Chapter Six: finding the vizards

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openmonded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter Six: finding the vizards

Ichigo set back out into the strange white rain as he left Rukia with the hollowfied Renji in the tower that once served as Rukia's prison. Ichigo had noticed that the strange rain was centered mostly over Central 46 and the head captains meeting hall. Ichigo had gotten directions from Rukia on where certain squads were. His hope was to find the three Vizards that had become captains as they took back control of their squads since Aizen's betrayal and Aizen transformed them. Shinji Hirko was the captain of squad five, Rojuro Otoribashi or Rose for short was captain of squad three, and Kensei Muguruma was captain of squad nine. Ichigo had lost track of how many times he had helped and saved the Seireitei from destruction. His powers alone ranked as high as any captain as he had personally fought some of them one on one. Ichigo had personally stopped Aizen even though it had cost him his soul reaper powers. But with the new upcoming threats, the Seireitei had teamed up to return to Ichigo what he had lost.

'I hope that we don't encounter any hollowfied captains. I highly doubt that I could defeat them without hurting them.' Ichigo thought to himself. Dark laughter erupted in the back of his mind.

*Come on King it maybe fun.* stated Shiro.

*Unfortunately last time you interrupted my fight with Byakuya. I wasn't going to have you win my fight for me.*

*What can I say King besides that I am sorry. I am not the same hollow that you had faced back then. I feel different. Perhaps it has something to do with earning my own name and our last fight in which I had teamed up with Tensa Zangetsu. I think some of the emotions of not only you but Tensa flowed into me.*

*Just as long as we can come to an understanding Shiro. I don't mind you helping me out and stuff. But I am in control. I don't want to have to fight you for control if I have too.*

*I will keep an eye on him Ichigo and make sure that he doesn't do anything rash.* stated Zangetsu.

*Thanks Zangetsu.*

*You're no fun Zangetsu!* Shiro pouted causing Ichigo to laugh in the back of his mind.

As Ichigo made his way through the Seireitei he could hear the sounds of swords clashing up ahead.

He could sense the familiar presence belonging to that of a Vizard. Ichigo quickly flash stepped hoping that it was an ally. He came upon Shinji fighting against a hollowfied Toshiro who was in his Bankai mode. The small captain of squad ten had a hollow mask that looked like the shiki form of his ice dragon Hyorinamaru. Shinji also had his hollow mask in place as it looked like an Egyptian mummy.

*Shinji isn't affected.* Shiro stated.

*How can you tell?* Ichigo asked.

*Trust me King. I think the other Vizards much like you aren't going to be possessed by this rain. Now would be a good time to test out that new skill you learned.* Shiro replied. Ichigo hated to agree with his inner hollow but he had a good point as it seemed that Shinji couldn't keep up with the hollowfied Toshiro. It seemed that Shinji was trying to not hurt the small captain. Ichigo focused on the Kido that Rukia had taught him. He hoped to accomplish in one shot.

'Please let this work.' Ichigo thought to himself. "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat." Ichigo recited low and deep so not to draw attention to himself. He drew the kido's kanji in the air with fluent and precise. "Bakudo number nine, Geki!"he shouted out as he focused the spell towards Toshiro, both Toshiro and Ichigo glowed a deep red. However, Toshiro was the only one paralyzed by the spell. Shinji collapsed to his knees panting wildly. "Jesus Shinji you look like hell." Ichigo stated as he approached both Shinji and Toshiro.

"I can't believe that I am about to say this but, I am truly glad to see you Ichigo. I didn't know that you knew a kido spell." Shinji stated. As he watched as Toshiro's bankai came apart after Ichigo had carefully bound him with the kido spell. 'Now why didn't I think of that?' Shinji thought to himself.

"Yeah Rukia taught me it just for this occasion." replied Ichigo as he watched as Shinji undid his hollow mask as he ran his hands through his blond hair. The look of shock crossed Shinji's face when he heard Ichigo's answer.

"Wait Rukia is here!"

"Calm down Shinji. She hasn't been affected yet. I had asked her to bring me here after I had noticed some strange events happening back in the human world. We had come across a hollowfied Renji as he has been subdued. We had set up a place of shelter and prison for the hollowfied shinigami. I think we should bring Toshiro there to see if we can figure out what is going on." Ichigo stated.

"That's Captain Hitsuguya to you worm. Now undo this spell!"yelled out Toshiro.

"Sorry no can do Toshiro." Ichigo replied as he picked up Toshiro like he was a sack of potatoes.

"Damn it let me go! I am warning you that this is insubordination!" yelled out Toshiro. Shinji sighed out loud as he took his zankaputo and bashed it in the back of the small captain's head.

"I need to do that. If you are ready, lets go." Shinji stated. Ichigo nodded his head as he and Shinji went back to the prison block where Rukia was at.

Rukia sat in the prison cell with the hollowfied Renji shouting out wildly. Rukia did her best to ignore the shouts as the door to the shelter opened suddenly as she saw Ichigo had returned with the unconscious hollowfied Toshiro over his shoulders as Shinji was with him. Shinji didn't look to be infected just like Ichigo which made Rukia sigh out in relief.

"You're back. Please tell me that you had found something out. I don't think I can listen to put up with his yelling anymore." Rukia stated.

"Sorry Rukia. I just only managed to find Shinji as he was fighting against Toshiro." replied Ichigo. Rukia noticed Shinji's wounds.

"Captain Hirko, your hurt." Rukia gasped.

"Oh these wounds. I got them fighting Toshiro. I was trying my best not to hurt him. However I can say that wasn't true for when it comes to me. These hollowfied people aren't going to be like us Vizards as they had lost all rational thoughts. Ichigo we should try to find Rose and Kenshi as they can help us figure out what in the world is going on." Shinji stated as he allowed Rukia treat his wounds.

"When I was traveling to find you I had noticed that this strange rain is mostly centered over Central 46 and the head captains quarters." Ichigo stated.

"Unfortunately we aren't going to be able to bring every hollowfied person here. Rukia do you think you can be able to handle these two that are here?" Shinji asked.

"I know that if I go out that there maybe a chance of me becoming infected just like everyone else. Unfortunately this is the best place for me to be as the walls keep me safe and are almost impossible to breach." answered Rukia.

"Alright then." Shinji stated as he got up. Ichigo had placed Toshiro with Renji as the two Vizards went back out into the rain. "Lets just hope that we can find some clues to what is going on and how to rescue everyone from this hollowfication. I am not even certain if we are not going to end up like everyone else." Shinji stated.

'Then again I don't want to end up like that again. I don't think even Shinji would be able to stop me. It was a miracle twice that I was snapped out of it.' Ichigo thought to himself as he shuttered at the memory of becoming a Vasto Lorde. Once was when he had faced against Ulquiorra and the other time when he went to Hell to bring his sister Yuzu back. The memories of those times still lingered in the back of his mind.

*Don't worry King. If it does happen again, I think that there is a good chance I could break us out of it.* Shiro stated mentally.

*Are you certain Shiro?* Ichigo asked.

*I think so. But I wouldn't attempt it if I am wrong. I am not even certain of what I am truly capable of.* answered Shiro. The answer that his inner hollow gave him sent goose bumps up and down Ichigo's spine. Not even the substitute was certain of he was fully capable of. He hoped that he wouldn't need to use his Saigo no Getsuga (final moon fang heaven piercer) to stop whatever was happening. He couldn't bare the thought of losing his powers again especially since finally regaining them after the Fullbringer escapade.

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