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Lucas's P.O.V

The next day my friends and I had walked into the school, except Doyoung was not with us for some reason.
"Where is Doyoung?" Jaehyun asked.
"Maybe he got here earlier." Taeil said. We walked into the school and once again girls were looking at us. We're quite popular. I winked at a girl I had talked to yesterday and I felt Yuta nudge my arm. Taeyong had stopped and I looked forward to see Doyoung sitting in the commons waiting for the bell to ring to start the day. He was sitting across from someone. I couldn't see them from here. We got closer and Taeyong greeted Doyoung. My breathe hitched. It was the boy from yesterday, he looked a bit different in the dark uniform. He still had very soft looks. He looked away and Doyoung sighed. Who was this guy to Doyoung? Why is this nobody so special?
"Hey Doyoung" I said. May as well speak my mind. He looked at me. "Who exactly is he to you?" Was I implying I thought they were dating, yep. I felt Taeil jab me in the side and I glared at him.
"I told you so" Jungwoo whispered to Doyoung and got up. "See you later hyung," he smiled at Doyoung and bowed slightly at us and walked away.
"Lucasss why do you have to be so mean?" Yuta said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I shrugged and looked at Doyoung as he got up.
"Are you dating that Jungwoo guy?" I asked.
"Be respectful Lucas." Taeyong said.
"Why? Doyoung doesn't tell us anything anymore." I snapped back. Doyoung sighed.
"Jungwoo and I have been friends for a long time but we fell out of touch. We've been hanging out lately, he's shy and doesn't like hanging out with big groups, also-" Doyoung stopped and hesitated "nevermind." He grabbed his bag. "Ready to go to class guys?" What was he about to say? Before I could ask the bell rang and we headed to class.

It was forth period. Chemistry. I hate chemistry. I groaned and tapped my pencil on my desk, all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a girl smiling at me. She's pretty cute. I smirked and stopped tapping my pen and looked her in the eyes. "Hey" I said lowly. She seemed visibly affected by it seeing as her cheeks went red. She placed a hand on my desk and leaned.
"Do you want to be my partner for the lab?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure. Anything for a cutie like you," I smirked looking at her. She giggled. I heard a loud laugh and turned around to see Haechan laughing at something someone had said. People weren't lying when they said he was like the sun. I flicked my eyes to see he had a lab partner. I stared. It was Jungwoo again. Had he always been in my class? I looked around, I didn't know a lot of these kids but I still sort of remembered them. Doyoung's words replayed in my mind, he's shy. I turned back to the girl, she sat down in the desk by mine. She smiled.
"That Haechan kid is kinda annoying don't you think?" She said and laughed a bit looking at the two boys in the back rows.
"Hell yeah." I laughed. At least myself and this girl thought the same.
"But... I'm a bit jealous of his partner. His partner is one of the smartest people in the school and he is cute. I don't know his name though. Too quiet for me." She rambled on.
"Hey, it hurts to hear you talking about another guy." I said. I didn't want to hear about a nobody continuously. She smiled.
"Awe I'm sorry. He's not my type-" she leaned in "I prefer hot guys like you." She finished and poked my chest. I smirked. Did we do the lab? No we just wrote down bullshit answers and flirted the whole time. Before I knew it the bell rang, next is lunch.

I walked to our circle table with my tray and set it down sitting between Doyoung and Jaehyun. "Lucas move over." Doyoung said setting down his tray. I groaned and moved to the side and Doyoung grabbed an extra chair and slid it between us.
"What, don't want to talk to me hyung? Didn't realize I o-" he cut me off.
"Jungwoo, come sit." I snapped my head back to see Jungwoo set down his lunch box and sit down in the seat awkwardly. Everyone at our table stopped talking and stared at the newcomer. What is Doyoung doing? Doyoung sat back down and cleared his throat and we all looked at him. "You all haven't formally met, everyone this is Kim Jungwoo" he said looking at us. I watched as Jungwoo lifted his head and bow a bit and wave and let out a small hi. The others nodded and did the same.
"So Jungwoo, how have you been?" Taeil asked. Jungwoo looked at him across the table. I felt my stomach do a flip when I saw Jungwoo smile. The hell is wrong with me?
"I've been good, thank you for asking hyung. Y-you?" Jungwoo asked stuttering over his words. I rolled my eyes. Can we just talk normal and ignore this guy?
"I've been good also." Taeil said and took a bite of his apple. Everyone was quite silent. I spoke up.
"You guys up to partying this weekend?" I asked and took a sip of my water. Yuta looked at me and smirked.
"Hell yeah."
"I'm in," Mark said.
"Sure" Taeyong added and so did Jaehyun.
"Sounds fun" Taeil said.
"I second that" Johnny said.
"I'm down for it." Doyoung said. Before anyone could say anything else Doyoung turned to Jungwoo "How about you Jungwoo, do you want to join?" Jungwoo looked up and looked at Doyoung.
"Doyoung" I growled. I didn't want some nobody at my party. Jungwoo then turned and looked at me, I glared. He gulped and turned back towards Doyoung.
"No thank you. I'm b-busy" He said.
"It's alright, maybe next time" Johnny said laughing it off.
I saw Doyoung glare at me and then go back to eating lunch. And with that we talked as if Jungwoo wasn't here, only a few questions were thrown at him. The bell rang ending lunch and I have never seen someone run away so fast. I watched as Jungwoo packed his stuff and sped walked away. I watched as someone patted his back. It was Haechan. We all got up and Taeyong looked at me.
"What?" I asked raising a brow.
"Nothing, but seriously try not to be so mean." He walked away.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud and Yuta shrugged and dragged me away to our next class.

Math, a useless class. The whole time I ranted to my fellow math hater. Yuta of course. "What the fuck is up with everyone? Why is Doyoung dragging a nobody into our circle? And why is Taeyong defending him?"
"Listen, I don't know man. Trust me I am just as confused as you are. But even more confused with this equation so help me you idiot." He said and ruffled my hair pulling me down to look at the problem. I smacked his hand away and looked at it,

"Dude," I said and he looked at me. "I have no clue." He groaned hearing that and smacked the back of my head. We got yelled at by the teacher.

The final bell rang. I rushed out of my last class and grabbed my stuff like always. I walked down the hall with Johnny to meet up with our group. And yet again, I see that Jungwoo guy talking with Jaehyun. He was so annoying and annoyingly pretty. Hold on. No no no, he is not pretty. I fought with myself and we finally made it to the group.
"How was math, heard you and Yuta got yelled at" Mark said and smiled. I smirked.
"It was fine but the teacher has no fucking clue how to teach" I groaned. Yuta sighed and agreed.
"Are you good at math Taeyong?" the Japanese male asked. Taeyong shrugged.
"Doyoung helps me" Taeyong responded and Doyoung nodded. I looked at Doyoung.
"Hey Doyoung hyung, you know you're my favorite right?" I wrapped an arm around him. He rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, all you have to do is let me copy your homework." I gave him one of my biggest smiles. I heard a laugh, it was very soft and I looked to the left and saw Jungwoo covering his mouth as he laughed and Jaehyun laughed seeing him laugh. "Why are you laughing?" I asked a bit annoyed. Why is he still here? He slowed down and stopped laughing and took a breath, he seemed like he couldn't look in my eyes.
"You're just funny Lucas, I expected that..." he trailed off.
"You know my name?" I asked. Jaehyun laughed loudly and Mark joined. Doyoung jabbed me.
"Who doesn't know your name idiot?" He said. I took my arm off him.
"Back to the serious matter," I said in a very serious tone and everyone stopped laughing and looked at me. "Who's homework am I copying tonight?" I smirked. Taeyong shook his head. I looked to see Jungwoo picking his nails.
"Jungwoo." I said a bit loud and he jumped and looked at me.
"How about you let me copy yours?" I smirked. Doyoung looked at me and then at Jungwoo.
"Jungwoo he's joking y-" Doyoung was cut off by another boy. It was Ten.
"Jungwoo lets go," Ten grabbed Jungwoo's arm.
"Finally done with suspension?" I asked Ten. He stopped and turned around to look at me.
"Yeah I am. Are you happy to see my handsome face again?" He smirked and batted his eyelashes. I rolled my eyes.
"Jungwoo wait-" Doyoung started and Ten started to pull Jungwoo away. Jungwoo shook his head and smiled.
"See you tomorrow hyung. Bye guys." He said quietly and followed the shorter male out. I turned to Doyoung.
"Why the hell do you want him to hang out with us so bad hyung?" I asked. Doyoung rubbed his temples.
"We're good friends and I want him to get out more. You wouldn't understand" he said. I was about to snap back but Taeyong spoke up.
"Jungwoo wants more friends but doesn't know how to approach people, he opened up to me in second period. Before Ten moved here he was bullied pretty bad and lost a few friends through that."
"And that has nothing to do with us." I said and walked away. I'm so angry, what gives Jungwoo the right to enter our group just because he was bullied or if he is friends with Doyoung. I growled and walked out the doors and went home by the city bus.

"I'm home!" I shouted and slipped off my shoes. I watched as my brother was face down into his phone, which was resting on his history book. Chenle is my adopted brother, he is a freshman in high school so I don't see him often since I am a senior. "Hey loser" I ruffled his hair and he swatted my hand away and fixed it. My mom poked her head out of the kitchen.
"Hey Lucas, welcome home" she said as she walked to the living room when I plopped down on the couch. "how was your day?" she asked me. I shrugged.
"It was fine I guess." She smiled and looked at Chenle.
"Chenle get off your phone and start working!" She scolded him and I laughed.
"But mom the tutor is going to be here soon right? I have some time to relax." I raised a brow and looked at the time on my phone, it is 3:30.
"Tutor?" I asked and my mom nodded.
"Chenle hasn't been doing too well in school so I hired a tutor, I think they're from your school." She said smiling. I smiled. I hope it's a hot girl. I paused and thought, my little brother having a hot tutor? I looked at my little brother, nah if he did she wouldn't look at him in that way. We talked and ate snacks and watched TV, then suddenly the door bell rang. I looked at my phone to see it was 4:15. My mom went to the door and I heard her talking to someone. She led them into the house. I focused on the TV, gotta act cool. "Chenle, meet your tutor Kim Jungwoo" she smiled. I snapped my head back. And standing there with my mother was no other than the Kim Jungwoo. Chenle got up and greeted him and which he did the same. "Jungwoo, this is my other son, Lucas! He isn't doing that well either so maybe you could help him?" She pointed at me and I glared slightly. I saw his eyes meet mine, something about the way he looked at me made my heart beat faster. Maybe it was my anger acting up again. He smiled and looked away.
"Nice to meet you guys, and Mrs. Wong I've already met Lucas, he is in some of my classes." He said smiling.
"He's troublemaker isn't he?" She asked trying to get answers out of the shy male. I glared even more but he didn't look at me. He scratched the back of his neck and laughed it off.
"Isn't everyone in high school?" She laughed at his response. And with that Chenle and him went to the table to work. I watched as Jungwoo was explaining things to my brother. What an over achiever I sighed and looked back at the TV and texted the group chat.

Jungwoo is my brothers tutor


Stfu Yuta, it's not helping

Maybe you should ask him for help on math?

His pride won't let him ^

Jungwoo is extremely smart, it's not really a surprise

Just date him or something since you seem to like him so much hyung.

I'm not gay

Then stop talking like he is a god!

Ask Jungwoo if he can help me with chem

Lucas, why don't you like Jungwoo?


He's such a goody two-shoes and isn't cool at all.

Some people aren't like us. We have to accept it Lucas.

Doyoung that won't help

Did you ask if he can help me with chem?

Ugh you guys are annoying!

I got off my phone and threw it on the coffee table and stared down at my math homework. I heard Chenle talking to Jungwoo. "Is this how I do the equation?"
"Yep! Nice job Chenle, you're getting better!"
"Thank you hyung!" I heard Chenle say and do that weird laugh that people say sounds like a dolphin. And then I heard my mom say the words I never wanted her to say, and maybe some other things but this was almost the top of the list:

"Would you like to stay for dinner Jungwoo?"

Fuck my life.

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