Chapter 21

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"Um- uh-" Masami's head whipped back and forth between the two teachers as she stared at them with wide eyes. Mic didn't seem to understand what was wrong, but Aizawa could only let out a long exasperated sigh as he covered his face with one hand in an attempt to displace himself away from the conversation. "H-how exactly did the teachers come to th-that conclusion?"

Either Mic didn't notice the warning glare he was receiving from Aizawa, or he just didn't care. 

"Well, your mom and Aizawa used to be high school sweethearts, after all!"

Aizawa nearly groaned and was getting quite close to strangling the man that was his best friend. 

"W-well, yeah," Masami already knew that. Her mother used to love to reminisce about her high school days and would often force her and Izuki to listen whenever she had the chance. "But d-didn't they break up in th-their third year?"

"Ah," Mic paused and thought about it. "I suppose you're right. Most of the teachers still shipped them, though."

"F-fair enough."

Aizawa felt like dying inside. 


"Excuse me? Have you by chance seen a scarred up flame brain recently?"

Shirokage blinked as the creature of darkness and probably hell, hidden in a trash can that she was currently looking into, screeched and hissed in her direction.

"Understandable." She slowly closed the lid of the trash can in an attempt to not disturb the potential demon any further. "Have a nice day, sir."

It only screeched in return.

The silver-y white haired vigilante sighed as she walked away from the alley that contained Satan's spawn and who knows what else. She had been looking for a friend of hers for hours. Normally, she was an expert at finding people, but this particular friend… he had the tendency to hang around in rather eccentric places. Plus, he had known Shirokage longer than almost anybody, so he knew how to avoid her if need be.

Normally, if he didn't want to be found, Shirokage would just leave him be. She trusted him enough that she was sure he would turn up eventually. However, right now, she needed his help. She had already retrieved the first person she needed, and Shirokage was pretty sure she was getting tired of searching, too.

"So, have you found him, yet?!" The young blonde girl bounded alongside the vigilante as she exited the alleyway.

"Sorry, Toga-chan," Shirokage apologized to the newly identified Toga. Yes, Toga Himiko was with her and happened to be the first person Shirokage had asked for some help. They had become friends a few years ago when everybody else had been rejecting Toga because of her quirk and somewhat strange personality. As Shirokage was basically known for being the absolute queen of outcasts, she had taken the girl under her wing and has done her best since to make sure that Toga's quirkiness didn't lead to her becoming a villain. "I can think of one other place he might be that isn't too far away from here." 

Shirokage sighed as she got onto a black motorcycle that was sitting just outside the alley and waited till her friend was on it and had put a helmet on to start it up. Normally, she would prefer to run places as it was far faster, but when heading to places with others in tow… well, she would end up using a motorcycle that was quite similar to Celty's from Durarara (Yes, another Durarara reference. You shall never be free from them.) Now, you may ask 'why doesn't she just carry her friends like bags of potatoes while running?' Well, apparently, that was humiliating for the other party, and she was forbidden from ever doing so again. 

"Ne~ Shiro~chan?" Toga started loudly as they drove off. 


"Why do I have to wear a helmet when you don't?" She whined. Shirokage never wore her helmet simply because, in her words, 'it was uncomfortable.' However, when anybody else rode with her, she always made them wear a helmet no matter how stubborn they were. 

"Hmm," Shirokage tried to think of the right words before coming to a sound conclusion. "... because if a motorcycle accident was enough to kill me, it'd be a miracle." It's true. She had a very hard head, after all. "However, I'm not taking any chances with you or anybody else."

Toga wasn't sure whether she should feel flattered or not.

The two didn't engage in too much conversation after that as it was a bit difficult whilst driving. They managed to get to their destination rather quickly, and poor Toga seemed stumped when she realized exactly where they were. 

"Isn't—" Toga paused in confusion and slight wonder. "Isn't this a nail salon?"


Shirokage quickly jumped off her bike and onto the sidewalk with Toga slowly following behind. The blonde teenager still wasn't sure how to react. Was the person they were looking for inside? Or was there somebody who knew where they were?

Toga could only follow along as Shirokage literally burst through the door. 

"Dabi!" The vigilante yelled out cheerfully, throwing her arms up in the air at her success in finding her friend. The said male was currently deadpanning at the girl as an employee began filing his nails. Nobody else in the salon seemed to care, though, and were continuing about their business as usual once they realized it was just Shirokage. This wasn't the first time she had suddenly burst into there, and they doubted it would be the last. 

"What do you want, Chibi-chan?" Dabi sighed in exasperation as the two girls bounded over to the table he was set up at, one in excitement and the other in confusion. Toga was still confused as hell and was torn between laughing her ass off and questioning life as she knew it. 

Shirokage plopped down in one of the two chairs she prepared in a matter of seconds, giving a nod of greeting to the salon employee on the other side of the table. "Well, my dear friend," she started. "I may or may not need your help with a certain something~"

"And can this something wait till after my nails are finished?" He already knew there was no getting out of it, but he'd be damned if he didn't at least finish his manicure first. 

"Hmm, I suppose," Shirokage sighed in fake disappointment. She did enjoy taking whatever chance she could to mess with her dark haired friend. 

Meanwhile, Toga was actually quiet for once, her mind seemingly losing partial operation after seeing Dabi actually getting a manicure. It wasn't as though she had anything against him getting a manicure. It was just… unexpected. 

"Do–" the blonde haired girl finally found her voice. She may have been shocked, but she was also curious.  "Do you always come here to get a manicure?"

"Yup," Dabi admitted casually and without shame, not even sparing the girl a glance. "I also get a pedicure on Wednesday's and get my hair done at least once a month."

"Ooh, don't forget the weekly visits to that massage place," Shirokage added, joining in on the fun as she realized where this conversation was headed. Taking a look at Toga's wide eyes, she had to hold in a snicker. 

"Oh, yeah."

Toga glanced between the two, not sure what she was hearing. "Why– Why are you guys telling me this?"

Dabi finally glanced in her direction before leaning over to whisper in her ear. "Because nobody will ever believe you."

"You sick son of a—"

"So let me get this straight," Dabi started. They were no longer at the salon and had settled down in a nearby abandoned building. Shirokage had taken the time to explain the certain… dilemma she had on her hands. "There's a league with over one hundred villains grouped together-"


"They claim to have a way to kill All Might-"

"Also correct."

"You suspect the real leader to be someone who can go toe-to-toe with All Might-"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"And you want our help to fight this organization when they plan to attack the most popular hero school in the entire country? The three of us. Against an entire organization."

Yeah, he had his doubts. 

"Wow," Shirokage clapped. "I couldn't have summarized it better myself." Dabi couldn't help but roll his eyes at the girl's nonchalant attitude. "Also, if it makes you feel any better, a vast majority of the villains are pushovers that you could probably knock out in a matter of seconds."

"And what about the minority?"

Shirokage looked away as she answered 'innocently. ' "They may or may not take a little longer to subdue."

Dabi snorted.

"'A little?'"

"I think it sounds like fun~" Toga chipped in with a grin. She was all for a good fight especially since crime had been decreasing so much lately. Nowadays, she barely seemed to have a chance to let out any of her frustrations in a nice ol' fight. 

"Of course, you would think it sounds fun," Dabi sighed. "You like fighting almost as much as Chibi-chan over here."

Shirokage had the audacity to look offended. "Excuse you," she placed a hand dramatically on her chest. "I'm a pacifist, who hates violence, thank you very much."

The two could only stare at her blankly.

"What–" Shirokage narrowed her eyes at them. "What’s that look for?"

They only continued with their stare.

"What?! What is it?"

Dabi and Toga glanced at each other before the male spoke to the vigilante with a raised brow. "Weren't you the one that threw a road sign you tore out of the ground when some minor mugger pissed you off?"

The white haired female paused in embarrassment as she recalled the incident. "I paid for any damage, though, didn't I…?" She murmured with a pout. "Besides, the guy was a jerk."

They couldn't deny that. The dude had been a total asshole.

Dabi ended up just sighing. 

"In any case," He began. "Don't you think it's a bit reckless?"

"You trust me, don't you?" Shirokage's voice finally grew serious. "I wouldn't drag either of you into this if I thought you guys would be placed in danger." She paused. "Well, at least, danger you can't handle."

It was true. Normally, she would try to avoid getting her friends involved with such a large organization. However, with the League targeting a school, she unwillingly admitted that she'd have a better chance of keeping the students safe with some help on her side. 

Dabi sighed.

"You better have a plan."

"Don't I always?"


1783 words excluding A/N's

So... basically, I've come to the conclusion that Shirokage is Izaya's and Shizuo's secret love child.

I feel like Todoroki.

Finished- 7:36 pm on February 13, 2021


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