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"Your clothes are a mess do you want to change and clean up?" Becky asked I looked down at my jackets and pj's she was right. The blood was definitely going to stain. "I didn't bring any spare clothes with me" I scowled "I'll let you borrow some of mine" she smiled then lead me up stairs to what I guessed was her room. She opened up a pine closet and pulled out some clothes. Asking me to chose a set I soon settled on a simple grey long sleeved top and some jeans. "You can also wash up in there if you like, bring your dirty clothes down and I'll wash them for you" she offered "Thank you" I called as she shut the door "No problem" she replied faintly. I placed the clothes on the neatly made bed and entered were she had pointed to be met with a bathroom. Staring at myself in the mirror my reflection throwned at me. lacing my fingers through my noted bed head I scowled . Scoping up a hand full of water I threw it in my face calming down my still panicking brian. I really need to stop doing these procedures they just keep bringing me closer to the past.

A hacking cough caught my attention "Are you alright" I tried to help calm his coughing fit soon enough he was just left breathing heavily. "I'm fine just a small cough" he tried hard to reassure. "if that's a small cough I'm dreading to witness a normal one" I sighed slightly that's when I noticed he was hiding the hand he'd been coughing in behind his back. Oh please don't tell me... I grabbed his arm before he could even protest. I must just be threting. No blood good. "(F/N)?" he qouestioned at my actions confused slightly "Oh it nothing" I smiled looking up at him. He pulled me into a hug "you sure?" he asked I nodded "Yeh" I buried my face in his golden locks.


I stumbled down the stairs and headed to the clutter of noise. Becky stood the sink cleaning the bowl I had been using. Red... A shiver ran down my spine "Oh (F/N) put your clothes in that tube please" she pointed to a metal tub I placed them in the boiling water. Her moments still seemed panicked. "Could you watch over Petter for a moment?" I nodded knowing if anything thing happened I was the only one likely to know what to do. I walked back to the living room and stopped by the now red sofa were the boy laided. He was sleeping, he'll need his energy back. Placing a chilled hand on his head I felt a fever. I quickly walked back to the kitchen wetted a rag then left simply saying "he has a slight fever" as he head rose from work. I placed it over the boy petter's forehead then took a seat on an armchair nearby.

Soon enough Becky was all done and I started teaching her how to rap bandages by using two cushions as a dummy she asked me many qouestions and talked while she practiced "So what brings you all the way out here?" "just wanted to get away from it all" I anwsered every qouestion the best I could "Matt doesn't normally bring girls are you related somehow all that ever show up are his brothers" I shook my head "Oh yeh right silly me I forgot you also saved his life" she laughed "your quite the hero" she beamed " I wouldn’t say that I'm just an artist" I tried to reason shying away from the role soon the chatter died down and she focused. We had to go over it  about 12 times before she nailed it. Then I quickly went over other handy things like applying pressure to the wound properly and cleaning and sterilising the wound. She was egar to learn and asked if there was anything else I could go over with her. So I opened my med kit looking to see if I could.

I searched through it only to find something buried at the bottom I pulled it out only for my breath to become captured in my chest. A bottle filled with pills, why could such a bottle hurt me so much. Staring at it I couldn't take my eyes away red still coated the white top. Why did I never have the heart to bin this? Why did I keep such a painful memory. "(F/N) are you alright dear? You're crying" I lifted my eyes to the worried expression infront of me then back at the bottle "m-matthew" I choked. "Oh honey please calm down" she tried her best to comfort me. My cheeks felt sore from my tears and eyes burned. Tight,  my chest felt so tight. My heart ached. I never should of helped them, I should have have just left by themselves. That a horrible thing to think. I must be a reached person. They would have died like her did. My Mathew I killed him. Bring my legs in to my chest I tried to abandon the painful, bitter memories once more.

(haven't completely checked through yet but hope u enjoyed)

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