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(here is an early chap with some back story promise next time I'll revel all ;) promise )

"I need some time alone sorry I'll be back in a bit" I cried my words hardly understandable as I fled out the door "(F/N) it's to cold to go out there like that it's dangerous" her words feel on death ears. The normal relaxing sound of snow was nothing but cacophonous as I sprinted through the harsh cold that tried it's hardest to consume me. Still clutching onto the thing that caused all this. I didn't care were I was going... as long as nobody knows what I've done... I'm safe. I won't have to move again. Maybe I could move on to another town. Soon I became lost in dense over growth, my foot twisted on branch the snow had spitefully hidden from me. My ankle stung but I paid no bother. I carried on limping seeing the world through a blanket of tears that froze my stained face. Exhaustion caught me, taking the last of my and energy; leaving me to clasp by a stump of a tree. My tears had stopped, vanished with the chilly wind but my chest wouldn't stop aching, reminding me of what happened. I brought my knees up to my self for warmth as I watch the foggy clouds of my heavy breaths. The numb cold was starting to settle in my bones. Why did I do it?

Matt pov: peace, throwing out my rod I enjoyed the silence unfortunately it was destined not to last long "Matt! Matt!" I could hear bear's shouting all the way from the cabin a walkie talkie to his ear. This was clearly urgent I ran up to him only to be met with a face of true horror. Please don't tell me? It's to do with... "(F/N) ran from the cabin in a fit, deer says she went West wearing no coat and the temperature is about to drop with the sunset" He blasted through all the information and I soaked it in. I jumped in the truck and speed off I could see Allen's confused face in my rear view. He ran for the truck trying to jump in the back shouting profanities about leaving him there. Scowling I hit the break letting him jump in the back "Now shout the F#ck up and hold on" I growled as I speed up and the car jumped and glided over the snow. Slamming the door to the pick up I saw deer waiting at the front door, worry glistened in her teary eyes "she was in a right state before she left...." I nodded at the pointless information and looked for her tracks. I found a few faint ones, she wasn't even wearing shoes. Following them I ran as the snow filled them as if mocking me. The sun was setting out an orange glow as it fell from the sky. I was running out of time. I halted the tracks coming to an agnosing end. This girl causes so much trouble, my chest tighten at such simple words. That girl saved my life, that girl is going to die if I don't save her. That girl...

Reader's pov:Lips trembling my body shivered uncontrollably as I sat there dread numbing at my already frozen mind. What if I do it again? Every qouestion made me feel worse. What if he was still here? My stomach sunk. Why is my Matthew dead? I knew fully well even if I tried I wouldn't be able to make it back with a broken ankle. I'd given up. Looking down at the pills I grimace, such a horrid memory yet what a lovely person why did it have to be him? Am I cursed?

A faint voice seemed to anwser me, I bet my brain has finally frozen over I buried it back in my arms. '(F/N)' the voice was now calling me repeatly this was probably nothing. "h-hello" y et I still attempted to call back, my lips trembling and voice small. The voice called me again "hello" I tried again stronger. Then a qouestion hit, why do keep on trying? I was struck with melancholy.

-Flash back-
"Matthew why do you keep on trying?" a doctor rudely asked looking down at my boyfriend , I was about to step in when Matthew took my hand in his and looked at the doctor with a determined smile "because of her she is my everything and to lose her, I can't bear to think about it" he spoke strongly but embrassement making his words uneven and jittery. This sweetness only caused me to smile and blush even when he was ill he still put me first "Thank you mattie but I'll be here with you every step of the way" I squeezed his hand lightly, trying to return the favour. The doctor just shrugged leaving with a slight thrown. I gave Matthew a small peck of the forehead as he laid in the metal hospital bed. "(F/N) can I ask you something?" he qouestioned "Yeh anything" I sat beside him never letting go of his hand, he was stable at the moment and happy therfore worry wasn't my top priority, his happiness was enough to make me smile. "could you pass my medicine?" he pointed to his pills. Grabbing them I was about to hand them to him but he spoke up "can you get a pill out for me" he smiled sweetly I nodded lightly and undid the cap and tipped it in my hand. Something weighted and heavy fell in the plam of my hand it definitely wasn't a pill, cold, smooth. Confusion and curiosity consumed me as I removed the tub and stared at the thing in my hand, it was a ring with a beautiful opal. Why? I looked up at mattie to see let him grinning at my confusion. He took my hands closing the ring inside them his face was bright red "(f-f/n) will you marry me?" my breath hitched in my throat I couldn't help but smile my cheeks becoming sore, my heart beated in joy threatening toilette my chest in the excitement. "yes, yes" I laughed pulling him into a tight hug, he hugged me back making me feel like nothing could ever come between us.
Wishing that moment never ended I buried my head into his chest.

Smiling lightly at the happy memory, the good memory behind this item I almost forgot but the bad one will never leave."(F/N)" the voice kept trying "I'm over here" I called with all my strength. I tried to fidget but my body temperature was too low. My toes were looking blue so were my fingers. I could hear footsteps they were running the crunching of the merciless snow following them. "(F/N)!" purple eyes, blonde hair and a worried face captured my attention. "Matt?" I called back he ran up to me and kneeled beside the cold limp body I owned. "Why are you always getting into trouble" he mumbled looking me over for injuries, he settled his gaze on my swollen ankle. In a instant a jacket was flung round my shoulder and I was lifted into strong warm arms. He held me close giving me the vital heat my body craved. lookeding at the man who'd saved me from my own stupidity... and fears I realised why I'd saved this stranger without a secound thought. He reassembled my fiance my Matthew. Even their name were simpler. If there is such a thing as god he sure as hell was mocking my existence. Piercing violet stared into my (e/c) orbs, even though his face showed no emotion his eyes could tell a never ending story. "Thank you" I whispered. My numbed mind didn't want to think anymore all it wanted was the sweet relive of sleep. "don't you dare fall asleep on me" he urged I opened my heavy eyes looking at him with confusion. "You can sleep once your body temperature is back up and you're healthy again" he reasoned in anger, slight worry entwining his words. "Ok" I breathed happy someone cared to keep me alive even if it was only someone I know for about 2 months, also I was to tired to argue anyways. I forced my eyes opened and hummed a small tuned to keep my mind active and so Matt knew I was still awake. Even if I was saved my chest never let go, my heart would never stop aching. All those therapy appointments all those years trying to forget paying others to help me forget. It might have worked but now all those memories were flooding back about Matthew while I was being held in another man's arms.

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