Chapter Twenty: a means to an end

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter twenty: a means to an end

Hakurai floated there almost shocked at Ichigo's appearance. He wasn't the only one as even Ichigo's allies where in shock. Ichigo looked down at the skull clad armor wondering how in the world did it end up on him?
*It seems that all the realms are in alignment giving you power to defeat Hakurai.* stated Tensa Zangetsu.
*Man this power is almost overwhelming King. Most certainly we can defeat that damn science experiment gone wrong now with this power.* Shiro hissed. Ichigo turned his attention towards Hakurai as another zanpakuto appeared in his free hand made completely out of black reishi.
"Round two Hakurai. You are going down!" Ichigo snarled in a dark voice.
" Let's see you try substitute!" replied Hakurai. Ichigo leapt into battle much quicker than before as he was almost face to face with the great beast.
"Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" Ichigo snapped out swinging both swords violently. The attack hit Hakurai hard scratching his almost impenetrable dragon scales. Hakurai roared out in pain as he took a swing at Ichigo with his sharp talons. The energy sword disappeared from Ichigo's free hand as he caught the claws before they could rip into him.
Dark reishi began to whip around Ichigo like a cloak. "Kuro Getsuga (black moon fang)!" snarled Ichigo as the attack leapt from Ichigo's body attacking Hakurai range. The attack managed to singe the beast's skin on its back, taking scales off as well, leaving a bright pink flesh in its wake.

"Damn you!" Hakurai snarled in retaliation. A bright reishi flowed around him as well. He charged for Ichigo, and Ichigo did the same. Both the dark and light reishi collided. Both pushed against each other with great force. It was hard to determine which side was going to win this battle of wills. For a moment, the black reishi was over powering the white reishi. Then it flipped around and Hakurai's power was dominant. The dust around them kicked up violently, as the explosion forced the two to stop. Once it cleared, both of them seemed worn out as their powers are now equal. Grimmjow leapt out of the dust that still mustered in the air. His claws glowed a bright blue. His speed made it hard to even keep an eye on him. He weaved back and forth in the air, rushing close to Hakurai. He dug his nails into the side of Hakurai's face. Growling, he snapped at Grimmjow, but he quickly dodged. A blue ball of energy grew in Grimmjow's hands. As it grew larger with every second, he caught eyesight with Hakurai. The eye contact seemed to last forever. The ball of energy was almost too large for Grimmjow to handle. He looked over at Ichigo and smirked. He launched it at Ichigo. With the unexpectedness of the situation, Ichigo was blind sided by the Cero.
*What the fuck? Did Hakurai take control of him again?* Shiro asked.
*I don't think so. This is typical Grimmjow. I guess seeing me in this form, he desires to attack me full on regardless of me facing against Hakurai.* Ichigo replied.
*King.... We can send him back to Los Noches. This way we can focus slowly on Hakurai.* stated Darichi in the back of Ichigo's mind. Ichigo noticed Tier leap up behind Grimmjow as she nodded her head towards Ichigo.
*There's no need Darichi. It seems that Tier is taking care of it.* A small black box was in the palm of Tier's hand.
"You are in need of a time out Grimmjow. Descorrer (loosed void)!" stated Tier as she placed the box in Grimmjow's hole.
"What.... No! You can't do this to me!" yelled out Grimmjow.
"Watch me!" snapped Tier as the box expanded and wrapped around Grimmjow sending him back to Los Noches.

Ichigo turned his attention back to Hakurai to see the experiment wrapped in light as it seemed to be radiating off his body.
'Shit.... It seems that he had one trick left up his sleeve.' Ichigo thought to himself.
"This is the end for you Kurosaki! Rampu Doragon Tobikiri Kuchiku Bakuha (light dragon superior destruction blast)!" roared out Hakurai.  The super charged blast hurdled straight for Ichigo hitting him dead on. 
"Ichigo!" everyone shouted out in concern. 
"So much for your all mighty protector!  Both the Seireitei and Hueco Mundo are now mine to control as I see fit." laughed Hakurai.

"Are you certain about that?  I wouldn't count your eggs before they hatch Hakurai." stated Ichigo.  As the blast cleared away from Ichigo, it seemed like a Kushanada was protecting the teen from Hakurai's blast.
"Impossible!" growled Hakurai as it watched the Kushanada dissolve.  Ichigo could feel both versions of his zanpakutos and hollows pouring their power into the teen.
"Impossible or not Hakurai.  I will forever end your reign of terror here and now!" Ichigo stated as a zanpakuto made out of black energy formed in his hand.  "Mugetsu!" snapped out Ichigo as he swung the sword.  The energy unleashed at full force in a straight line for the dragon.  Hakurai tried to protect himself with his energy but it seemed that Ichigo's attack was much too powerful for him to withstand.  Ichigo wasn't done yet.  Taking his bankai of Tensa Zangetsu into his free hand, he allowed his reishi to sky rocket causing the sky to clear all around him. "Getsuga Jujisho (moon fang cross shaped piercer)!"  shouted out Ichigo as he swung both zanpakutos at the same time causing the reishi to form into a cross shape.  The attack hit Hakurai at full force causing the experimental dragon to let out one last roar in pain before its body crashed down to the Seireitei.  The creatures body began to dissolve away into nothingness as the remained of its energy rocketed up towards the heavens clearing away the storm clouds that the dragon had created.  The white rain had vanished completely as any of the shinigami that was still hollowfied, collapsed suddenly as their bodies returned back to normal.  The transformation that Ichigo underwent vanished from his body as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.  The teen then began to fall rapidly from the sky.

"Go.... Minazuki!" cried out Unohana as she unleashed her zanpakuto.  Unohana's shikai looked like a giant sting ray with one eye.  Minazuki flew up catching Ichigo on its back before it flew back down.  The young substitute was out cold.  His reishi was almost none existent as it seemed that the young teen wasn't going to last much longer unless they got him back into his gigai.  "Hachigen can you place him in a healing barrier.  We need to get Ichigo back into his gigai right away."
"Right away Captain." replied Hachigen as he clapped his hands together allowing a healing kido barrier to surround Ichigo.
"I will go back to the world of the living and locate his gigai.  I will also have Orihime stand by to help Hachigen with healing Ichigo." stated Shinji.  Unohana nodded her head as the Vizard captain opened up a senkaimon going back to the human world.
"Hang in there Kurosaki." Unohana stated softly.

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