Chapter Nineteen: the end is near

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter nineteen: the end is near

Now that everyone is back to somewhat normal, it's was time for them to go after Hakurai before anything else happens. Ichigo and Grimmjow lead the way, with Rukia and the other Vizards flanking their sides. The plan to sneak up on Hakurai was thrown out the window. He must know by now of the plan and there's no use trying to do it again, or think of a different plan. They all flash stepped their way up above the clouds where Hakurai resides. The spiritual pressure of the beast was always around them but, when getting closer to Hakurai they all can feel a massive increase in pressure. This was greater than anything they have ever felt. It was greater than Yamoto's, Kenpachi's, or Aizen when he used the hogyoku all combined. This was going to be a tough fight and Ichigo is more than ready for it he had just about enough of this science experiment gone mad.

As they approached a giant dark cloud the wind swept up around them making it difficult to move any further. Sparks of lightning shot out from the dark cloud as the group avoided being electrocuted. No doubt Hakurai is in there. Ichigo swallowed back the nervousness in his throat as he knows that he would have to use Darichi in the end. He just hoped that Hakurai won't take advantage of it. The pressure with inside of the cloud was much stronger than outside. It made it hard to breathe without the feeling of an elephant on their chests. But that wasn't anywhere near as close as to the feeling they had when they spotted the giant dragon-like monster before them.
"So, you have finally come Ichigo Kurosaki." Hakurai bellowed.
"It's time for you to pay for what you've done to the Soul Society. You've turned everyone into crazed and hollowfied monsters! For what reason?" Ichigo screamed in anger.
"The one who created me thought I was only a mere experiment, a tool for the Shinigami to use as they seem fit. I am showing them that I am more than that. I can be a threat to everyone."

Growing impatient with anger, Ichigo charged for the beast. It caught everyone off guard as they were expecting him to go into bankai or even Vasto Lorde form first before attempting to attack Hakurai. Grimmjow didn't even have any time to transform into his Segunda Etapa form. Ichigo was immediately blown back by a small flick of Hakurai's tail.
"A fiesty one, aren't we?" A bright light exploded from his body and a portal opened up beside him. Hollows flooded out of it and encircled the team. Each one of them readied themselves for the upcoming attack.

*King, I think you would need to use Darichi. Combine hits with Grimmjow's power and you guys might stand a chance.* Shiro said.
"Leave the Hollows to us, Ichigo. You handle Hakurai." Rukia said. Ichigo nodded his head as he turned towards Grimmjow nodding briefly. The sixth Espada seemed to understand what the plan was as he nodded his head.
*I promise, King. I will not let Hakurai win.* Darichi assured him.
*Right, An neither will I.* Ichigo stated internally as he transformed into his Vasto Lorde form. Grimmjow transformed as well. The others leapt into battle.

Ichigo withdrew his zanpakuto as Grimmjow extended out his claws. They both jumped and rushed towards Hakurai, blades fully extended. Hakurai whipped a bluish white ball of energy towards them. Ichigo grabbed it with his bare hands stopping it from making any sort of impact. Darichi bellowed a dark menacing and demonic growl. A red cero formed in between Ichigo's horns, when it released at the dragon, a the bluish white ball of energy and small explosion occurred. Dust and smoke covered Hakurai until the wind swept it away.

"You're strong. That Captain of squad eleven even had a hard time withstanding that attack." Hakurai commented. Grimmjow disappeared from view, only to reappear behind Hakurai. Hakurai however, was one step ahead of him. His claws came scraping across Grimmjow's body. Grimmjow was able to move out of the way enough for the scratch wounds to only break the skin slightly. Blood beaded up across his chest as he groaned in the pain. Hakurai flew up and made a deafening screech, that out matched Darichi's own. The winds seemed to change as the sky above them cracked, opening a pitch black void. A massive hollow pokes its head out, then crawls out from the hole. Two more follow behind that one, trailed by smaller ones, much like the ones everyone else is fighting. Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and gaped at the new hollows.

"Shit! He can summon Menos Grande?" Kensei gasped. One of the menos grande threw its leg up, hitting Ichigo, throwing him high into the air
above the hollow's head. Ichigo caught himself in mid air, and propelled himself downwards, pointing his zanpakuto outwards. The point dug down into the hollow's skull and burrowed deep inside. Ichigo continued down the menos grande, eventually splitting it in half. The beast let out one final roar as it disintegrated, leaving dust in its wake. As the debris cleared, the other two menos grande were staring down Ichigo's Vasto Lorde form. A red glow growing near their mouths. Both shot out in unison at Ichigo, hitting him on the mark causing a large explosion.
"Ichigo!" Rukia exclaimed in fear thinking he had died.
"Itsy-go!" Nell exclaimed as she finished off one of the hollows in front of her. Hakurai just grinned, thinking that he's won. But then he began to feel a foreign power coming from the explosion as the winds whipped around showing Ichigo completely unharmed from the attack. But it looked like his Vasto Lorde form had changed slightly. Rukia gasped as she recognized the skull clad armor Ichigo had once wore while within the Hell Verse. But it also combined that with the Final Getsuga Tensho. Everyone stared at Ichigo in amazement as it seemed that the hollows that Hakurai's had summoned backed away from the teen in fear.

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