Chapter Eleven: vasto lode

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter Eleven: vasto lorde

Ichigo pulled out his sword as he waited for Grimmjow to make the first move. He had fought Grimmjow twice. The first time Grimmjow nearly killed him. The second time Ichigo nearly killed Grimmjow. Plus who knew what new abilities Grimmjow had because of Hakurai. Even though Ichigo was still a bit sore from his last battle with transforming head captain Yamamoto back, he was determined to fight Grimmjow if he had to. Ichigo could sense the other Vizards join him as they felt the presence of the hollows.

"Ichigo is that....?" asked Shinji as he recognized Grimmjow.

"Yeah.... The sixth Espada, Grimmjow Jeagerjack." Ichigo hissed.

"Ichigo Kurosaki..... I have no clue why but I have this over whelming urge to kill you. Frankly I should be dead or close to death after our last battle. I still don't understand why you bothered to save me." Grimmjow growled. Ichigo could feel it even stronger now as he faced Grimmjow. The urge to shift into the vasto lorde form when he faced Ulquiorra and killed him. The urge was nearly impossible to control.

'Is Hakurai affecting it?' Ichigo asked himself.

*No King.... It is a natural response for when you are facing a tough opponent. Hell even I can feel it. I highly doubt that Hakurai knows your true strength or even what you are capable of.* Shiro replied.

*So he is testing me. I never thought I would have to face Grimmjow again. Last time I was lucky enough to defeat him. I don't like this Shiro. I doubt that I can remain sane enough in that form.* Ichigo replied as he watched the sixth Espada pull out his sword.

*I will try to hold it back as long as possible King. But you may want to get our allies as far away from here as possible. God knows what will happen if we do transform into that form.* replied Shiro. Ichigo knew that his inner hollow had a point.

"Shinji..... Have Hachigen take you and the others back to where Unohana is. Take also both Toshiro and Renji with you." Ichigo stated.

"No Ichigo..... We will say and fight alongside with you." replied Shinji. Ichigo turned to the Vizard as parts of the vasto lorde form had surfaced.

"Please Shinji. I want you guys safe. Hakurai is gunning for me. No doubt the others told you about that form. I am trying to keep it from manifesting but, I don't think I will be able to. Don't worry. I will try to be careful as this isn't my first dance with Grimmjow." Ichigo stated. Shinji forced himself to nod his head as he went back into the prison to retrieve the others. 'Hopefully I can hold them off from attacking the group.' Ichigo thought to himself as he noticed the hollows that were with Grimmjow leap to attack him.

Ichigo could feel a pool of power form in his hand as he clearly recognized the cero (doom blast). It should be impossible for a human to create one but then again we are talking about Ichigo. He is anything but human. Grimmjow watched with a curious eye as the cero lept from Ichigo's hands mowing down as many hollows as possible.

"So it seems that you are capable of our power. No wonder why he wants you dead. You pose a dangerous threat to his plans." Grimmjow stated.

"Grimmjow..... Don't force me to kill you this time. Don't listen to Hakurai as he is clearly controlling you." Ichigo snarled as his voice began to become laced with his inner hollows. Grimmjow threw his head back laughing.

"You have no idea of the kind of power I have obtained!" hissed Grimmjow as he placed his hands onto his zanpakuto. "Grind Pantera!" he snarled releasing. But Grimmjow wasn't finished as the power swirled around him changing him.

*Shit..... King you may have no choice but to go into vasto lorde form. It seems that Hakurai has given him the power to release into a Segunda Etapa.* Shiro snapped mentally. When the power died down Grimmjow stood before Ichigo in a second release state. Ichigo remembered just how powerful Ulquiorra was in that state. But Grimmjow's looked far different than Ulquiorra's did. Tight white armor surrounded his top half much like before but from his hips down was completely that of a cat complete with blue fur that matched his hair. His facial features looked far more cat-like than ever before. Grimmjow didn't give Ichigo a chance to equip his hollow mask as he moved so quickly that he kicked Ichigo off from the prison and onto the ground.

Ichigo was kicked so hard he left a deep and long impression on the ground. He climbed out of the hole withdrawing his zanpakuto, ready to fight Grimmjow. Before Ichigo could even tell where Grimmjow landed after the kick, Ichigo was blindsided. Grimmjow had rammed into Ichigo with all of his weight.

*Christ! His agility and speed has increased substantially, King. I don't think you'll be able to lay a hand on him without going into vasto lorde form!* Shiro commented.

*I don't want to lose control, Shiro. I know if I use that form I may just kill more than Grimmjow.*

*The only way you are going to win this battle is by transforming into vasto lorde. Otherwise, Grimmjow's new form is too fast for you to handle.*

Ichigo sighed. He knew Shiro was right. With Grimmjow's new power courtesy of Hakurai, he's too fast for Ichigo to even land a hit on him. Ichigo also has a feeling that that's exactly what Grimmjow wants. He finally let the rest of his Hollow form take over. His white skin laced over his tanned human skin. His muscles seemed grow underneath the whitened skin. His short orange hair grew longer, down to the middle of his back. A hole also appeared in his chest. The rietsu around him exploded in a bright light, revealing the final transformation into vasto lorde.

Grimmjow grinned, showing his sharp feline fangs. "Are you ready now, Ichigo?" He asked. In response, Ichigo let out his demonic growl and charged for Grimmjow at full speed. His speed at increased ten fold, allowing him to properly keep up with Grimmjow. He slashed and swiped his zanpakuto around aiming for Grimmjow's midsection. Unfortunately, Grimmjow's claws acting as his sword was there to block every attack. With the last of Ichigo's attack, they held their swords clashed together. Grimmjow ended up pushing him away from the Vasto Lorde. He couldn't help but laugh.

"This, this is what I've been waiting for!" Grimmjow shouts. "Now that we are evenly matched, we will see who is the better fighter!"

He jumped back towards Ichigo, clawing at him. Ichigo blocked each swipe. Grimmjow jumped back and lunged for him again. Once he was at a point-blank range a cero formed in his hands. Ichigo knew of this from last time. Before the large ball of energy could be unleashed Ichigo grabbed him by the wrist, and thrusted it up. The cero shot up in the air, and exploded in the sky like a firework. Just as that one was released, Grimmjow's other free hand reached over for another attempted cero strike. Ichigo did the same thing as he did before. Grimmjow looked at him, shocked by what happened. The hollowfied Ichigo turned to face Grimmjow. His very own cero began to grow in between his hollow horns.

The blast shot out and hit Grimmjow point-blank in the face. He was sent flying across the ground. Before he could get up to attack, Ichigo was already on top of him. He let out another demonic screech. Another cero formed in his horns. The blast exploded, pushing Grimmjow farther into the ground. A large rut was now in the ground, surrounded by other hollowfied shinigami watching the fight. Ichigo walked towards Grimmjow emitting a low growl, ready to finish him off. He watched as Grimmjow, battered and bloody, struggle to get up.

As he neared the Arrancar, he started to get shouts from the surrounding Hollows. He ignored them and just kept moving. Grimmjow made eye contact with Ichigo as he could see the hurt and pain in his blue eyes. It made Ichigo feel happy and full of lust, ready to deal the final blow.

*King, I think you should stop now. He has had enough,* Shiro suggested. Ichigo ignored him and kept on walking towards Grimmjow. The other Hollows moved as they stood in front of Grimmjow, creating a wall to block Ichigo. They were all ready to attack Ichigo at once. *Please, King. Stop this now before you end up hurting the people you wish to save!* Ichigo ignored Shiro once again as he quickly bashed through the wall of hollowfied shinigami. He disappeared and quickly reappeared behind Grimmjow. He thrusted his sword into Grimmjow's back. Blood spit from his mouth as he collapsed in front of Ichigo.

Ichigo started to calm down as the white skin started to unravel from his body. He looked down at what he had done. Ichigo was horrified by what he had done.

*I told you that you should have stopped, King.* Shiro sighed.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." said a familiar voice. He picked up his head and saw a man with shaggy brown hair. It was Coyote Starrk, first espada from Aizen's army.

"I went too far. I didn't mean to kill him." Ichigo said.

"You didn't kill him. He's still aliveand can be saved."

Ichigo knew what he needed to do. It would be dangerous but, he would need to take Grimmjow back to Unohana for healing. He stood up and slumped Grimmjow onto his shoulder.

"I was sent here to kill youbut, I don't feel like fighting much. I'll help you heal Grimmjow for now." Coyote stated. Ichigo had heard that perhaps one of the laziest of the Espada.

"Thanks Stark." Ichigo stated.

"Don't thank me yet Kurosaki. We are still enemies. But there's a much powerful threat out there that we have to deal with first." replied Stark. Ichigo nodded his head as they traveled back to the squad four barracks.

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