Chapter Two: dreadful feelings

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC as we have also thrown in some completely OCC characters for this story. Please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italic - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Chapter two: dreadful feelings

It had been weeks since Ichigo Kurosaki had regained his powers as a substitute soul reaper and gained even new abilities thanks to his full bringer.

'There has been a lot of hollows around lately. I haven't seen any other shinigami since the day Rukia have me back my powers. But then again I haven't heard their voices either.' Ichigo thought to himself. Of course Ichigo was referring to the voice of his zanpakuto and inner hollow. 'I would never picture myself missing hearing them. But then again something feels different.' Ichigo sighed to himself as he pulled out the soul badge that he always carried with him. 'Also there has been a lot of spirits hanging around. Every time I perform a konso (soul burial) to send them to the Soul Society, nothing happens.' Ichigo thought to himself as he decided to see Kisuke Uharara to find out if the former captain of squad twelve knew something. Ichigo couldn't help but to feel concerned. Hell he has saved the Soul Society more times than he can count. He was worried for the friends that he had made within the Soul Society. Ichigo could see Jinta Hanakari and Ururu Tsumjiya outside sweeping. Well Ururu was sweeping while Jinta was holding his broom like a baseball bat.

"Come on Jinta the boss is going to be upset if we don't finish." Ururu whined.

"Oh go bug off Ururu!" shouted Jinta as he swung the broom at Ururu's head. Thankfully Ichigo was there to stop it.

"Jinta why can't you ever just be nice to her?" asked Ichigo in a low growl. Ichigo yanked the broom out of Jinta's hands quickly before the kid had a chance to react.

"If you're looking for Kisuke, he's out." Jinta grumbled, folding his arms in a pouting-fashion.

"When is he gonna be back?" Ichigo asked.

"He said he was going to the Soul Society to deliver something. He left hours ago though. He should have been back now." Ururu replied. That's what worried Ichigo the most. Kisuke usually would make stops in the Soul Society but, he would never stay long. Something was definitely wrong. He had to get to the Soul Society and figure out what's happening. He thanked the two children and turned away to find Rukia Kuchiki. Ichigo knew that she would help take him to the Soul Society and help him figure out what the hell is going on. He took his soul badge out and looked at it. Before he could even consider going to the Soul Society, Ichigo had to make some sort of connection with his zanpakuto.

He walked back to his house and went to his bedroom. Ichigo locked his door tight making sure none of his sisters and/or his father could come in and disturb him. He switched into his shinigami form as he took out his thick, body-length zanpakuto. Climbing on his bed, he folded his legs indian style as he sat on his bed. He placed the large sword across his lap. Ichigo relaxed his entire body closing his eyes until it felt almost limp and lifeless. He tried to focus, trying to contact Zangetsu. He could feel himself fade away into his mindscape. When Ichigo opened his eyes again he found himself within his mindscape as it looked like large buildings and a never ending sky. He appeared on the side of a skyscraper, alone. Which felt strange to him as usually Zangetsu and/or even his hollow half was there to greet him.

'It seems as if nothing has changed.' Ichigo thought to himself as he went off searching for Zangetsu.

"Ichigo. . . It's been a while." stated a familiar voice. Ichigo turned around suddenly as behind him was his inner hollow. His black smirk crossed his face from ear to ear. Ichigo never really liked to talk to his inner hollow but, this time he seemed almost glad to hear his voice. Ichigo's hollow rested his white zanpakuto blade across his shoulders staring at Ichigo. He doesn't seem as hostile as he usually was which seemed very strange. The whitened version of Ichigo stood parallel across the windowpane across from Ichigo. His bright yellow eyes seemed to rip through Ichigo's soul. Ichigo could tell that his hollow knew something that he didn't.

"There's something strange going on lately. Do you know what's been happening?" Ichigo asked politely.

"I have no idea what you're talking about King." he replied. His wide grin was if saying other wise. Ichigo was now determined to figure out what his inner hollow was trying to keep from him.

"There has to be a reason why you're smiling? What's going on?"

"I don't know. . . Maybe you should go check it out?" Ichigo began to grow a little bit impatient. There had to be a reason he wouldn't just say what's going on.

'With Urahara gone, it's hard to tell what any of this means.' Ichigo thought to himself. 'But, what if it's a trap? There would have to be some reason why he wants me to go see for myself. I have to find Rukia. She'll help me figure this out.'

"Awe, leaving so soon? You just got here."

"Well if you're not helping me with anything then why should I stay? Unless you want to try to fight me again like you usually do." The look of sadness crossed his hollow's face.

"Well go then. See if I care!" snapped his hollow. Ichigo could tell from the sound of his voice that he didn't want Ichigo to leave him. Ichigo sighed to himself softly.

"Shiro... where's Zangetsu?" asked Ichigo. The hollow looked at him shocked.

"What did you just call me?"

"Shiro... why?"

"It's just that you never called me anything beyond hollow. Why the change?"

"I have done a lot of thinking since I had lost my powers. I was thinking that if I ever got my powers back that I would give you a name. The official name that I gave you is Shirosaki Ogichi. Given in context it means white Kurosaki Ichigo because you are me only the opposite. But I will call you Shiro for short." replied Ichigo. "I have to call you something beyond hollow. Everyone deserves a name even you." It seemed as if Ichigo's words have touched his hollow as he began to cry tears of blood.

"I haven't seen Zangetsu since I rematerialized. I can feel his presence as I know he's here. Possibly he will show himself to you when he's ready." Shiro replied. The tears didn't seem to want to stop.

"Shiro, I know that you're lonely as I had gotten that feeling from both you and Zangetsu the last time you merged in order to test if I should learn the final Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven peircer). But, I can't stay here all the time. But perhaps hopefully we can work together instead of fighting each other. We can reach some kind of common ground." Ichigo replied as he began to turn to leave.

"King... wait!" Shiro shouted out. Ichigo froze in his tracks turning towards "Everything you have been against up to now is going to seem like a cake walk compared to what's going on in the Soul Society." Shiro stated.

"Thanks for the warning Shiro." Ichigo replied leaving his mindscape. Shiro sat on the building smiling softly to himself.

'I finally have a name of my own. I can sense that Ichigo has gotten stronger since we last fought. I just hope that he's ready for what awaits him inside the Soul Society.' Shiro thought to himself.

Meanwhile back in the Soul Society, the rain had caught Yasu Wakana while she backed away from the tailgate of her wagon with two sacks of groceries clutched to her chest. She nearly dropped them when the thunder crashed. She did manage to drop them when the warm rain fell on her.

"Oh dear," she muttered. She bent over the split bags thinking she ought to pick them up. She was surprised to notice how bright the night suddenly seemed. It felt as if the street lights weren't even necessary. But the two sacks and exposed groceries grew pale white as she gazed at them. They seemed to be turning white. Steam swirled around them. "Isn't this peculiar." she said. Even more peculiar was the way she suddenly felt. Normally, Yasu would've been rushing for the house to get away from such a downpour. But, she found herself enjoying it so much that she couldn't bring herself to move. She stayed as she was, bent over letting the rain mat down her hair. Running down her face and neck, soak through the back of her shinigami uniform. It made her feel... a bit strange. Hot and strange and full of a restless urge that she couldn't quite focus on. She ached to do something. But what?

"Yasu?" asked a voice. The rain was loud, smacking the concrete, pattering on the paper sacks and the plastic wrappers of toilet paper and bread that had spilled onto the driveway. But the voice was louder. "Is that you? What's going on?" She looked up. Through the mist and shrouds of white rain, she saw a vague figure in the doorway. "It's me, Jiro," he called out. "Well, don't just stand out there. You'd better get inside before you're soaked." Jiro stated finally snapping Yasu out of her mind funk.

"I'm coming," she called while standing up straight. "I'm coming," she repeated, striding toward the open door. "I am coming Jiro." she muttered as she began to run, head. She tilted back, smiling into the rain. She didn't see the front stoop. The single step nearly tripped her and sent her sprawling. She slid on her belly across the slick, painted concrete.

"My Lord!" Jiro gasped. "Are you all...? Why, you're as white as a crayon! What the hell is going on?" Jiro asked in a panic. Yasu scurried sitting up suddenly before lunging forward. "Hey!" Jiro shouted out before her head struck his groin. That let the wind out of him (literally)! Yasu hugged his legs, driving him backwards as he doubled over her. His rump hit the marble floor of the foyer. Yasu clambered up his twitching body. She sat on his chest and grabbed his ears. Using them for handles she, bounced his head off the floor. The first couple of times it sounded like someone dropping a coconut. Then the sound softened to wet, sloppy smacks as if the back of his head turned into a sirloin steak. One that hadn't been broiled yet. All floppy and juicy. This made Yasu grin like a mad woman possessed.

"Just the way I like it." she stated as she began to drink up his blood.

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