12. Why?

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Why stand tall, or act like you're fine?
Those sobs, those tears, aren't they a sign?
Why face the world with a mask and pretend,
Admit it already - you've reached a dead end.

Why curse them stars, why blame the luck?
When life offers bouncers, adapt, learn to duck!
Why tread forward when there seems no hope?
'Cause it's better than to ensconce in a corner and mope.

Why not admit that you're a broken-beyond-repair?
Is begging for your heart's cure worse than your despair?
They might just trash you, ignore you maybe,
But what if someone says "It's gonna be alright, baby"?

Why not see this facile logic of life,
Is there a need for this melancholy rife?
Why put in pain all those who actually care?
Ask your reflection, these questions as you stare.

Every breath you earn,
Please don't hurl it away,
Hold tight and learn
to keep the misery at bay.
Eventually, you'll rise, be something you desire,
Be Dauntless, be gritty, don't light your funeral pyre.

The poem has a very simple message. Don't hesitate to admit you're falling down, don't hesitate to admit you need help.

If you ask, some may laugh. But remember, life isn't hell because of the people that laugh at you, it's a bliss because of people who'd cry and die for you.

Let these words reach any and every struggling soul you have come across. Show them they're not alone. Show them they have us. Show them they can rely on us. Show them that we care. Because come what may, "They Matter".

It's not over till you convince yourself it is.

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