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Margo POV:

"Stop moving." I groaned in annoyance, as I attempted to strap Bakugou down in his chair.

"You dumb bitch! I'll stop moving when I'm damn ready to stop moving!!" Bakugou spat at me, gritting his teeth in anger.

I needed to figure out a way to get him out of here, and fast.

It was just us in the room right now, as we waited for everyone to get back, from trying to recruit new members to the league.

With Bakugou's loud mouth, it won't be long until the villains decide it would just be easier to kill him than deal with him.

I sighed softly, trying to calm my stress as I finished strapping him to his chair.

"Look...." I started out softly, his pouty glare meeting my eyes.

"If you want to survive here, you need to stay quiet. Whatever the villains say to you....just don't say anything back." I explained carefully, trying not to give him too many hints.

Bakugou simply scoffed, slouching in his chair.

"Yeah right. Ya think I'm just gonna stay quiet, and make them think they have a chance at getting me to their side?" He retorted.

I chuckled dryly now, as I leaned against the wall in front of him.

"Trust me, I know you won't come over to the villain's side. The rest of the group will figure it out soon enough." I mumbled, closing my eyes tiredly.

"Okay then...tell me this, genius. If you were so sure I wouldn't become a villain, why didn't you let me go? You're the one who captured me, you fucking idiot." Bakugou said, trying to keep his anger down.

I began playing with the earring earpiece, on my ear, from Aizawa.

Still no response.

"I had to capture you. I did it to save you and the others." I simply muttered, walking around different parts of the room to try and get reception.

"Yeah right. Stop looking down on me, by saying those lies." He mumbled, resting his head back against the chair.

I couldn't stop my attitude from coming out slightly, irritated by Bakugou's sassiness.

"Okay. Tell me, how do you think Dabi's grip magically loosened on you, so you could get away in the first place? That wasn't an accident." I blurted out, not thrilled that I just told him that.

Bakugou's snarky face, slowly contorted into one of pure confusion.

It was quiet between us for a moment, the silence becoming surprisingly comfortable.

"Wait....what?" He uttered out softly, not understanding.

This poor boy looked so lost by what I said.

"Nothing. Just forget it." I quickly dismissed, not wanting him to ask more questions.

Bakugou's angry glare immediately came back, as he looked at me now. 

"No. Tell me what you're talking about—"

"We're back!" Toga cheered, skipping over to Bakugou and I.

She quickly threw her arms around me, giving me a hug that was way too tight.

"Sister, can we cut him now?" Toga mumbled into my shirt, starting to rock back and forth, with me in her arms.

I rolled my eyes, lightly pushing her off.

"I'm not your sister, Toga. I've told you that. And no we can't cut him. He could be very useful to us." I reasoned, doing the best I could to make Bakugou sound more appealing.

It's a lot harder than you think.

"Hmm. Do you really think he could be useful to us, sidekick?" Shigaraki asked, going behind the bar area now.

I furrowed my brows in concentration, trying to interpret his tone.

The thing about being in the league of villains, was that I always had to be quick witted and aware of everyone's constantly changing moods.

It sounded like Shigaraki was genuinely asking me what I thought about Bakugou.

"I do. I think he'd make an excellent addition." I simply uttered, trying to make Shigaraki spare Bakugou's life for a while longer.

To my delighted surprise, Bakugou seemed to take my earlier advice. He was completely quiet, staring blankly at Shigaraki.

"Would he? I don't know. He was spewing a lot of talk earlier, about how he only wants to be a hero. Maybe he'd be better for a different....use." Shigaraki replied in dark amusement.

I felt my heartbeat pick up at his words.

"What do you mean—"

"Nomu. I think Bakugou might be better as a Nomu instead." Shigaraki remarked, leaning on the bar table.

I looked over at Bakugou, seeing his poker face. At least he was staying quiet still.

How could I play this situation to save Bakugou?

Damn, if only Aizawa was able to get ahold of me!!! I was completely on my own with this.

I turned to Shigaraki now, hesitantly clearing my throat to stall time.

"I-I don't think so. I mean—while he would make a powerful Nomu.....don't you think a willing, stable mind is more dangerous? We know Bakugou has a powerful quirk, and he's smart. By keeping him in tact, he could be a very deadly weapon to the league...more so, than if he was a Nomu." I reasoned calmly, subtly wiping the nervous sweat off the back of my neck.

The room was filled with tense silence, as I awaited Shigaraki's answer.

Sorry Bakugou....Aizawa.....Eijirou. I'm doing the best I can here.

Shigaraki groaned obnoxiously in annoyance.

"I can't say I'm totally convinced by that argument. But, your words have made me second guess the idea, slightly." Shigaraki started out, not quite easing my anxiety with that statement.

I simply looked at him, waiting for more elaboration on Bakugou's fate.

Shigaraki was lost in thought for a few more tense moments, before he eventually threw his hands up in confusion.

"I'll think more about it. I still might like my idea better. For now, put him to sleep. I don't want to deal with him anymore." Shigaraki waved dismissively.

Not the best answer. But, I'll take it for now. I'm sure Bakugou will, too.

I sighed tiredly, as I turned to Bakugou.

I outstretched my hand towards him, getting ready to activate my quirk to make him extremely tired.

But to my surprise, before I even activated my quirk, Bakugou's head quickly dropped limp.

I narrowed my focus on him, as I watched his eyes close and his breathing start to steady.

This fucker....

Bakugou just faked being asleep. He was pretending I used my quirk on him.


I quickly jumped at the sound of Shigaraki's voice, being pulled from my thoughts.

"Thank goodness. Hah, he almost looks approachable when he's sleeping." Shigaraki retorted mockingly, pointing at Bakugou's limp figure.

Shigaraki and the others really think I put Bakugou to sleep.

What do I do now? If Bakugou hears me go along with his lie....

He'll know I'm helping him, for sure.

Do I want that?

Of course not. He could easily rat me out, and use it against me as blackmail.

But, what if it means I could have a chance to save him?

I chuckled nervously now, as I turned to Shigaraki and the others.

"Y-Yeah. That's a first, right? Guess I should put Bakugou to sleep more often. Why don't we leave the room and let him rest for awhile, yeah?" I stated confidently, realizing there was no turning back now.

Well, Bakugou just heard me lie to the league of villains. He definitely knew something was up.

Oh well. This is the path I chose. I'm sticking with it.

Everyone began filing out of the room, leaving Bakugou to sleep.

I was the last one to trail out, subtly looking over to him one more time.

His head was still slumped down.....but I saw one of his crimson eyes open slightly, looking right at me.

He lifted his eyebrow in acknowledgment at me, silently telling me...

"We need to talk."


Eijirou POV:

I had somehow managed to convinced some of my classmates to go with me to rescue Bakugou.

While there was no way I was turning back now, I couldn't help but be a little bit nervous that this operation would go poorly.

By doing this, I'm going behind Mr. Aizawa's back. I didn't want too....but I needed too.

Because I had something extremely vital to this rescue, that he didn't....

Faith in Margo.

I understand where Mr. Aizawa is coming from, in terms of Margo...but by not utilizing her, he's missing out on a very important aspect of this mission.

Margo will tell me Bakugou's location, so I can get him out safely.

But of course, I can only get in contact with her through that device Mr. Aizawa showed me....

....which is why I'm standing outside Mr. Aizawa's office right now, about to steal it.

I know. This looks bad. Probably not the manliest thing I'll ever do. But, I'm doing this for Bakugou and Margo's safety.

I know I couldn't get reception through to Margo, all the way out here in the forest. But, if I take this device with me into the city, there's a good chance I can get through to her location.

She was vital to the success of this rescue mission.

And I was willing to take this device, against Mr. Aizawa's orders.

I sighed nervously, as I looked around the empty, dark hallway one more time.

I knew Mr. Aizawa wouldn't be back for hours. He was in a meeting with the other heroes, probably figuring out a plan to save Bakugou.

But by doing this, I can save Bakugou faster. And hopefully help keep Margo undercover, too.

I turned back to Aizawa's office door, slowly opening it, before I could second guess myself.

I quickly tiptoed towards the beaten up desk, opening it to grab the walkie talkie.

Yes! There it was. The walkie talkie was there, waiting to be taken.

I quickly grabbed the device, shoving it in my pocket, before noticing the other things in the desk.

This entire drawer was full of Margo's stuff.

I saw a bunch of Margo's weapons she used for the league of villains. Mr. Aizawa must have confiscated them, when she joined the heroes' side.

In the drawer contained a pair of her tungsten daggers, along with some very deadly explosives, powders, and other devices.

Jeez, this was really serious artillery she was carrying. I know she told me Shigaraki gave her this stuff to carry around with her.

I also saw a file, laying neatly at the bottom of the desk drawer.

My curiosity got the better of me, and before I knew it....I involuntarily pulled the file out of the drawer.

I groaned frustratedly upon seeing the title of the file:

League of Villains Portfolio: Margo Kimika

I slowly opened the file, seeing Margo's mugshot.

I have to say, she looked very intimidating here. If I didn't know who she was, I'd say she definitely fits the look of a villain.

I flipped to the next page, seeing descriptions and pictures of Margo with the league of villains.

I continued looking through the file, stopping upon a picture of a young girl.

She looked just like Margo. Probably her when she was 7, maybe 8.

Her hair was messy and tangled, she was wearing a hospital gown, and her arms and legs were completely bandaged up.

She looked so sad.

It broke my heart.

What also caught my attention was the man in the picture next to her.

He was relatively young....looking to be around his early twenties. He was wearing a lab coat, and holding Margo's little, bandaged hand.

He didn't smile at the camera. Neither did Margo.

They both simply stared, looking like they hated everything about their lives.

I squinted slightly, trying to read the writing at the bottom of the picture:

Nyūshin Labs.
Subject #1207 Margo Kimika (age 6).

Nyushin Labs? Subject?

What....was this?

I quickly flipped the next page, seeing a title divider labeled:

Margo Kimika: age 1 through age 15 (before the league of villains)

Margo's past? Mr. Aizawa already knew it?

So, if I flip this next page, I'll know all about Margo's past.

I'll know all of the things that are still making her suffer with herself.

I placed my hand on the page, about to turn it....

.....when I hesitated.

What am I doing? About to read something so personal, that Margo obviously wasn't ready to share with me?

I can't do that.

I sighed in guilt, quickly closing the folder and placing it back in the desk.

Anything I wanted to know about Margo's past was right there in that folder.

All I had to do was open it.

But, Margo obviously wasn't ready to open up to me about that part of her life yet. I needed to respect that.

I wanted her to tell me when she's ready. I won't betray her trust by reading that file.

Besides....I don't see Margo for her past, anyway.

I see her for who she is now.

A good person.

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