumbling the last part in annoyance.

Eijirou and I continued walking further into the woods. The camp site wasn't even visible anymore. It was just us.

"Yeah, what was that about? You and Kendo don't like each other?" He asked curiously, the soft rustling leaves coating the background noise.

"I don't think it's that. Clearly she...has a thing for you. And—oh, I don't know. She just needs to mind her own business." I scoffed lightly.

Eijirou stopped walking now, turning towards me in pure amusement.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Are you jealous?" He retorted playfully, walking a little closer to me.

"J-Jealous!? Oh please. Give me a break." I muttered, rolling my eyes lightly.

"That wasn't a no." Eijirou teased, coming close enough to wrap his arms around my waist.

I smiled smugly, before looking him in the eyes.

"Fine. No. I'm not jealous." I replied unconvincingly, playfully pushing him off as I continued walking ahead.

I heard Eijirou chuckle slightly, before quickly coming up and pulling me into him from behind.

I gasped lightly when his warm breaths hit my neck, making my whole body shiver.

"Fine, fine. You're not jealous. But if you were....there's nothing to be jealous of, baby." Eijirou whispered in my ear huskily, before turning me around in his arms.

Hearing his voice immediately heated up my entire body, as I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck.

I studied his face now, loving the way the moonlight was hitting him.

His crimson eyes were glowing even brighter from the reflection of the moon. His porcelain skin was so smooth.

Eijirou tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, before we both simultaneously leaned in to each other.

I felt a rush of pleasure immediately hit me, as soon as our lips met.

Eijirou must have felt it too, as he backed me up against a tree, his body pressing harder against mine.

I felt his hands run up my sides lightly, as he grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth.

I couldn't stop a small moan from escaping my lips, as I needed more...running my hands through his soft locks.

After a few moments, Eijirou pulled away from our kiss, leaving us both breathless.

He pressed his forehead to mine, lightly caressing my face with his thumb.

"Come on. We're almost at the top." He whispered, planting a soft kiss on my cheek, before leading us forward on our hike.


"Wow!!" I exclaimed, as we reached the top of the cliff, seeing everything so clearly now.

"I know! It's the best part!" Eijirou replied, matching my excitement.

Below was a giant forest of trees, but above us there was nothing but open, starry sky

"How did you know this was here?" I asked curiously, walking around a little bit to explore the area.

"Well, as soon as we arrived at this summer camp
location, I knew where we were. I used to come up here every summer with my parents. I've done this hike a lot" Eijirou smiled, reminiscing on his past.

I smiled too, imagining little Eiji running around up here.

"It sounds like you had a great childhood." I breathed out in amazement, taking a seat to look out into the open scenery.

He took a seat next to me, leaning back on his hands.

"I can't complain. I'm very lucky to have my parents." He said honestly, throwing his head back slightly as the cool, fresh breeze hit his face.

He didn't push it to ask me about my parents. He already knew something was strained in my relationship with them. He didn't push me, and I appreciated it so much. So much so....

That I was ready to tell him a little more.

"You know....uh, my parents weren't the best hikers." I started out quietly, not quite knowing how to approach this.

Eijirou looked over at me now, scooting a little closer.

"Oh yeah? What did they like to do for fun?" He asked softly, being cautious of his words.

"Hmm. I'm not really sure. I didn't know much about them, other than their professions. My mom was a psychologist and my dad was a lawyer. Pretty fitting for their quirks." I said, leaning back on my hands now.

"What were their quirks?" He asked curiously, lazily intertwining my hand with his now.

"Manipulation. That's where I got my quirk from. My mom could manipulate people's feelings and emotions. My dad could manipulate the five senses...touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. I ended up inheriting both of their quirks...or some combined version of it." I explained, leaning my head on his shoulder now.

I felt Eijirou rest his head against mine, caressing my knuckle with his thumb.

"All of that manifested at four years old, huh? I'm sure they were thrilled with such a powerful quirk." He reassured.

I chuckled dryly now, feeling my jaw tense in anger.

"Actually, quite the opposite. Once my quirk manifested...I couldn't control it very well, at first. I was only four. My parents were.....afraid of me." I whispered, barely getting out the last part.

"Everyone has a hard time controlling their quirk, when they first get it. It's not like it was your fault." Eijirou said gently, wrapping his arm around me now.

I was quiet, as I tried to muster up the courage to finish my story...

But my mouth wouldn't move.

Eijirou sensed my hesitation, kissing the top of my head.

"It's okay." He whispered, pulling me closer.

"T-There's more to tell." I uttered out shakily, trying to force myself to open up to him.

It's not that I didn't want to tell him. I wanted to tell him everything, so badly. But, my mouth refused to speak the words.

"Shhh. I know there's more to tell. You're just not ready to tell it yet." Eijirou breathed out, lightly turning my chin to look at him now.

"Margo..." he whispered, his gaze locked onto mine.

I simply looked at him, not trusting my voice to say anything.

"I'm here for you. No matter what." He said softly, gently grabbing both sides of my face. 

I involuntarily lunged forward into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Eijirou immediately returned my hug, caressing my hair softly between his fingers.

I buried my face in his neck, feeling the comfort of his strong arms around me.

At this moment. This exact moment. Nothing else mattered to me.

Nothing could hurt me. Nothing could take away the peaceful bliss I felt.

Nothing could stop me from feeling happy.

But then again....this seemed to be how I felt, whenever I was with Eijirou Kirishima.

A/N: Feb 2021 the next chapter was a smut chapter titled "foreign feelings." On archive of our own, it is chapter 42. I had to unpublish it since wattpad was deleting stories with smut in them, but if you'd like to see it, it's on my Ao3 account. Link in my bio.

If this whole mess of 'deleting mature content stories' calms down, I will republish the lemons to wattpad. But, for now, they are on Ao3 :)

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