Chapter Eighteen: Ichigo vs Dark Rukia

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter eighteen: Ichigo vs Dark Rukia

After Ichigo spoke to Darichi, Shiro, Tensa Zangetsu, and Zangetsu trying to formulate a plan on how to defeat and stop Hakurai. They came up with nothing. It was almost like the experiment knew what they were planning to do. It frustrated Ichigo to no end. An all out attack was going to be the only option. Ichigo slowly began to regain consciousnesses as he could see that everyone was within Squad Four barracks but someone was missing.
"Where's Rukia?" Ichigo questioned.
"Damn Berry.... You had us all pretty worried." stated Grimmjow. Ichigo could sense how genuine those words were as it seemed Grimmjow had definitely changed.
"I am touched that you care Grimm. But where is Rukia?"
"She has been captured by Hakurai." answered Kensei.
'Not again! Don't tell me that he plans to use her against me.' Ichigo thought to himself.
*No doubt King. It feels as if he knows I have betrayed him and will stop at nothing to see the human part of you die and for Shiro and I to be under his complete control.* stated Darichi.
*I have had enough with this creature. Can we go kill him now King? I just want things to return to normal.* growled Shiro.
*You and me both Shiro. But first we have to rescue Rukia.... Yet again!*

Meanwhile Dark Rukia was accessing her memories as she knew where Ichigo and his allies were hold up. Even though she was completely under Hakurai's control, a part of her didn't want to attack and destroy Ichigo.
'Why is it I feel this way? Why does the thought of that human frustrate me as I seem to know that he would risk everything for me?'
*Because Ichigo has done so twice already. No matter what, Ichigo refuses to give up and give in. He is willing to risk everything for a friend.* replied a voice in the back of Dark Rukia's mind. Dark Rukia recognized the voice as it belonged to her other half, Rukia.
*Then he is a fool.* hissed Dark Rukia.
*We will see.* Rukia stated.

Meanwhile, Ichigo was filled in to what happened. It caused the orange haired teen to curse out loud.
*Jesus King.... Such a pouty mouth. Don't worry, we will get her back. Once we do, I want to personally kick Hakurai's ass. He has been a royal pain since we got here.* hissed Shiro.
*I totally agree Shiro. Forcing us to fight our friends and people we care for. I will be more than happy to make sure he is destroyed permanently.* Ichigo stated as he got up to his feet.
"So what's the plan Ichigo?" asked Shinji.
"Rescue Rukia and kick Hakurai's ass!" answered Ichigo.
"Sounds like you can use some help." stated a dark feminine voice. It turned out Tier had joined the group.
"Tier you came!" stated Nell in surprise as she had returned back to her adult form because of Hakurai's powers.
"I am not doing this for you Shinigami or the Seireitei. But I have noticed that this Hakurai's powers have begun to alter Hueco Mundo and all of the hollows. I have come to realize that this Hakurai is a major problem for both of our realms. So for the moments think of this as a temporary alliance." stated Tier.

As if on cue, the air around them drastically changed. Ichigo has felt this kind of spiritual pressure before. He remembered he felt it when those two kids, Homaru and Shizuku had fused themselves with Rukia. Previous to Rukia becoming a shinigami, she had taken care of two children in the Rukon Distrcit. They did not like the fact that she had left them and ended up finding her only to turn her into a sinister, darker form of herself in an attempt to eradicate all of the shinigami. Luckily, Ichigo was there to stop them.  But, this spiritual pressure felt stronger. No doubt Hakurai had given her some sort of power to strengthen her darker self. Everyone rushed outside and saw Rukia standing in the sky. She looked like a demented and sinister version of herself. She is dressed in a tattered white kimono, with what seems to be a long-collared red cape draped on her back. Her eyes have become cat-like with a lavender tint as her hair matched. She has a golden cloth around her waist and she carried a long scythe with a twisted up rod. The look she gave was blank and emotionless. It made Ichigo cringe. That's not the Rukia he knows.
"I am here to exterminate Ichigo Kurosaki." stated the hollowfied Rukia.
"Rukia, you have to listen to me. Hakurai has you controlled! Snap out of it, please!" Ichigo yelled out.  The hollowfied Rukia ignored Ichigo completely. She flash stepped directly in front of Ichigo. She swiped her blade,aiming to slice Ichigo's neck. He avoided the attack only by a hair. Hakurai had enhanced her speed greatly. With her great speed, it would be hard to fuse his powers into her to turn her back to normal. He definitely doesn't want to use Darichi's form. He doesn't want to hurt her, as Rukia is still inside of that demonic body.

*King, I know you wish not to hurt Rukia. Maybe if you let me into her mindscape, I can help get her out.* Shiro suggested.
*That could work.* Ichigo stated before he turned to the group he was with. "I to get close enough to her." Ichigo stated.
"Leave that to me." Tier replied already transformed in to her resurreccion form. "I will distract her long enough for you to do what you need to do." She leapt into battle, swinging her large sword around at Rukia. Wherever Tier had tried to land a hit, Rukia's scythe was there to stop it. Tier's resurreccion ability makes her able to control the moister in the air around her. The air around her began to whip up and the moisture seemed to stick to her blade. Soon, a large bubble of water surrounded the blade. She wound up her arm, taking aim at Dark Rukia. She swung her zanpakuto hard, releasing the large body of water. The water smacked Dark Rukia, hitting her with its hard pressure. She was blown into a building all the way at the end of the barracks and made a large indentation of where she impacted.

Tier chased after her flying body, ready to impale her with her shark-tooth shaped blade. Just as the blade graced Dark Rukia's skin, Rukia spun her scythe around, twisting it infront of her, and knocking Tier's blade away. The spinning continued, but some sort of black energy formed around the blade. The black energy grew larger and larger until it was time for Dark Rukia to release it. It hit Tier hard sending her flying through the air. She was able to catch herself in the air and charge back for Dark Rukia. A yellow energy flowed around Tier's blade and when she was ready, she released the yellow cero at Dark Rukia. It enveloped Rukia, sending powerful shocks all over her body. When the pain was over, Dark Rukia couldn't help but collapse and go unconscious.
*King, now is our chance! I need to get inside Rukia's mind!* Shiro exclaimed. Ichigo jumped to Dark Rukia's side and rested his hands on her. One was on her forehead while the other rested on her chest. He closed his eyes, and poured some of his energy into Dark Rukia. He fused Shiro into her, in hopes to save her. Ichigo's last hope would be to fuse his power into her again but, that could possibly be fatal doing it again.

Shiro succefully made his way into Rukia's mindscape. The place looked like a cold, barren waste land. It looked like somewhere in the Arctic. There wasn't a soul in sight until, Shiro turned behind him and saw two beings. One was the Dark Rukia that Tier had been fighting and the other was the Rukia that Ichigo knew all to well. Shiro felt another's presence by his side as he recognized Darichi's presence almost instantly. Shiro didn't question the Vasto lorde wondering why he was there as he seemed to know.
"Hollow Ichigo?" Rukia questioned as Dark Rukia leapt before her human half ready to do battle. No one had noticed that Darichi had moved until he took a hold of Dark Rukia's weapon.
"You are clearly being used." he snarled nodding his head towards Shiro. Shiro seemed to pick up on Darichi's intention as he began to pour his spiritual energy into Zangetsu. Dark Rukia's complete attention was on Darichi as she didn't notice Rukia had moved away as Shiro thrusted his spiritual energy into the hollow. The control that Hakurai had on Dark Rukia began to crumple as the two inner hollows of Ichigo turned towards Rukia.
"This will make you kind of like Ichigo and the other Vizards for a short time until we can completely destroy Hakurai. Think you can handle it?" asked Shiro.
"Yeah, I got it from here. I guess even Hakurai's powers affected Ichigo in some way." stated Rukia. Shiro flashed a devilish smile at Rukia.
"Nah... I have always been a part of Ichigo. But him on the other hand is new to the whole thing. We will be glad to hopefully have things back to somewhat normal after we kick Hakurai's ass. Even though this science experiment gone wrong has altered a part of us." answered Shiro.
"Shiro, we should head back now." stated Darichi.
"Yeah I'm coming. See you guys later!" yelled out Shiro as the two hollows disappeared from Rukia's mindscape.

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