Chapter Three: Mayuri's experiment

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter three: Mayuri's experiment

Once Ichigo had returned to from his trip into his mindscape and speaking with Shiro. He knew that he had to go find Rukia Kuchiki. Usually, she would be in the Soul Society, with the rest of the Shinigami. But, since the return of Ichigo's powers, she's been staying in the World of the Living. Which was very unusual for a lieutenant but, since she was very familiar with the human world, it only made sense that she would be stationed within

Karakura Town. Ichigo had found her easily by tracking her spiritual pressure. Rukia just happened to be with one of his friends Orihime Inoue as they were talking amongst themselves. Rukia had caught Ichigo's eyes as she could tell from a simple look that something was wrong. Rukia quickly said goodbye to Orihime as she went over to talk with Ichigo.

"Are there any Hollows nearby?" Rukia asked.

"For once, no. I need to go to the Soul Society," Ichigo said.

"What for?" she asked in question.

"Something strange is going on lately. All of the unusual Hollow sightings, plus Urahahra has been gone for a while. I think it has something to do with the Seireitei." replied Ichigo.

Rukia agreed to go with him to the Soul Society. She opened up a senkaimon that would lead the way to where they needed to go.

Meanwhile within the center of Division Twelve Barracks it looks peaceful and normal from the outside. But however inside the section label private within the research and development wing was a large cylindrical incubator that followed a cluster of electrical currents. Large cables drape down from the top and connected to a small control board in front of it. Behind the control board, Captain of the Twelvth Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Captain Kurotsuchi has been working tirelessly at a new experiment. If successful in his research, it should make purifying Hollows a much easier process. However, the experimentation isn't completely legal within the Seireitei. He would be in serious trouble if anyone found out. This is why he chose to work in an area not easily assessable by the members of his squad. Mayuri was typing in the DNA code as it showed that the vital energy signs were dangerously high. To stabilize it, a couple of the large cables must be removed.

"Nemu, go stabilize the incubator," he ordered his Lieutenant who was also daughter. She walked over and grabbed ahold of one cable with both hands. Giving it a forceful tug, the cable came flying out of the top of the incubator. She yanked out another cable before there was a pound at the door. In a panic, Captain Mayuri ordered his Lieutenant to cover up the incubator. Two men came crashing through the doors and into the research lab. Two Shinigami from division four walked in. A few taps on the keyboard and Mayuri stepped away from it to casually greet the men.

"A simple knock would have been enough. You didn't have to try and break my door." Mayuri said.

"Sorry, sir. We had orders from our squad leader to investigate your lab. She believes your doing some secret experimentation." one of the men explains.

"That's preposterous! I would never disobey orders like that!" Mayuri replied as his eyes kept flickering between the two men and the screen with the incubator's vital energy status. They were getting higher. Another cable needed to be unhooked.

"Then, you wouldn't mind us taking a look around, would you?" the other one asked.

"I would gladly, but I am in the middle of important research of a new classification of hollows. Please, let me tend to my duties." he stated as he began nudging them both out the door.

"Sorry, but orders are orders. We must look around." they replied.

"Wait, there really is no reason to--" A loud ringing exploded from the screen. Mayuri rushed over to the display screen. The vital signs are too high. Nemu removed the tarp from the incubator. Electricity bounced around inside the incubator, creating a bright light show. At its center was a large black orb with strings of neon blue and yellow lights. The messy strands of electric formed together, making one huge stream of now light blue current. Everyone within the room gaped at the large tube as the light blue stream formed all white eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils. A yellow collar wrapped around its neck as more of the same orbs that where at the center appeared on its body. These orbs where much smaller as they didn't have the yellow lights like the one in the center (see the Yugioh card Number 23 Hakurai). The pressure within the incubator was so great that the incubator burst open and shattered as the glass sprayed everywhere. The newly formed, serpent-like creature hovered before them opening up its wings as it looked almost like a dragon. Mayuri formed a large grin as he studied the monster before him.

"What an interesting discovery. It seems my experiment is a success." Mayuri commented. A low growl came from the beast as it clearly didn't like how Mayuri viewed it.

"Experiment? Is that what I am to you? I'll show you. I am way more than an experiment. I can change life and make chaos reign down." the creature hissed out. Before anyone could protest, the beast flew up in the air. "That's exactly what I'm going to show you!" the monster stated before it destroyed a section of squad twelve barracks and flew off into the Seireitei.

The two men turned towards Mayuri whose grin never faltered even for a second.

"What in the world was that?" one of them asked.

"That my dear men was my greatest lives work. A creature part hollow that is to destroy and hunt down other hollows. I call it Hakurai." answered Mayrui. As the group of men looked out at the Seireitei, they could see dark storm clouds begin to gather.

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