See Me

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I had been working for awhile now, managing to knock out Oijiro, Tokoyami, and Sato with my quirk.

I was trying to go for people I didn't know well at all, in order to prevent myself from getting recognized and caught.

Suddenly, Dabi's voice began ringing in my ear.

"Alright. You're done. That's it for today." He simply uttered.

He didn't sound happy.

"Alright. Did you get All Might?" I asked breathlessly, feeling exhausted. Especially since my shoulder was still bleeding, due to Kirishima's hit from earlier.

"No. The mission failed. Kurogiri sent your school clothes to the south side of the USJ. Get changed back into your gym clothes and meet up with your class. See ya later." Dabi mumbled quickly, before ending the call.

Oh boy. If Dabi was this upset about the failed mission, Shigaraki was probably fuming.

I cringed in pain as my shoulder continued throbbing.

I needed to clean the blood up, before I met up with the class.

I gave all my first aid tools to Kirishima, instead of using it on myself.

All I had left was one measly little cloth, and a tourniquet.

That would have to do for now.

I groaned, tightly tying the tourniquet around my arm, before wiping the blood and applying the cloth bandage to my shoulder.

I got very lucky that Kirishima sliced me in an area that could be covered by my clothes. Now I was able to hide the wound from everyone.

I quickly changed into my gym clothes, leaving my duffel bag in a hidden area, so Kurogiri could transport my villain costume back to the league of villains, later on.

I took a deep breath, trying to get my composure, before I ran over to find my UA class.

Let's hope they don't suspect anything.


"Margo!?! There you are!!!" Mina cried, sprinting over to me, as I was about to hop on the bus.

She pretty much tackled me to the ground with the force of her hug.

"Mina! Are you alright?" I asked in honest worry.

I've only just started talking to her today. But, I was already worried about her.

Actually, I was worried about everyone. I really hope no one was hurt.

"I'm fine! Are you!? That was so crazy! There was that purple warp thing, and it swallowed us, and—" Mina began babbling, clearly still amped up from all the chaos.

"Yeah. I'm alright." I said with a tired smile, walking onto the bus.

It was very late by now, and no one was really in the mood to talk. Except Mina obviously.

Everyone had now spread out on the bus, leaving plenty of room for everyone to have their own set of seats.

I began making my way down the aisles, feeling slightly dazed from what happened.

Sure, I was probably dazed from blood loss, but for some reason, I felt very off about everything that had happened today.

I couldn't put my finger on it. But, it didn't feel right.

"Margo?" I heard someone say quietly, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Kirishima. Thank goodness you're okay!!" I exclaimed, climbing into the empty seat next to him and throwing my arms around his neck.

"W-Woah." He mumbled softly, a little caught off guard by my sudden hug.

I felt his arms immediately wrap around my back, returning my hug.

Wow. I haven't hugged anyone in such a long time.

I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of comfort, as I felt Kirishima's warmth envelope my body. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling.

"I'm glad you're okay too, Margo. Bakugou and I...we encountered this really dangerous villain." Kirishima mumbled in my hair, starting to bring my body a little closer to his.

My eyes immediately shot open at his words. I felt my body start tensing in anxiety now, as I quickly pulled away from the hug, and sat down next to Kirishima.

"Hey, you alright?" Kirishima asked softly, his eyes looking at me with concern.

Those soft eyes, filled with concern for my well being, were just glaring fiery daggers at me a few hours ago.

I quickly averted my gaze to the seat in front of me, not being able to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah. It's just...been a long day." I whispered, feeling the bus begin to move now.

"Where did that purple guy send you?" Kirishima asked.

I shrugged, trying to play off the events of today. "It's not important. What's important is that no one got hurt, right?" I asked, throwing my head back against the seat.

"Yeah. That's true." Kirishima said quietly, cringing slightly as he adjusted in his seat.

I lazily turned my head to look over at him now, suddenly remembering all the hits I gave him earlier.

" hurt?" I mumbled in a raspy tone.

"Eh. Just a few scratches here and there. You know what's really weird though?" Kirishima uttered out, the moonlight hitting his face, as he absentmindedly looked out the window.

"What's weird?" I whispered, not being able to take my eyes off his relaxed face.

"The villain Bakugou and I were fighting knocked me out. But, when I woke up....I was all patched up. All my cuts and stab wounds were disinfected and wrapped tightly in bandages." Kirishima mumbled, lost in thought about what had happened at the USJ.

I swallowed thickly, as his gaze immediately shifted to me, looking for answers.

"Do you think....the villain who knocked me out...tended to my injuries while I was unconscious?" Kirishima asked, his eyes desperately trying to make sense of what happened.

I wanted to tell him it was me, that I was the one who fixed him up.

But then again, I was also the one who caused it.

I looked at Kirishima for a moment, lost in thought about everything that had happened today.

I quickly cleared my throat, shooting him a small smile.

"A villain, tending a hero's wounds? I don't know, Kirishima. That kind of sounds like crazy talk, if you ask me. That's not how villains are. They're mean, ruthless. They don't show mercy. One of the pro heroes probably found you, patched up your wounds, and was too busy fighting those pesky villains to wake you up. Don't ya think?" I counteracted, sounding as confident as possible.

Kirishima turned his gaze to the seat in front of him, as he thought about my words.

"Yeah. That does sound like a more likely scenario, doesn't it?" He mumbled, clearly still thinking about the incident.

I needed to convince him more.

"Kirishima, villains are evil. You really think a villain, one who roughed you up like that, is going to care about your well being? No. Villains don't care about you. They don't care about anyone. You should remember that, so you don't go soft on your enemy." I whispered softly, not even caring that my demeanor was sounding a little dark.

Kirishima sighed softly, before nodding his head.

"Yeah. You're right. A villain would never be that kind. It must've been a hero then." Kirishima said matter of factly.

"Yeah." I whispered, smiling at him weakly.

He looked over at me, about to speak again, when his eyes suddenly widened.

"Margo! You're bleeding!" Kirishima said in panic.

Oh shit.

I looked down at my shoulder, seeing my gym shirt sleeve drenched in blood.

He leaned forward, about to assess my arm, before I quickly leaned away from him, hiding my bloody shoulder.

"Oh! Uh—it's not my blood." I blurted out, trying to save myself.

Kirishima turned his attention back to my face, slightly taken aback by my words.

"Are you took out a villain? By yourself!?" Kirishima exclaimed, his eyes lighting up in excitement and awe.

"Hah...well it looks that way, doesn't it?" I chuckled nervously, anxiously running a hand through my hair.

Keep digging yourself in a deeper hole, Margo. Nice.

"Wow, Margo! You're so cool. Man, Bakugou and I couldn't even take down one villain together, and you beat one all by yourself. I need to learn a thing or two from you." Kirishima grinned sheepishly.

"What!? That's not true at all! If anything, I need to take a lesson out of your book. I mean, you basically refuse to go down during a fight. That's really manly, if you ask me." I smiled excitedly, remembering how tough Kirishima was when I fought him a few hours ago.

"Hah. Well you've never seen me in a fight. So, how would you know?" Kirishima chuckled, amused by my excitement.

Whoops. That's right. Kirishima doesn't know I was the villain he was fighting.

"Well....I just know. You seem like you're that kind of person. I can read you well enough, I think." I smirked.

"Hah! What, am I that predictable to you already?" Kirishima groaned playfully, causing me to laugh.

"No! I didn't say that! I just mean...hmm, I don't know. Remember how you said you can see Bakugou, past all of his jackass tendencies? Well, I'm just saying I can see you. You're determined. You're tough." I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly from my words.

Kirishima smiled at my words, scooting a little closer to me.

"Well, you know.....I see you too, Margo." Kirishima said, his voice barely above a whisper now.

I turned my gaze towards him, realizing how close our faces were to each other.

He looked so inviting.

"Oh yeah? And how do you see me, Kirishima?" I whispered, meeting his warm, soft gaze.

"Well..." Kirishima breathed, his gaze trailing to his lap, before slowly trailing back up to my face.

"I see you for who you truly are. A good person." Kirishima whispered, a gentle smile gracing his face.

I felt my smile fall slightly at Kirishima's words.

"Oh.....thanks." I mumbled, averting my gaze back to the front of the bus.

"No need to thank me. Just being honest." Kirishima muttered through a yawn, resting back against his chair.

Oh, Kirishima. Clearly, you don't see people as well as you think you do.

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