Chapter Seven: three musketeers

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openmonded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter Seven: three musketeers

Ichigo figured that they could try to find Kensei Muguruma, another vizared that had helped Ichigo once a long time ago who was now Captain of squad nine.

'Maybe he could possibly help us figure out what's going on around here with all of this strange rain.' Ichigo thought to himself. He looked over at Shinji, looking him over. Even though Shiro had said that vizards don't seem to be effected by the rain, Ichigo couldn't help but double-check. The last thing he needs is a surprise attack by a wet, crazed vizard.

"See anything you like?" Shinji asked, smirking a little. Ichigo gave him a scowl and went back to watching the road in front of him. It was very difficult to see anything. The rain had came down in shrouds. The farther they went into the Seireitei, the harder it rained.

*King, look over there!* Shiro abruptly said. In the distance, a dark, shadowy cluster rose into the sky. Smoke. It looked like it's coming from division twelve barracks. Although Ichigo hadn't heard an explosion, there couldn't have been a fire. Not with all of this rain.

'I wonder what could have happened,' Ichigo pondered.

*We should go check it out. It could possibly lead to clues as to where this rain came from.*

'Even better. It might be one of the other vizareds who might have found another transformed shinigami,' Ichigo thought. Even though Ichigo doesn't like the thought of having to deal with another hollowfied shinigami, he does like the thought of having another vizared to help him out.

"You see it too." Shinji said. Ichigo nodded, agreeing that he too sees the giant heap of smoke piling in the air.

"We should go check it out, but keep on our toes. We don't know what could be the cause of that."

They both quickly flash stepped their way over to the division barracks. Using the smoke as a guide. They were led to the research and development wing. A large hole was made towards the top of the building, with smoke fuming out. Wires and steel beams were protruding out of it as well. The entrance to the facility looked as if it had been kicked down.

"What the hell happened here?" Shinji questioned.

"Only one way to find out." Ichigo started to walk towards the door. He stopped dead in his tracks suddenly. The energy coming from this building is way different from anything he has ever felt. It feels like a mass of electricity crawling through every inch of his body. It doesn't feel like spiritual pressure of anyone he knows. He tried to ignore the feeling and press on inside the building.

As Ichigo and Shinji entered the building they immediately saw broken glass and wires thrown everywhere. Large tubes still managed to be intact except one, which looked as if something had broken out of it. In front of the broken tube was a computer with the monitor cracked. Thick cables lay scattered about the room as large chunks of the ceiling had fallen to the ground.

"Looks like a tornado went through here." Shinji stated.

"Do you think this was a Hollow of some kind?" Ichigo asked.

*Please King, I know you felt and what I felt. Both you and I know that isn't the presence of a hollow.* Shiro hissed. Ichigo made his way over to the shattered tube. An odd, slimy substance still remained on the inside of the glass. It smelled almost like sewage.

'What the hell was Mayuri up to?' Ichigo wondered. The sound of glass being crushed startled both Ichigo and Shinji. As they both whirled around ready to attack anything that may be behind them. A man stood behind them. His hair was silver and spiked up. The number 69 was tattooed on his chest. It's none other than Kensei Muguruma, a fellow vizared, and captain of squad nine.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who isn't crazy and hollowfied." stated Kensei.

"It seems that vizareds aren't effected by this rain. Which seems to be what's making everyone act so bizarre." Shinji explained.

"So, what the hell is causing the rain?" Kensei asked.

"That, we don't know. We were on our way to figure it out, when we found this place." Ichigo chimed. Suddenly the three of them could hear a slight moan as the three of them turned to see Mayuri's lieutenant Nemu with a small partial hollow mask on her face.

*Wait she isn't totally possessed. We may be able to get answers from her.* Shiro stated in the back of Ichigo's mind. Both Shinji and Kensei reached for their zanpakuto's.

"Wait Kensei and Shinji. She isn't fully possessed like the others. Lets see what information we can get some information from her." Ichigo stated. Both vizard captains didn't seem to relax their stance as their hands still rested on their weapons. "Nemu...... You remember me right?" Ichigo asked in a calm voice. The lieutenant's eyes meet with Ichigo's.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." she stated softly.

"Can you tell us what happened here?" Ichigo asked.

"Captain Kurosutchi was trying to create a new weapon to help with the fight against the hollows. He was using data from the previous encounters with the vizards, arrancar, hollows, quincy, and fullbringers together. He managed to create an entity he called Hakurai." replied Nemu.

"Traitor!" shouted out a dark voice. The three turned to see Mayuri Kurosutchi who was fully possessed as a hollow sat on his face in the form of his zanpakuto Ashisogi Jizo. "How dare you betray me! I will kill you." roared out Mayuri as he charged at Nemu and Ichigo. Both Shinji and Kensei leapt to stop the mad, crazy captain (not that he wasn't that way before becoming possessed). This caused Ichigo to mentally curse to himself.

*You just had to say something about this earlier.* Ichigo growled at Shiro.

*Come on King. Its not like I knew that this was going to happen. You can handle a mad crazy Mayuri. He isn't as bad as possibly others.* Shiro replied.

*Shiro next time keep your thoughts to yourself. Like all I need right now is to fight a crazy hollowfied Kenpachi.* Ichigo stated knowing that the captain of squad eleven loved to fight. It sent chills up and down his spine. Ichigo pulled Nemu out of harms way allowing the two vizard captains to deal with Mayuri. "Remember to subdue him. He isn't in control of himself." Ichigo shouted out.

Mayuri flung out his Zanpakuto with lightning fast speed, aiming towards both the vizards. Both leapt out of harm's way. Kensei landed behind Mayuri, while Shinji landed on his left. Swinging simultaneously, they hoped to incapacitate him long enough for Ichigo to use a kido spell on him.

As both of their swords got closer to him, Mayuri jerked sideways blocking Shinji's attack with his blade and holding out his hand to block Kensei's attack. The vizard's sword dug deep into his arm. Blood seeped from his arm but, his expression on his face gave no sign of any pain.

Nemu watched the blood drip to the ground and began to squirm with excitement. She bit her lower lip, trying to resist the urge attack her commanding officer and spread the blood all over her body. Ichigo noticed her reactions. He must keep an eye on her. She's the only one sane enough to give them answers. He couldn't let that chance of solving this mystery slip away.

Mayuri slipped away from the two vizards escaping their sight. As they waited for a sign to where the Hollowfied captain went. Suddenly a red beam shot out towards them. It nearly missed Kensei as it barreled into the desk containing the broken computer. An explosion rang out from the impact. Shards of glass and metal shot out, hitting everyone in sight.

"Damn, that was a cero!" Kensei commented.

"Guys, be careful! We don't know where he is!" Ichigo added.

From the corner of Shinji's eye, he could see Mayuri camping up in the rafters. He looked down at the vizards as another cero began to form in his left hand. It's growing larger than the last one he shot out. Kensei lunged for him, trying to catch him off guard. Mayuri grabbed his Zanpakuto out of his sheat and swiped across, slicing through Kensei's chest. At the same time, he released his cero launching it between Ichigo and Nemu, and Shinji. A puff of smoke arose from the ground, creating a screen of dust and smoke. Kensei fell to the ground hissing and moaning from his new wound. When the smoke cleared, Mayuri is gone.

"Damn it. He must have slipped away from that hole in the roof while we were blinded." Ichigo sighed.

"Well, at least Nemu stuck around. She needs to answer a couple more questions for us." Shinji replied helping Kensei to his feet.

"We should probably heal some of Kensei's wounds first." Ichigo suggests. Shinji nods his head as he heads over to perform a healing bakudo spell on Kensei.

Meanwhile high up over head Hakurai could feel its power growing with every soul and spirit that he controlled. But something was troubling him. He could sense that there were distinctly five presences that wasn't affected at all by his white rain. But one of these four presences was far stronger than the

others as he was the most dangerous out of all the others. He could feel that four of these beings all ready had a hollow part of them. He didn't understand how he knew this but, Hakurai was more conserned about this one as it felt like this soul reaper would be able to stop him as it seemed the strongest and most powerful out of the group. But with every kill committed by the hollowfied shinigami and every soul and spirit that he controlled he could feel his powers growing as his created body beginning to change as he was transforming into a new form.

'Can't allow those four to stop me.' Hakurai thought to itself. Hakurai allowed its power to flare out to all of its hollowfied beings. "Attention my puppets. There are four that threaten my plans. Find them and stop them by any means necessary." Hakurai called out as his storm rapped around his body as the transformation changed began to change him. Hakurai had come too far to be stopped now. He would stop those that threatened him and find a way to turn these beings to his side.

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