13. Torment

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Ghastly screams of agony I hark,
Of souls that put she in the dark.
Howling sobs of torment I devour,
On her behalf, predating like a voyeur.

When her beauty rivaled a golden rose,
Why relinquishing her life she chose?
When poison slithered down her throat,
Why disregard the antidote?

She bit and clawed and begged and wept,
Resisting with her torn clothes, helpless, inept.  
For she was strenuously compelled to undrape,
Miserably clawed by the demon called rape

She anticipated for assistance to appear,
For justice and security to be delivered to her,
Instead, society bore at her with distaste,
Chastising her for flaunting her waist.

No hint of remorse did the Inhumans display, 
So in their own style, he decided to repay.
They rot in hell now, victims to murder,
Assassinated by her cop-brother.

She was neither my friend nor my lover,
neither my sister nor my mother. 
She was the gender that birthed me, that bred me,
The incarnation of a Goddess, the gender that formed me.

Against all those who do this for 'fun'.  
"Hang them all!" Let's shout as one,
Punish the savages, set an example, 
With fear thus,  shall such barbarism cripple.

ghastly: extremely unwell/unpleasant
to hark: to hear
voyeur:  a person who enjoys seeing the pain or distress of others  
undrape:  uncover, expose

Feel free to comment/PM me if you need help with any meaning.

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