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"Ok just give me 5 minutes" distant words echoed in my ear. "Don't take to long mattie" that voice, is Oliver here. Sitting up I stared around the room. Oliver stood in the doorway his eyes landed on me as he noticed I'd woken up, a smile played on his lips. "Are you doing alright (F/N)?" he qouestioned out of habit I nodded my head. Hurried footsteps drew my attention to my right. Matt was coming out of the bathroom, his sunglasses placed on his nose. "Morning (F/N), I'm going to go talk to Oliver" he informed. "Uh..." I didn't really know how to reply as I didn't understand the situation. Was Oliver a dangerous aqatiance of matt's would it be dangerous for me to tag along. I don't want to be stuck here by myself.

"You can come to if you like poppet, I don't mind" Oliver offered seeming to read my expression. Matt let out a sigh but didn't seem to care to much about the offer. "Sure..." I replied dully. If matt's there is should be fine though just incase. Quickly grabbing some clothes I shuffled into the bathroom. Luckily my med kit was still in here. After yesterday, taking chance wasn't my best choice. Taking out a scalpel I wrapped a small pice of cloth around the blade and shoved it into my pocket.

looking in the mirror I was saddened by the site. Brusies and a massive lump. Leaving the bathroom I hurried to my suitcase and pulled out a hat. Shoving it over my stinging bump I was ready to finally leave. "ok let's go" Oliver chimed opening the door as soom as I stepped out mat was right beside me. "Stay close, I don't wnat to lose you again" he frowned slightly. Understanding I couldn't help but link my arm with him, even if he stays close I could still lose him. Matt let out a small cough, looking up I was met with a surprised face. Oliver's smile seemed to grow again. "Mattie!..." Oliver sighed happily "Shut up..." matt huffed embrassed. Still tired I didn't pay much attention as Matt led me as I hung onto his arm tightly. Oliver easily seem to find his way in the crowd. His bright colours seem to ward people away from him leaving a nice path to follow after.

We stopped at a nearly empty cafe which was surprising consider the mass of people. Taking a seat by the window I surveyed my surrounding curiously. "Well it's been some time mattie were you planning on visiting me~ " sweetness laced Oliver's voice. "No were going to England for personal matters" Matt stated bluntly. Causing Oliver to pout. After ordering slient set in intill "(F/N) could I ask you to sit outside for 5 minutes..." Matt spoke lowly, not wanting to be out there on my own I was about to protest "theres a bench right outside this window, I'll keep an eyes on you ok?" At those words I took my Ice cream I ordered and leaved to sit outside. Matt and Oliver talked as I watched them cautiously. At one moment I though Matt was going to punch Oliver in the face as he short from his seat and banged his hands down on the table he looked so p#ssed of it was scary, like when he scolded me. I could hear his fist hit the table from out here. Everyone else in the cafe were quite shocked and destrot by the movement yet Oliver seemed as chipper as always. Soon after Matt left the cafe and stopped infront of me. Staring at me he seems to want to say something then his eyes lost interest and fell to my hand "Weren't you going to eat that?" looking down at my hand my icecream was melting all over my hand. To worried about what was being discussed I could stop to eat it. Sighing he took the sticky melted icecream from my hand and chucked it in the bin. "Here poppet " Oliver apeared and passed me a napkin. Taking it I whiped at my hand and arm. Thinking Oliver would get into trouble for being here considering Matt stormed out I kept and eye on the both. Though Matt doesn't seem to bothered by his presence. What were they talking about to stir him up so much. "Come on (F/N)" Matt held his hand out to me. Not wanting to be out here any longer then possible I took it. "Byes" Oliver waved I gave him a small one in return. "Sorry..." Matt mumbled his grumpiness portrayed in his voice. His hand was cold like the snow he held onto mine gently though. "About what?" He glanced at me as if to say I already know. Did Oliver tell him what happened.

His paced seemed to quicken through the dense crowd "I left you" he roughly informed trying not to sound harsh. Was he blaming himself stopping in my tracks. I forced him to halt, he didn't turn to me "Its not your fault! There is no need to be sorry. I should be saying thank to you for taking care of me". No response came although soon arms were tightly wrapped around me and a head was set atop mine. "I promise it won't happen again" He breathed, sighing I returned his hug. Though guilt set in my stomach. Dropping my arms from his side, I couldn't help but cry. Why is everything so confusing. Staring at the ground he let go of me. Peeking at my face he lifted it slightly. Running his thumbs along my cheek he whiped away the tears. "Shouldn't have done that I know" he sighed. Shaking my head side to side I repleid with a hoarse voice "No". Ceasing my tears I grabbed his hand tightly and moved along. No protest came form him as we head back to our room. Still tired from yesterday and still confused I quickly got changed into my pj's. Matt sat at the breakfreast table as I got comfy in my bed. "Night Matt" I called, "night" he replied. Looking up from the small TV screen.

??? Pov: I'm glad she decided to sleep. The TV screen showed, a crooked hand smothered in blood from the crime scene Oliver caused. They deserved to die the F#cking A#seholes. They asked that all members of the cruise still enjoy them selves but be wary. Oliver won't get out of this one... Though considering what he's pulled before if he does I won't be too surprised. (F/N) seemed even more delicate then before. First being broken by her fiancé's death and now this. Glancing over my shoulder I could see her peaceful resting features that were ruined by bruises.
I swear I'll never let anyone lay a finger her on her from now on.

Sighing I realised I owed Oliver now. Although he told me when he went to save he had no clue she was with me.
Warning her about him might be a good idea... What if she finds out about me. Placing my head in my hands I felt feed up. Someone who preserves life while I'm someone who destorys it. Why did she start tearing up when I hugged her...? She seemed off the last couple of days, maybe this trip really is bugging her and then those A#seholes only made things worse. Ever since I've meet her I've never seen her smile, a real smile. Was I bringing her bed luck? Sighing I placed my head in my hands. About to give up and take a nap but something shone in the corner of my eye. (F/N)'s discarded jeans had something shinning in the pocket. Curios I pulled it out. A scalpel, she was hiding a scalpel in her pocket. No way was she just carrying this just incase, she was carrying it as a weapon. This had F#cked with her more then I thought never have I seen her with a weapon. Looking down at the girl in qouestion my chest ached. "Poor chickadee".

(Hey here the update, on time. Also no clue if I checked through this but I'm are I did I just can't remember, Also cheers for the feedback. Personally I would like to change grammer mistakes in past chapters but wattpad won't let me anyways so we're all stuck with the same good old bad grammer story :D)

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