Chapter 19

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"So, you're sure that this place isn't actually haunted?" Mic had finally snapped out of his frightened state, thankfully enough.

Masami had somehow managed to explain away the whole vending machine incident and was now having to explain the case of the haunted building. She had heard plenty of rumors going around about the building being haunted, and, a majority of the time, she actually encouraged them. It did keep people from invading her private space, after all. However, for the sake of her teacher's sanity, she figured it would be best to come clean.

"Mhm," She nodded. "Q-quite."

"Ah, maaan," One of the idiot trio sighed. "I was really looking forward to seeing the boss fight some ghosts!" The other two idiots nodded in agreement. They had all believed that to be the reason why the girl was in the building in the first place. After all, that would be far more interesting.

"Gh-ghosts aren't real, y-you three…" Masami sighed, exasperated with the trio's antics. She never had believed in ghosts. However, her mother and brother had been firm believers in the supernatural, and she had used that to her advantage when pranking them as a kid.

"So you say,"

"But you don't have proof,"

"Now do you?"

Masami could only shake her head tiredly at them. She had plenty of proof. Not that they needed to know that.

"Before you go any further, who exactly are you three, anyways?" Aizawa butted in before their debate could go any farther. It was starting to get tiring to listen to them, and he could tell that Masami was feeling the same.

The three paused for a second, turning to the man before grinning in reply. "We're the Fukuhara brothers!"

Fukuhara siblings: They're basically idiot triplets that like to follow Masami around and call her boss.


"I'm Ichirou!"

"Jirou's the name!"

"My name's Saburou, don't wear it out!"

"We work for little Masami over here!" The three spoke in unison as they slipped behind the brown haired girl and each placed a hand on top of her irritated little head.

"Y-you can just call th-them the Idiot T-Trio…" Masami spoke up with a slight glare, causing metaphorical arrows to pierce the three, making them fall to the ground. "It su-suits them far b-better."

Somehow, Aizawa agreed wholeheartedly.

"And about them working for you?" He raised a brow at the girl. He really hoped he hadn't managed to somehow end up living with a mafia boss or something similar. That would make things even more complicated and tiresome.

"Th-they claim it's their way of tr-trying to make up for trying t-to mug me when I was y-younger," Masami sighed once more. She could practically feel bits of her soul attempting to leave with how much she was sighing lately.  

"I'm sorry, what?!" Mic interjected, joining the conversation as he finally got over the whole 'haunted' thing. He wasn't quite sure he was following this conversation. It's not as though he couldn't understand it or anything, but he was beginning to learn that his old classmate's daughter was far more complicated than he originally believed.

"Ah, don't worry," Ichirou began reassuring the man with a lighthearted, closed eye smile, waving off the look of shock and suspicion that had begun to grow on the man's face.

"Yeah, yeah!" Saburou continued. "She totally kicked our asses to kingdom come."

"Believe it," Jirou told the two teachers, nodding wisely as though getting their asses handed to them by a child was completely ordinary. "We've been changed men ever since!"

"Believe me," Saburou shuddered in remembrance of the event. He still had nightmares of the pissed off Masami. "We never want to anger her ever again."

At Saburou's words all three let out a shudder causing Aizawa and Mic to send the young girl a wary glance. What exactly had she done to them?

They weren't sure they wanted to know.

"Y-you overexaggerate," Masami sighed. Again. Fun, right? Sure, she could be a bit scary when angered, but it's not as though she was easily angered. And she had pretty good control over her temper. She just happened to be in a bad mood the day the three tried to mug her.

"You can only say that because you don't know what it's like!" They accused with their fingers pointing just as accusingly at her. They had been genuinely terrified the night they had met the eleven-year-old Masami.

"Yeah, y-yeah," Masami waved them off. Her patience was beginning to wear thin. After everything that had happened today, she couldn't help but wonder what else would be thrown at her. It was almost as though the world was trying to test her in the most tiring way. She really wished she could just take a nap. "D-don't you guys h-have to go to w-work or something?"

Yes, she was trying to get rid of them.

Normally, she could handle them pretty well, but even she had a limit. And today, she had reached that limit.

"Ah." The three paused in place with a blank look donning their faces. The blank look only lasted for a few seconds, however, before a slightly panicked look crossed their faces. "Mrs. Jenson is going to kill us!"

And with that, they scurried away without even saying goodbye. Just as Masami had planned. She had no regrets.

"S-sorry about them…" Masami apologized to her two teachers with yet another sigh. She pitied any poor soul that had to put up with the idiot trio for the first time. It was even worse seeing as it was her teachers who had met the blabbermouths. Who knows what they had talked about that she had yet to hear about?

It's safe to say that she didn't entirely trust the trio to keep their mouths shut about things that needed to be kept secret.

"So, uh, are they your friends?" Mic asked with a bit of a sweat drop, breaking the silence that was beginning to form.

"In a, uh, in a m-manner of speaking…" The three had kind of forced their friendship upon her, and she was exasperated with them more times than not. But, she still loved them nonetheless. They were kind of like those cousins that you love but would never want to live with.

"You have some strange friends," Aizawa told her, already making his way back into the car. Masami already had her belongings, which he noticed all fit in a single duffel bag, so he saw no reason to continue standing around on the street.

"You h-have no idea."


Masami looked up at the apartment complex in slight awe. It was really nothing amazing, just your average complex. However, Masami was still just trying to process that she would be living here, if at least temporarily.

"You gonna be okay walking up twelve flights of stairs?" Mic raised a brow out of concern, looking at the girl. Somehow, it didn't seem to cross his mind until they had finally arrived that Aizawa's apartment was on the twelfth floor. And the elevators were broken… Him and Aizawa were used to it, but a majority of others complained immensely, wondering when the elevators would finally be fixed.

Despite this, Masami didn't seem to be the least bit bothered.

"Mhm, I-I should be f-fine," Masami gave him a reassuring smile. If she could go all day wearing her weights, she could walk up a measly twelve flights of stairs with ease.

And so, they continued up the stairs with Mic's chatter being the only thing to break the silence.

Of course, Masami, being the little dear she was, listened to every word so as to be polite. They had almost made it all the way to Aizawa's apartment before Mic was finally cut off by the ringing of his phone.

He looked at his phone in slight confusion. He hadn't been expecting any calls but answered nonetheless as he waved Aizawa and Masami to go on ahead.

"Is this Present Mic?"


Masami and Aizawa left Mic in the hallway as they continued walking towards Aizawa's apartment. They only stopped once they had finally reached his door, but before Aizawa turned the key to unlock it, he turned towards Masami with a dull look.

"Try not to mess with the cat," Aizawa warned. "He doesn't take kindly to strangers."

"Y-Yes, sir," Masami outwardly nodded. However, on the inside, she was practically jumping in ecstasy. It was no secret to anybody that knew her that she absolutely adored cats. Well, to be completely honest, she adored almost all animals. Cats just more so than most.

Aizawa gave her one last look before finally turning the key and opening the door. The door creaked open to reveal a fairly empty and somewhat dusty apartment. With a single glance, Masami could tell that Aizawa wasn't particularly sentimental, nor did he spend much time at home. Though, what really caught her eye was the black cat that was now making his way towards them.

Originally, Masami thought the cat was making his way to greet his owner, but she found herself pleasantly surprised when the cat came and began rubbing up against her leg. With her face lighting up like it was Christmas day, she immediately bent over to begin petting the pitch black cat.

"Hey there, little guy!" Masami began cooing in a soft voice, surprising Aizawa, whose brow raised ever so slightly. Of course, the first words he'd heard her say without stuttering were to a cat. He nearly shook his head in exasperation at the girl's inconsistency in personality.

"You can set your stuff down in the first room to the right," Aizawa just sighed, nodding in the direction of the hallway. He hadn't had time to even remotely clean it up though, so she'd have to deal with some boxes and dust in the room for a little while.

"O-oh, um, y-yes, sir," Masami stuttered out, blushing a bit as she realized she had been in her own little world as she pet the cat. In her defense, though, he was a very fluffy and beautiful cat.

Shuffling awkwardly, she made her way to the room and didn't pay much attention to the clutter as she set her stuff down on the full size bed that sat in the room. She was honestly just kind of thankful for having an actual room for the first time in years. It made her a bit reluctant to actually exit the room once she had set her stuff down. It was almost as though the bed was trying to tempt her into taking a nap.

But, in any case, she still left the room and walked out to the living room where Aizawa had plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. More specifically, he had turned on the news where they were just beginning a segment on none other than this books' favorite vigilante.

"Shirokage has struck again," Masami leaned against the wall casually, focusing in on the news report as it began. These type of segments were always on, but she was always curious about the different viewpoints that would be expressed. "In the past week alone, she has managed to capture over a dozen wanted and dangerous criminals before dropping them off at various police stations and hero agencies around Japan. Despite this, the country is still baffled in any matter concerning the vigilante's identity. However, it has been gathered that she is known for her silver hair and full-face gas mask."

"Tch," Masami finally turned her attention away from the TV as Aizawa let out a click of his tongue in irritation. "Damn vigilantes."

Masami sweat dropped. "I t-take it, you d-dislike Shirokage as w-well?"

Aizawa's head snapped in her direction when she spoke. He hadn't even realized she was there! He nearly sighed once more. Living with another human being was really going to take some getting used to...

Especially one as quiet as Masami...

It took him a second before he finally recognized that he had yet to reply to her question. "While she may only be fighting and capturing villains, it doesn't change the fact that she's still a criminal herself."

"...Mhm," Masami agreed, the look in her eyes beginning to grow a bit distant. "I really hate her, you know?"

"..." He wasn't sure how to respond to that. Not only did she finally speak to him without stuttering, she openly admitted to hating someone. She hadn't seemed like the type to have the heart to be able to hate somebody. She didn't even sound hateful towards the villains she had spoke of earlier that tried to kill her. And yet, the look on her face didn't contradict her words.

This girl truly hated Shirokage.


2152 words excluding A/N

I live. Tremble in surprise. Okay, I'll be honest, I had no inspiration or motivation for this chapter. I still don't particularly care for it, but I think it still turned out better than the original, so meh. Anyways, moving on from that, as some of you may be aware, there is now a character in My Hero Academia with the name 'Shirakumo.' So, basically, I was thinking of changing the name of the city. Any ideas?

Finished- 4:42 pm on January 29, 2020


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