you love me even when i lose my head

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"(Y/n)-chan, wake up!~"

I shoot out of bed in surprise. I swear I heard Bill's voice...but that's not possible..he's not real...just a character I created...

"Are you okay?" I look beside me to see that I am in bed with a boy who looks just how I imagine Bill to be... what is going on?! Did I get transported into my story?! "What's wrong? Why won't you talk?" He looks alarmed, which makes me feel bad. I try to talk, thinking that if I had transported to the universe where Gravity Falls was, then I can speak. But when I try to speak, nothing comes out. I can't speak, I think, hoping Bill can hear it.

"So...You're from another dimension and I'm just a character you created?" He says, amused. I nod.

"How would you feel if I told you I already knew that?" I shrug. "Well, I was at least expecting some emotion! I can't believe the real you is so dead inside!" I laugh silently. I've always been dead inside, I joke in my thoughts. He laughs. "Yes, I'm aware. So do you know why I brought you here?" I shrug again. "I sent my (Y/n) to your dimension after altering her memory to match yours and having her forget she can talk.

That's...horrible. Why? "It's not a horrible, demonic reason. I did it because she's been having horrible dreams and they're not random. They've been planted by a demon...I can feel I needed to switch you two out. You can help her, if you wish."

How can I help her?

"Just being here. We'll see if he plants your mind with nightmares as well. Also, I'm sure you can help find the culprit since you've more experience than her in mysteries. Then you can go back to your own dimension, and we can have our girl back."

     You act as if I am a completely different person than your (Y/n), I note.

     "Yeah, well you were raised in completely different situations. For one, you were born mute. For two, I've never met you in real life. I don't know you like I do her."

But we're basically the same.

"Sure," he says, unconvinced.

Fine then, rude. You know I don't have to help you. What if I just don't sleep the whole time I'm here?

"You'll be here a while, princess. You'll have to sleep."

No, I don't. I can just load up on coffee or something.

He smirks. "You don't drink coffee and we both know it."

You're no fun.

He ruffles my hair. "Sure I'm fun; I mean, you would know~"

Are you suggesting something?

     He shrugs. "Maybe I am." He kisses my forehead then gets up out of bed. "I'll be downstairs, trying to scavenge for your beloved Pop Tarts. Get dressed then you can eat."

     How do I get there?

     "You should know; you invented all this, after all." He winks at me, then steps out of the room. I look around and it looks like the room I'd imagined my character sharing with Bill. I find the closet easily and grab a (favorite anime) shirt and a pair of jeans. I slide on some shoes and go down the stairs, careful not to fall.

     "You must not have had too much trouble finding your way," Bill notes when I enter the kitchen. He hadn't even looked up from what he was doing. What is he doing, anyway? "I'm getting a head start on dinner. We're having fancy tuna, and I thought I might as well start preparing it. Your Pop Tarts are on the table, by the way. Just the way you like them."

I smile as I sit down and start to nibble on one of the Pop Tarts. So what's the deal with the freaky implanted dreams? Who would be doing this to I guess it's us...well, it's really just her but we're the same person so-

"Please stop rambling in your head! It's not very pleasant to read..." he gripes. Sorry. "I am not griping!" You kind of are... "Not! But anyway, I think it might be those lower class demons that used to work for Tad. They might be targeting her for some reason..."

What are the dreams of, exactly?

"That's just it, she won't tell me! She's just told me that they're scarier than anything I can imagine, which is saying something. I can think of some scary things...Granted they don't scare me, but they're considered scary by human standards. To think that her dreams are scarier than any of that makes me think that of course they are demonic in origin..."

Unless Tad isn't dead.


It was this big twist I had planned for the sequel. And I was also going to have the whole thing just be a story written by an actual person, you know, like a fanfiception or something?

"You're breaking the fourth wall, princess...and that already happened in the first book! For Satan's sake, I think we need to recast the role of (Y/n)..."

May I continue, douchepants?


Thank you. Now as I was thinking, I had this big twist planned for the sequel where Tad didn't actually die. His physical form was the only thing destroyed so he just transported to a different dimension and took a different form. Then he was going to come back and try to take (Y/n) away from you, and would succeed a little bit in that and you'd get so pissed off you would kill him for real, with the help of a druglord who you pissed off disguised as Tad. He would eventually be the one to kill Tad in a hail of demon-killing bullets, but you would die as well because you were too close to the stuff in the bullets that's the like demon-killing-venom-stuff.

"That's quite reminiscent to the original ending of The Fault In Our Stars..."

That's what I was going for, thanks. So now is that going to happen?

"You didn't already write it, did you?" I just look at him. "Crap, you wrote it, didn't you?" Not...all of it. Just up to the part where you get shot by the druglord. "Well, we're screwed."

      But now that she isn't here -and I'm here in her place- it can't happen, right? Because it's a different (Y/n), so the storyline will be different. And even if that storyline does try to force itself into existence, I'll see it coming so it won't happen.

     "To be honest, I have no idea how this will all work out. I think that at the very least, the part about Tad being alive is true, regardless of whether or not your storyline tries to exist. You can't completely kill a demon, only the physical form they've taken. The part about him coming back and haunting our (Y/n), that I'm not too sure about." He shrugs. "It's very much possible, though. And if he tries to take you I'll just have to beat the crap out of him, so don't you worry your pretty little head."

     I wasn't worried, actually. This is my story, remember? Everything that's to happen is of my doing. It's all my fault that this is happening to your (Y/n).

      "Well, not exactly. Our world is just an alternate reality that you dreamed about, and started writing about. But your writing is what completes it all. We're all real, and do things however we wish, but your writing determines important things that happen here. So yes, in a way you're responsible for many things that happen here, but even if you hadn't included Tad as your villain, had changed the real story, it all would've happened anyway. Some things are predetermined, others can change."

     If I rewrite the story, can I change what's going to happen?

     "I have no idea, but it's worth a shot. Do you have your journal?" I pull the journal from my knapsack and start tearing out page after page of material. Really good, interesting material that I really liked. A really good, surprising plot was torn to shreds at my feet, but I knew it was for the greater good. I could write an alternate story someday if I got the inspiration.

      Is it going to work-

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