14. Lost Causes

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"Are you there, watching from up above?
The one who created this concept called love.
Of self-immolation why rife is this insanity?
Is it all lost - that empathy and compassion, all that humanity?"

"Why do they desire to visit you, stay with you,
As if every decision they made, was a mistake that they rue?
Thunder boomed, the clocks halted,
Towards a light, as my gaze darted.

"These decisions that they rue and regret,
Are seldom their own, do not forget!
Controlled they are, confined within nets,
They've cut off their own wings, become puppets!"

"Surrounded by losses when; they sit around and mope,
Lay down all weapons, speak as if I'm the only hope.
From their goals, such dependency causes to deviate
Making them slaves to and lost causes of fate."

"Cut-throat are the times; quite combative and dire,
Insecurities now enslave them to vie rather than admire;
Jealousy, thus, casts a spell of suspicion,
Making one and all, lost causes to the competition."

"They witness others and curb their beliefs,
self-confidence thus submerged deep within the reefs.
In caging their opinions they find their paradise,
Always the bobbleheads, they are the lost causes to judgemental eyes"

"The now heartless ones, once cared too much,
fallen on the hard ground, they now shudder with each touch
The lost causes of emotions hence now stand pale,
Having encompassed their feelings in a self-made jail."

Thus, the answers to questions you pose upon me,
Stare at your face, your lifestyle needs scrutiny
For courageous are the men who seek the devil,
Who challenge the societal beliefs, cause an upheaval"

Thunder boomed, the clocks ticked again,
I looked down in shame, realizing I'd been a birdbrain.
Losing our own selves thus, how can we reach afar?
Clearly for us when society is the highest power.

Happy you are when pleasing others is no longer the goal,
And you live not for others but your own blessed soul
So live and laugh on your own terms, I urge
Life is a lesson - learn, adapt, emerge!

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