Chapter 20

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"Guess who ordered pizza?!"

Present Mic practically slid into the apartment as his face showed unhidden glee. Whether it was about pizza or something else, Masami wasn't sure. In any case, though, she was completely down for some pizza.

"How much do I owe you?" Aizawa barely glanced at his friend as he continued to watch the news but was beginning to reach for his wallet in his pants pocket. Masami was ready to bring out her wallet, too. Granted, she was having a bit of trouble reaching for her wallet with the cat that now resided in her arms.

"Ah, don't worry about it!" Mic grinned, waving him off. "I got it covered this time!"

Aizawa raised a brow ever so slightly, turning as he looked at Mic. "You… seem to be in an awfully good mood."

Well, Mic was almost always in a good mood, but… well… he seemed to be even more excited than usual. And that was saying something.

"Plus Ultra Studios just called, and- Gah!" Mic yelped at the sight of the black cat laying calmly in Masami's arms. Masami, herself, raised a brow at both Mic's words and yelp. She was pretty sure she had yet to do anything to warrant such a reaction. "H-how-" he stuttered as he pointed at the cat. "He hasn't attacked you yet?"

Masami tilted her head in confusion as she took in Mic's concern. "Why wou-would Kage attack me?" Aizawa's head snapped up, and his brows furrowed as he looked at the confused girl.

He hadn't mentioned his cat's name.

"Because he's a demon," Mic stated with conviction. He was absolutely positive that Aizawa's cat was Satan's spawn. It never did anything but hiss at him, and Mic was pretty sure it tried to kill him in his sleep once. He didn't have any evidence, but why else would there have been cat hair all over his face when he woke up?

Masami looked appalled. "K-Kage isn't a demon!" She defended the purring cat firmly. 

Present Mic only narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the dark haired feline. He wasn't sure what he was up to by acting like a little angel around Masami, but he was sure that he couldn't allow the young girl to be roped in by the demon in disguise.

"Anyways," Aizawa interrupted. He had only rolled his eyes at Mic's accusations. Him and Kage had never gotten along, so Aizawa was used to Mic calling the cat a demon. "What were you saying before?"

He'd rather deal with that than deal with him glaring at his cat.

Mic's eyes suddenly lit up as he grinned, distracted from the previous conversation. "Oh, right! Yui's actually been scheduled to be on my radio show at the end of next week." Mic admitted causing Masami's head to snap over in his direction, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Aizawa

"I see," Aizawa raised a brow, not at Present Mic and his excitement, but at Masami who he noticed had frowned in confusion upon hearing the news and went to immediately check her phone. He wasn't really sure what to make of the actions other than that she was probably hiding something. Though, considering the conversation was just about some singer, he doubted that whatever she was hiding was all that important.

However, it still made him think back to his conversation with Nezu.


"I still don't think this is the best idea," Aizawa grumbled after all the other teachers and Masami had left the conference room before giving a resigned sigh. "Though, knowing you, there's probably another reason you put her under my care. Am I right?"

"It's a complicated situation, but yes," Nezu admitted, not to the surprise of Aizawa. Nezu always seemed to act like this. The mouse-like principal didn't particularly distrust Masami or anything, but she had been raising many flags that brought up certain questions. And Aizawa was pretty sure that Nezu wasn't going to be satisfied until such questions were answered. He knew the man (mouse?) hated not knowing things. "As much as I trust Masami, there are still many unknown and suspicious aspects to her situation. It doesn't help that nearly everyone, including myself, who knew the Hideyoshi's all seem to have forgotten them until Masami herself made us aware of her existence once more."

Aizawa took in Nezu's words and lack of his usual, cheery smile with stride. He admitted that the entire situation was out of the norm and suspicious. The principal's words also made him realize that it was true. He had forgotten all about Hideyoshi Akemi for the past eight years or so. The day he met Masami was the first time that he had even thought of the woman in all that time. It was probably something he wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been for Nezu.

It brought up a great deal of questions.

"I've managed to get in contact with one of Masami's employers," Nezu continued. Aizawa decided it was best not to question why Masami was already working at her age. He supposed she probably had no choice given that she was living on her own. "From the information I've managed to compile, we can be sure that nobody can account for Masami's whereabouts for at least a year after her mother died eight years ago. And we can assume that her brother died during this period of time as well. It's a period of time that Masami has seemingly refused to mention anything about."

"And you want me to figure out what happened?" Aizawa concluded, raising a brow at Nezu. He felt a bit bad for the kid, and it was true that he had known the girl's mother fairly well, but he doubted he'd be able to get anything out of her about a subject she'd kept quiet about for so long.

"Not quite," Nezu frowned a bit, something one should always be concerned about. "I want you to keep an eye on her as well as her behavior over the course of her stay with you." He regained his smile. "Though, if you do happen to figure out what happened, the information would be most welcome."

Aizawa could only sweat drop at the cheery smile that now graced the mouse' face. He supposed he would be stuck playing babysitter for the time being…


"Ah, come to think of it," Mic interrupted Aizawa's train of thought, turning Masami's way. "I was curious as to whether or not your mother ever mentioned us to you. We were all pretty close friends back at UA."

Aizawa sweat dropped. Somehow, he hoped that Akemi hadn't mentioned him at all to the girl in front of him. He could only imagine the kind of words the woman would have to say about him. None of them would be good.

Mic on the other hand was practically bubbling in curiosity. He knew that they had lost contact with Akemi after graduation, but they had still been pretty close nonetheless. Plus, Akemi had been one of his biggest supporters when he had come up with the idea of a radio show. And now she was dead… That was admittedly quite the downer for the day. And he was curious, and honestly a little disappointed in himself, as to how he had never known or even heard about it. But, for now, he decided to put those feelings aside, at least around Masami.

Speaking of Masami, Mic still couldn't believe that Akemi had never told him about her, or her brother for that matter! If she hadn't even mentioned him to her children, they were going to have a problem. After all, he was pretty sure he had made it pretty clear when they were still in school that if she were to ever have a child, he planned on being the godfather!

"O-Oh, um, we used to actually l-listen to your radio show all the t-time when I was y-younger," Masami admitted, no longer scrolling on her phone where she had been searching for some notification from Miyuki regarding her being on Mic's show. Either Miyuki had forgotten to inform her about it, which was highly unlikely given the woman's personality, or the woman had said 'fuck it' and decided that telling Masami was the least important thing on today's to-do list. Knowing Miyuki, it was probably the latter. "She liked to b-brag about how she used to b-be friends with you in school."

"Really?!" Mic's chest practically swelled with pride as Masami nodded nervously in response. It was good to know that Akemi hadn't forgot about him! But what about… "What about Aizawa?"

 Both Masami and Aizawa froze ever so slightly for different reasons. Neither seemed too keen about the question, and it definitely showed on their faces. But Present Mic didn't seem to notice amidst his brimming curiosity as he waited for an answer.

Masami hesitated, opening her mouth only to close it once more as she tried to think of what to say. Her mother had certainly talked about the man, especially after finding out that the man was Masami's favorite hero as a child. But… Well… The problem more-so laid in the matter that she spoke almost too much of the man regarding both the good and the bad.

In the end, all Masami could muster up was a sympathetic look Aizawa's way that made the man sigh. He could only wonder what Akemi said that managed to make the younger girl give him such a look of pity. Somehow, though, he couldn't find it in himself to even be surprised.

"That bad, huh?" Mic sweat dropped a little. He knew that Aizawa and Akemi hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms, but still… It's not like Akemi was known for being petty or holding grudges.

"Uh, well, n-no," Looking away nervously, Masami rubbed the back of her neck as she hoped that they would just drop the subject. "N-not exactly."

"Not exactly?"

Masami decided to just stay quiet and avoid all eye contact until things become awkward. According to Tamaki, the tactic generally had a very high success rate when making attempts to get out of conversing. And seeing as the raven haired boy had yet to keel over from his anxiety, Masami had made the executive decision that any advice from him was now law.

Luckily enough, they decided to drop it. Unluckily enough, Masami has now learned that Present Mic should no longer be allowed to choose the topic of conversation.

"Oh, that's right!" Mic exclaimed as he thought of something to hurriedly get rid of the ever growing awkwardness amongst the silence. "All the teachers were actually holding a debate and making bets about who your dad was the other day! Though, Midnight just cackled the entire time."

Yeah, Masami could imagine that. 

Midnight always did enjoy knowing something that nobody else did. She probably watched them betting with pure, unadultered joy. Then again… "I'm surprised she d-didn't make a bet on it herself." 

Granted, Masami would probably disown her if she did.

She honestly wasn't sure what to make out of the fact that the teachers were literally making bets about her father. Did it particularly surprise her, though? No. Not even a little bit.

"I think she wanted to," Mic admitted, recalling how the woman looked like she just wanted to burst out of the seams and tell everyone. "But she said you'd probably disown her if she did."

Well… it was good to know that Midnight seemed to know her so well.

"That's f-fair," Masami agreed before raising a curious brow. "S-so, who's in the lead f-for most bets placed on."

"Ah, that would be Aizawa!"

Masami fucking choked.


1983 words excluding A/N's

... Sorry? I didn't have much inspiration or motivation for this chapter, so it kind of just ended up sitting. So, yeah... I really am sorry. I didn't mean to stop updating for so long.

Also, for anybody in the Doctor Who fandom, I now have a DW fan fic out on my account called 'Paradox'. It's up to about 4-5 chapters or so. So, if you're interested, I'd appreciate it if you could check it out!

Finished- 2:20 pm on September 23, 2020


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