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A small click sounded my brain felt so foggy. Opening my eyes I wasn't suprised to be meet with a familiar man. He was holding a brown paper bag in his arm. "Morning chickadee" he greeted. Did he go out? An uneasy feeling that I was left alone settled in my stomach. "Morning" I yawned. Matt picked up his phone and started to type away. Getting out of my warm bed I went to get changed. Leaving the bathroom Matt opened the front door. "Hello poppet" before I could even think Oliver was in my face. "Uh hi" I replied bluntly. "Let's go out shopping I found this cute dress that would suit you perfectly" he beamed glancing over to seem to understand my plead for help and strolled over. He placed a hand on Oliver shoulder "No need to be nervous Oliver and I are related if he tried anything he'll get it" Matt informed, Oliver smiled nodding taking matt's threat lightly "Yeh we're brothers right mattie?" Oliver grinned making Matt sigh. Brothers? Now the hair colour wasn't to far off but does that mean Oliver is related to Allen too or are they half brothers? This is so confusing for first thing in the morning. "So your brothers with Al too...." I half stated and asked. "So you've met Allen too! What about Frank?" Oliver questioned "She has met Al but no way in hell is Frank getting involved" Matt growled. Frank, is that another brother or relative? Oliver seemed a bit pouty but soon asked another qouestion "So what do you say wanna go out shopping (F/N)?". "I haven't really gone shopping in a long time" I tried to get out of it but it was ture consider Al normally brought me groceries and my last clothes shop was about a year ago.

"All the more reason to go!" Oliver chimed opening the door. Matt placed his hand on my shoulder and lent down "Just go enjoy yourself Oliver will keep an eye out for you don't worry" was Matt not coming then. "Are you not coming too?" I sighed he shook his head "Have to deal with a couple of things, Al's been buggering me" he held up his black screened phone. If he went with us I'd be fine but considering I was by myself with Oliver; it didn't settle well. "Here" Matt placed something cold in my hand blocking my view of Oliver at the door. Looking down it was my scalpel. "If it makes you feel safe take it" he spoke so seriously. It pained me to know he'd found this. Placing it back in his hand I regretted taking it in the first place. "No if you trust Oliver I'll trust him" I breathed quietly so only he could hear. He patted my head and moved out of the way. Knowing a no wasnt going to get me out of the trip now I walked out the door and followed after the smiling man.

"Where to first poppet? There are some nice shops round here." he stated pointing to a shop every once and a while. The deck seemed more empty at least half the crowd was gone. "That dress would look great on you" Oliver pointed to a frilly white summer dress in a window display. The frills put me off and I didn't wear dresses often. "Uh" he turned to me "Why not try it on and see?" well there is no hurt in trying things on. Walking into the shop he followed happily humming. Coming out of the changing room I stared into the mirror. Even if I didn't like the frills he was definitely right when he said it would suit me. "See you look great!" he was nicer then I originally thought though something still felt off. Oliver dragged me round nearly every shop we even stopped at a sweet shop. Every so often I would find Oliver on his phone. I would wonder what he was doing? If he was texting someone.

Even though Oliver was good at picking things out that would suit me he also didn't seem to be full shopaholic like I first thought . It was hard to put my finger on. My feet felt sore as Oliver stopped infront of me "(F/N) can we go in that shop for a minute" he asked pointing towards what looked to be a normal food shop. Shrugging I repleid with a "Sure do what you like no need to ask" he smiled and rushed in. Losing him in secounds I serched the store. I found him down an isle picking up boxs and reading the back. Looking over his shoulder he was looking at baking products like flour and sugar. "(F/N) could you help me find some coco powder it should be down this isle somewhere..." he didn't raise his head from looking at the back of the flour bag in his hands. "Sure" looking round the shelfs I soon found the coco powder on a high shelf to the left. Reaching up my hand I tried to grab it. My fingers just were able to skim along it before my body hit something. Looking down I had knocked something it rattled on the shelf for a secound then plummeted forward. Bringing my hands down I tried to catch it. "Be more careful" looking down Oliver had caught it with one hand. It was a glass bottle full of chocolate chips. Sighing I thanked him. "Matt would kill me if you got hurt please just be careful" He spoke so sweetly yet the words didn't match his tone. Well Matt did say he'd get it if anything happened, Oliver is probably over exaggerating "ok I will sorry, the Coca powder is up there" I pointed at it. Oliver was only slightly taller then me so it didn't seem he'd have much luck reaching it either. He dragged a stool from the next isle and stood on it taking the powder with ease. "There we go thank you" he smiled. Were he was standing before was a pile of things, he scopped them up in his arms and head to were I asummed the tills are. Following behind him he seem to be struggling with how much he was holding. "want me to help?" I offered he only shook his head "No thank you I'll be just fine" He took it to the till and paided smiling brightly. "Well that was a good shop wouldn't you say?" he looked much happier now he had two bags full of ingredients. I wonder is he likes to cook? Probably considering how much he's brought. "Yeh it was was" I smiled lightly, it was a nice to go shopping and try things on again. "Oh I almost forgot" spinning on his Oliver quickened his paced and headed backwards. Jogging after him he soon stopped at a familiar store. "Hold these for one secound I'll be right back" he passed me his bags and ran into the store. Did he forget something like his keys in there?

Oliver soon came rushing back out grinning. "Here" he took back his bags and passed me a new one. Did he really just buy me something? without even looking inside I spoke "You really didn't have to buy me anything" pushing it towards him I tried to give it back "No no its a thank you present for going shopping with me" he grinned. Considering we had mainly been in women's clothes shops all day this didn't seem to fair yet he seem determined to not let me return it. "Thanks Oliver I owe you one" opening the bag I found the top I had tried on it was a shirt with a simple light checkered design. How did he know that this was my favourite out of all the things I tried on. Looking up he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Before I could say anything his phone went off. Within secounds he snatched it from his pocket "Hello... Oh ok be right there" Oliver ended the brief call. "We need to go back now poppet". Why? I didn't ask aloud but he seem to understand by my expression "Something important came up sorry" he lightly smiled apologetically "It's OK I enjoyed today" I replied not wanting him to feel guilty as I felt spoil.

(This will.probably end around 40 like stas did if you want I can do a q N a till then or something special for you guys)

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