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My hands warmed slowly as I sat on the porch watching as the snow fell a few days have passed and I'd been avoiding Matt like the plague. Thinking, I was planning on leaving the next chance I got. Guilt was eating away at me slowly. Matt, I was sure I was starting to fall for him but not if it was for the right reasons. "Hey" I turned my head to the familiar voice. He was lent against the side of the cabin looking at me "hi" I replied coldly turning my head back to the falling snowflakes. Waiting for a reply I sat there for a while. Soon I became frustrated that I was being watched "What?!" I snapped knowing he had something to say. "Do you really think what you did was wrong?" he didn't put a subject to the matter but I could tell exsactly what he was talking about. "Yes, he's n-not here is he" my words betrayed me and started to break. Hearing a small grunt I felt his presence as he sat beside me. "If you think that's bad you'll hate me" he mumbled he was lent over his knees hands clutched together. Matt seemed more distressed then I was. Curiosity struck but I held my tongue. "Ever since I've met you all you've done is help others" his voice was rough he kept staring down at his hands. "I-i k-kill..." tears wanted to fall but I choked them back. "You've saved people's lives" firce violet eyes silenced me. "including mine" Matt sat back into the the bench and stared at the snow. Right now wasn't the time for this conversation. All I wanted to tell him was my reason for saving him the guilt I felt. "H-He looked l-like you" I spoke faintly he didn't seem to react but he seemed to be listening leaving the silence for me to speak. "I s-swear I'm cursed, your names are l-literally the same..." I bit my tongue brought my legs up and huge them hiding my face from the canadian. Not right now I didn't want to speak. "So you saved me because I looked like him, eh? well I'm glad I'm rather living then dead" his voice was flat and he didn't seem to care. I should have took it as lucky but he was taking my guilt so lightly it hurt all the more. "Also you moved out to the middle nowhere because of it too" He was stating facts wanting to make sure he was right, I nodded "Why not go back? See your family?" he qouestioned. Family, the word seemed foreign I hadn't seen them in 3 years. Is that really how long I've been running from this. 3 years. "They hate me..." I breathed lifting my head slightily. "Why?" he asked. Why did he keep asking god Damn qouestions. "Why wouldnt they..." I mumbled of course they hate me a killed my fiancé. "my grandad offered me the cabin saying I could use it for how ever long I wanted and he'd never tell anybody were I was" I informed. The offer was nearly to good to be true I took it straight away all I wanted to do was flee from what I'd done. "I'm sure they don't hate you, I might not be good with family matters considering my own but I'm sure they were just sad for you" he rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'll even take you there" he offered. A small piece of hope gisltend. "No they..." before I could even finish the sentence, "They love you if you really want I'll stick with you throughout" he pulled me into him. Heat flushed in my cheeks. "Hey let go" I tried to skirm from his grip but he held me tightly. "N-not intill you agree" his voice was quite. Guilt struck me "ok ok" I agreed flustered I folded my arms over my chest as soon as he let me go and turned my face away from him. "Good to hear" he ruffled at my hair and stood. "it's cold out make sure you come in soon" his voice seemed slightly happier then useual but still held his monotony undertone. Why did he even care if I saw my family. He was trying to help me out I knew that for sure big but I just felt like a burden to him causing him nothing but trouble.

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