Persuade Him

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Eijirou's POV:

I gave Margo a reassuring nod, as I watched her disappear into the portal. I wanted to let her know that everything would be okay.

Truth be told, I had absolutely no idea if everything would be okay.

Bakugou was gone, and so was Margo. Would she get in trouble for saving my life from Dabi's flame?

Damn, I was really worried about her. I didn't know where I was gonna go from here, but I knew one thing.

I sure as hell wouldn't hesitate to try and save her and Bakugou.

I sighed tiredly, as I quickly made my way out of my hiding place.

My shuffling around caused my friends to turn towards me.

"Kirishima? Are you alright?" Todoroki asked, trying to help Midoriya up.

"Yeah. I saw Bakugou get taken. Did anyone else get kidnapped?" I asked hesitantly, fearing the worst.

"I don't think so. It looked to be just Bakugou. Man, he would have had a chance had it not been for that stupid, masked villain." Todoroki scoffed.

I groaned softly in frustration, as I helped Todoroki lift Midoriya onto Shoji's back.

I felt deflated by this conversation. Of course, that 'masked villain' was Margo...and she took Bakugou to ensure the safety of him and everyone else.

But, I couldn't tell anyone that.

"Come on. Let's head back to the campsite. I need to find Mr. Aizawa as soon as possible." I called out, trying to change the subject from Margo.

Don't worry, Margo. I'll help you. You can definitely count on me.


"Kirishima!" Mina yelled, running over to me when I entered the classroom.

"Are you guys okay?" I quickly asked, trying to assess everyone for injuries.

"We're fine, but we couldn't find you and Margo. We thought you guys got taken." Kaminari called out, before looking behind me.

His eyes widened upon noticing....

"Uh!! Where's Margo?! Did she get taken, like Bakugou!?" Kaminari called out, getting the attention of the rest of the class now.

Oh boy, I had no idea on how to respond to this—

"Margo is fine. She acquired a small head injury, and was taken right to the hospital for a routine checkup. Nothing serious." Aizawa interjected, quickly coming over to our group now.

Well, that was obviously a lie. He knew Margo didn't get a head injury. But, if he's covering for her like this, maybe he still has some faith in her intentions. I hope so, anyway.

His eyes immediately locked onto me, obviously wanting to talk.

"Thank goodness. I was getting really worried when I didn't see her. When can we go visit her and the others who were injured?" Uraraka asked, coming into the conversation now.

"In...a couple of days." Aizawa sighed stressfully, running a hand through his hair.

As everyone resumed their panicked conversation, I felt Aizawa nudge my shoulder.

I quickly looked at him, seeing him give me a subtle nod towards his office.

I immediately followed him, tense silence consuming the space between us.

As soon as Aizawa closed the door to his office, he turned to me, his eyes releasing the panicked stress they were hiding from the students outside.

"Where. Is. She?" He replied lowly, clearly frustrated with Margo.

"She didn't betray the heroes." I immediately replied, desperately trying to help Margo out of this.

Aizawa simply scoffed, pacing the room anxiously now.

"Really, Kirishima? Because, to me, it looked as though she completely betrayed the heroes, aided Dabi in your attempted kidnapping, and kidnapped Bakugou almost completely single handedly." Aizawa called out, resting his hands forward on the desk.

I balled my fists together frustratedly, trying to think how I could make him understand.

"Mr. Aizawa, Margo saved my life. After Dabi knocked you out of the building, he sent a blue flame at me. Margo kicked a desk in front of the flame, so the desk would be incinerated, instead of me." I started out, walking closer to him.

Mr. Aizawa simply shook his head, closing his tired eyes.

"Kirishima, do you think I'm blind? Of course she'll protect you. The girl's in love with you. Anyone with eyes can see that." Mr. Aizawa retorted.

I felt my heart jump slightly at his words.

In love with me? Nah, there's no way Margo could be in love with someone like me—

Wait, not the time to be thinking about that.

"She saved Bakugou, too....and Midoriya, Todoroki, and the others." I quickly interjected.

"How?" He asked, calming down just a tad.

"She helped Bakugou escape Dabi's clutches, using her quirk. Then Dabi was about to incinerate the rest of the UA students, burn Bakugou's legs off, and hand him over to Shigaraki. Margo jumped in and kidnapped Bakugou to prevent that from happening. The earpiece you gave her wasn't getting any reception, so she couldn't contact you. She was adamant about letting you know she wasn't a traitor." I blurted out, not even getting in a breath between my sentences.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out.

Mr. Aizawa was quiet, taking in my words.

After a few moments of stressful silence, Aizawa groaned in frustration.

He quickly yanked open the beat up desk in the corner, pulling out a small walkie talkie looking device.

He began playing with the dials on it, the sound of static crackling from the device.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"Kirishima, while I don't necessarily trust Margo completely yet....I do trust you. You are a good kid, who will make an excellent hero one day. I have enough faith in you, to believe you wouldn't lie to me about something like this." Mr. Aizawa stated firmly, ignoring my question.

Of course I would never lie to Mr. Aizawa about something like this.

If Margo was truly evil, I would still be on the side of good. That's what heroes do. That's the right thing to do.

But, Margo is not evil. She's good. She's so good, she just doesn't believe it or see it.

Man, if only she could see what I see.

She's so special.

"You can trust me, Mr. Aizawa. I would never do anything to betray the heroes." I stated firmly, with an eager nod.

Aizawa acknowledged my words, sending me a tired half smile.

"I know." He said, before turning his attention back to the walkie talkie device.

"This is what we use to hear Margo through her earpiece. The static crackling sound means there's no reception. Once reception comes back on—or if it ever comes back on, she can start talking through her earpiece and it comes out to us through here." Aizawa explained, messing with the buttons on the remote again.

My eyes lit up, upon hearing Aizawa's words.

"So does that mean we're gonna go get her and Bakugou!?" I asked eagerly, not being able to hide my excitement.

"You are not going anywhere. None of the students are. The teachers and heroes will handle this." He said firmly, shooting me a soft glare now.

"Well, how are you planning to get reception, in order to keep in contact with Margo? We're in the middle of the forest!" I replied, slightly frustrated that Aizawa was holding me back from this.

Aizawa simply shrugged.

"I don't know. We'll just have to hope it comes on somehow. Anyways, I need to alert the other heroes of Bakugou's disappearance so we can make a plan to find him." He uttered absentmindedly.

"But if you get contact with Margo, she can tell you where he is—"

"—Kirishima, I wasn't there when any of these events went down with Margo. I do believe you when you say she saved Bakugou, you, and the others...but I'm still a little hesitant to contact her anyways." Aizawa said firmly, gritting his teeth in frustration.

I was quiet, getting irritated with his words.

Aizawa sighed, speaking again.

"I...I want to trust her. I really do. She just hasn't done anything willingly or worth while to prove it yet." He finished, shooting me a subtle apologetic look.

"I promise can trust her." I replied, already knowing Aizawa wouldn't be swayed so easily.

He nodded softly, before looking out the window.

The heroes had arrived outside, and were starting to interview the students on what happened tonight.

"Come on. We need to get back there. Just remember what I said. Stay out of it." Mr. Aizawa stated firmly, ushering me towards the door.

I simply nodded in acknowledgment, deciding on how I would proceed.

Deciding on how I would proceed behind Mr. Aizawa's back, that is.

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