Chapter Twelve: unexpected allies

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translation)

Chapter Twelve: unexpected allies

Ichigo barged in through the doors of the Squad Four barracks and placed the unconscious Grimmjow on a gurney. There wasn't much trouble getting Grimmjow there as Starrk held off most of the Hollowfied Shinigami. The ones he couldn't hold off they managed to run from.  Both Unohana and Captain Yamamoto looked surprised that Ichigo dared to bring two Espada back with him. Shinji and the others were there as well as they looked just as shocked as Captain Yamamoto that Ichigo would actually dare to bring their allies there.

"Ichigo! What do you think you are doing?" Yamamoto snapped.

"He's badly injured. Please, Unohana, can you heal him?" Ichigo asked.

"But, he's an enemy. Last time he....."

"I know what he did last time." Ichigo interrupted Unohana. "But right now, he needs our help.  He was corrupted by Hakurai. I hope that he has come to his senses now."  Unohana still looked hesitant to heal him. She looked back at Yamamoto for answers. He stood there, trying to figure out what to do. He looked back at Unohana and nodded. She turned to Grimmjow and put up a protective healing barrier around him. As she was busy healing him, the others started talking about what their next plan of action should be.

"It sounds like to me Captain Mayuri is too hard for you guys to find. Maybe you should just go straight for Hakurai," Starrk stated sitting back in a relaxed position.

"That's too dangerous for us to do. He controls those crazed Hollowfied Shinigami. If we try to attack him now, we could easily become outnumbered." Shinji retorted.

"So do you think we should keep searching for Mayuri?" Rukia asked.

"No, of course not. This is apparently a wild goose chase. He's nowhere to be found. But, we can't just start going after Hakurai. It's a suicide mission!" Shinji answered.

*King, maybe you can find a way that we can get more Arrancar allies. With them, we might have a chance at fighting Hakurai.* Shiro suggested.

*It would be a good solution, Shiro. But, how would we really be able to get all of the Arrancar to be on our side? I'm sure most of them are still bitter about how some of our battles ended with there.* Ichigo answered mentally.

*I never said all of them King. We could get as many as we can.*

*Why would they be any more help to us anyways, Shiro? They can't do anything the Vizards can't do.*

*Didn't you notice before Grimmjow fought you that the hollows didn't attack you? And how they moved out of the way for Grimmjow? I think they obey the Arrancar. Either if it's out of fear or respect, we can use it to our advantage.*

Looking back on just before the battle, Ichigo could recall them making a pathway for the panther-like Arrancar. Shiro might be onto something. If they could get enough Arrancar to fight with them, then they might have sort of a shield for Hakurai's tricks.

"Okay guys, I have a plan. I think we need to get a couple more Arrancar on our side, we might have a chance against Hakurai." Ichigo said.

"What? Are you crazy? We could barely trust these two Arrancar. What makes you think we can trust three or four?" Yamamoto shouted.

"Ouch." Starrk commented.

"Able to trust them or not, we would greatly benefit from them being our allies." Ichigo responded.

"Why are they so important?" Rukia questioned.

"Well just before Grimmjow and I fought, they seemed to have obeyed him and made a path for him to meet me. I have a theory that if we bring them with us to fight Hakurai we may have a chance at beating him."

"What Kurosaki says is true.  Most of your Hollowfied Shinigami's didn't bother to attack us while I was with him as we carried Grimmjow here.  Besides I know of a few who may be able to help us out.  One of them you guys are very familiar with." Starrk stated.  Ichigo instantly knew of the one Starrk was talking about. 

"You mean Nell?" Ichigo asked as he found a place to sit down.  He hurt all over as he was still a bit sour from his battle with Grimmjow.  He shuttered to think about what he was capable of doing through the Vasto Lorde form.  And the worst part of it all, Hakurai knew about it.  Who knew what this creature was capable of if he could easily control someone like Grimmjow, what made him any different? 

*There's no way that he can control you King.* stated Shiro.

*How are you certain Shiro?  Think about it..... I am unlike anything within this world as my powers seem to always be changing and evolving.  I am not even certain what I am anymore.* Ichigo replied.

*You are still you King.  You are still human if that is what you fear.  You must conquer your inner fears if you plan to destroy Hakurai and save the Seireitei.*

*Remember that we are always by your side.  We will continue to remain by your side until the bitter end.* stated Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu in unison.

*Thank you..... All of you.* replied Ichigo as he turned his attention to Stark.  "Do you think that you would be able to bring our allies here?"

"They may need a little bit of persuasion.  I know that Nelliel TuOdelschwanck will be more than willing to help but I am not certain about Tier Harribel.  But I will try my best.  I shall be back as quickly as possible." replied Stark as he opened up a descorrer (loosed void) to journey back to Hueco Mundo.

Shortly after Coyote Starrk had left, Unohana had finished healing Grimmjow. He woke up from his unconsciousness and sat up of the gurney. He looked around him with a confused expression on his face.

"I..... I'm not dead?" he mumbled to himself.

"I never wanted to kill you Grimmjow. I just wanted you to realize that you were being controlled by Hakurai." Ichigo stated as his hands were rested on his zanpakuto just encase Grimmjow decided to attack.

"Why did you spare my life again Kurosaki?" Grimmjow asked bluntly.

"I don't think it was right to kill someone who has no control over their actions. Besides, if I hadn't have spared your life, we wouldn't know what we now know."

"What have you learned?" he asked as he watched Ichigo become relaxed.  The substitute Shinigami seemed much different from his previous battles.  Even far more powerful than he expected him to be.  'I don't get why he spared my life yet again.  But I am bound to find out what makes him so strong and powerful.  Why the mere thought of him makes my blood boil one minute but at times seems like I am willing to fight by his side rather than against him.' Grimmjow thought to himself.  Ichigo informed him of what had happened. About the Hollowfied Shinigami obeying him as he came to face Ichigo. Grimmjow recalled them making a path for him but, he wasn't sure why. Ichigo also informed him that Coyote Starrk is also helping them in part of the plan to fight Hakurai.

"Well I'll be damned if I let someone try to control me. Alright Kurosaki, I'll help you out as well." Grimmjow said.

As they waited for Coyote's return with hopefully more Arrancar, Ichigo sat down with Rukia, Grimmjow, Shinji, and Kensei to devise a plan against Hakurai.

"I think we should hit him head on." Grimmjow growled angrily at the mere thought of an experimental project controlling him.  Shinji only sighed in annoyance.

"We can't just do that. That is what will get us killed. We need to have a strategy." he stated.

"Well, it seems that he knows our every move. Or at least Ichigo's. So using him as a secret weapon won't work like it normally would." Kensei added.

"We might not be able to use him a secret weapon. However, we could use him as a decoy." Rukia chimed in. She got stares from everyone waiting for her to elaborate on her idea. "If we have Ichigo distract Hakurai, maybe the rest of us could get close enough to Hakurai to attack him."

"Wait a second.  If Hakurai is aware of Ichigo at all times, how are we sure that it can't hear us make this plan up as we speak?" Grimmjow asked.  They hadn't thought about that. They could only hope that Hakurai wasn't listening. If he was listening in, they would have tougher time beating him that they had intended.

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