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Kurogiri transported me to the abandoned warehouse, where Kirishima and Bakugou were fighting.

No hesitation. Take them out. You can do it, Margo.

I quickly jumped from the crook in the ceiling, landing right in front of the boys.

OI! DUMB HAIR!! HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE!" I heard Bakugou yell to Kirishima, his eyes burning into mine.

Thank goodness I had a mask on.

My heart began pounding when Kirishima turned around, laying his gaze on me.

His eyes widened, when he saw the insignia on my arm.

"H-Hey, Bakugou! This girl is part of the league of villains!! That means she's probably not like the stupid henchmen we've been taking out. She might have a really powerful quirk." Kirishima said, his eyes glaring into mine.

I stopped in my tracks, slightly taken aback by Kirishima's mean glare.

Why did that hurt my feelings? Of course he should glare at me like that. I'm his enemy.

He's also mine. I need to act like it.

Before I could think of anything to do, I saw Bakugou explode himself right towards me, probably with the intent to kill.

Now that I wasn't pretending to be a UA student, I could finally use my combat skills.

These UA guys had no idea what I could do.

I expertly dodged Bakugou's attack, seeing Kirishima coming right behind him.

I began dodging Kirishima's hooks, trying to get a better feel for his quirk.

I've only seen him use it like one time.

He's putting a lot of power into his arms. He's wearing pants, so I can't see if his legs are hardened either.

He's also moving slow.

I quickly moved out of the way, about to debilitate Bakugou with pain, when I suddenly realized something.

I've already taken Bakugou out with pain before. He knows the basics of how my quirk works in that sense, and so does Kirishima.

That means I would need to rely on using other tricks.

The boys didn't know the extent of my mind manipulation, so I'd need to use other manipulation tactics to make them see and hear what I want them to.

Hopefully, they'll be too distracted with our fight to catch on, and realize it's me. I'll need to strategize here.

I quickly unsheathed two daggers from my thighs, getting into my fight stance.

I saw Kirishima smirk at my daggers, before he confidently charged at me first.

I knew what he was thinking. Normal daggers have no affect on him. They'll just break.

But these aren't just any daggers. These daggers are made of tungsten, the strongest metal. Even if they couldn't pierce his skin directly, maybe they could wear him down.

After all, every quirk has its limit. 

I quickly dodged Kirishima's punch, landing a solid hit to his chest with the tungsten dagger.

Hah! Just as I thought. The dagger didn't break.

I saw his eyes widen slightly, as he noticed too.

But it also didn't even pierce Kirishima's body.

I heard Bakugou come up behind me. He would be slightly easier to deal with.

I quickly manipulated his senses, giving him the illusion that a giant piece of debris was falling from the ceiling, over to his right side.

His eyes widened, as he quickly exploded himself to the left side to dodge, allowing me to shuffle in his direction and slice his shoulder with my knife.

He groaned in pain, going for a kick to my stomach, but I easily flipped backwards, landing a foot sweep on him.

I was about to kick Bakugou in the head, when I heard Kirishima coming up to me now. I also noticed he was running much faster than before.

Interesting. Maybe his quirk makes him slow. If he's running that fast...

He's probably not applying his hardening to his entire body right now.

I acted quickly, crouching low and spinning backwards with my knife outstretched, going for a blind slice to Kirishima's leg.

My eyes widened in shock when I heard him groan in pain, seeing blood splash up from his leg.

Shit. I know I was supposed to hurt him. But wow. I realized I really didn't want too.

I hesitated for a second, seeing him grit his teeth, getting into his fight stance.

His leg was dripping blood now.

Suddenly, Dabi's words replayed in my head.

"Prove to me you can do this."

"The league of villains is where you belong."

I quickly pushed all hesitation from my mind, as I dodged another one of Bakugou's explosions, landing a harsh elbow to his temple.

Kirishima watched in shock, as Bakugou collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Hah. And he's supposed to be the best student in the class? Yeah right.

I charged full force at Kirishima now, deciding I would wear him down until I could lay a hit on him.

I saw him shuffle backwards slightly, surprised that I was charging at him so aggressively now.

After all, I've pretty much just been dodging this whole fight.

I began swinging my daggers at Kirishima, forcing him to be on the defensive.

I quickly manipulated his sight, trying to give him the illusion that there was a giant wall coming down on him.

That would force him to go left. Just the way I wanted.

But to my complete shock, Kirishima didn't even move out of the way. He didn't even look at the illusion wall I created.

Did he even see it?

I continued swinging my daggers at him, debating on how to proceed.

I began getting slightly curious now, as I quickly created an illusion that another bad guy was charging at him head on.

With this illusion, he should instinctively flinch, giving me an opening.

I gasped in shock, when Kirishima didn't even flinch from my mind manipulation!

I don't think he saw that illusion either!

What's going on?

I was able to land a hit on Kirishima's arm again, before taking my other dagger and hitting his rib.

It was time to end this.

I heard him groan in exertion, trying to land a hit on me, as I began repeatedly hitting the daggers in different parts of his body at lightning speed.

I heard my daggers begin cracking now, as they started wearing down.

But, I noticed Kirishima was also wearing down as very tiny drops of his blood began appearing on my daggers.

"AHH!!! GO TO HELL, YOU UNMANLY VILLAIN!!" Kirishima yelled in anger.

I was slightly taken aback by his angry tone, not focusing on his next move.

I gasped when I suddenly felt a sharp pain sting up my shoulder, seeing blood splash up from my body.

Shit. Kirishima hit me.

And it really hurt!

"HA HA! I GOT YOU!" Kirishima cheered in determination, a shark toothed grin finally forming on his face for the first time during our fight.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly at how proud he was of himself. It was nice seeing him smile again.

I guess I...missed that smile.

His eyebrows suddenly furrowed in confusion.

"H-Hey!! Why are you laughing!? What are you planning!" Kirishima yelled, getting his defensive anger back.

I was about to respond, when I quickly stopped myself.

Normally, I'd just manipulate his hearing to make him hear someone else's voice...

But, now I wasn't sure if that would even work on him.

I was slightly confused on the effects my quirk had on Kirishima.

Instead I simply shrugged in response, before feigning an attack to his shoulder.

Just as I had hoped....Kirishima, starting to become exhausted, focused all his hardening on the shoulder I pretended to attack.

I quickly ducked down, going for a slice on his other leg now.

Just as I heard his leg begin hardening, I quickly jumped up and sliced his shoulder.

Kirishima's body was worn down now, as I began laying more hits on him.

My heart began squeezing in guilt, when I heard him groaning and yelling in pain and frustration.

Don't hesitate, Margo.

I had an open shot to his chest. I could easily plunge my dagger in his heart and kill him.

Instead, I quickly flipped my dagger in my hand, using the blunt end to hit him in the temple.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled to him quietly, as I harshly knocked him in the head.

Kirishima's eyes rolled back in his head, as he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

I sighed in exhaustion, as I looked down at an unconscious Bakugou and Kirishima.

Even though I knew I should leave this area and go find more students to distract, my feet refused to move.

I couldn't take my eyes off Kirishima's beaten body.

Why do you feel bad, Margo!? This was part of your job! You did what you were supposed to do. This is a good thing.

My body acted on its own, as I kneeled down to Kirishima's unconscious figure, pulling out some first aid stuff from my suit.

I only had enough supplies for one person.

Of course, this first aid stuff was only supposed to be used for me, when I got injured, but...for some reason, I wanted to give it to Kirishima instead.

I ignored the steady stream of blood pouring from my shoulder, as I began cleaning Kirishima's wounds.

"Margo, what's your status?" Dabi called out from the earpiece in my ear.

I continued tending to Kirishima's wounds, as I spoke to Dabi.

"I...took out the boys." I simply muttered, gently rotating Kirishima's body to patch up another wound.

"Good. Did you kill them?" Dabi asked eagerly.

I scoffed in annoyance at Dabi's insensitivity.

"I didn't kill them. They went down really easily. There was no need to kill them." I replied shortly.

Not completely true. Bakugou went down pretty easily, but I had to rely solely on my combat skills to take down Kirishima, since my quirk wasn't working on him. I was completely exhausted from my fight with him.

"Fine. Nice job. You're trying to find more students now, right?" Dabi asked.

I sighed, as I looked down at Kirishima. My hand involuntarily went to his forehead, pushing the sweaty, messy hair from it.

"Yeah. I'm searching for them as we speak." I whispered, not even caring that I was lying to Dabi again.

My eyes traced down Kirishima's body. Even though I wore him down, he was still so strong. He could have easily kept fighting me, had I not gotten a lucky hit to his temple.

He could have definitely beaten me in this fight.

"Good job, Margo. Looks like you're doing pretty well. Shigaraki will be pleased." Dabi reassured.

Without another word, I ended the call with Dabi, finally finishing up Kirishima's wound care.

I absentmindedly traced my gloved finger along Kirishima's cheek.

"I wish you could understand." I whispered to his unconscious self, before getting up and going to find more students.

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