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Lucas's P.O.V.

Here I was, sitting across from Kim fucking Jungwoo. My younger brother was sitting next to him and my mother next to me. My father at the head of the table.
"Mrs. Wong, thank you for the meal, it's delicious!" Jungwoo exclaimed taking another bite.
"Oh sweetheart, you're welcome. You're helping my son and maybe Lucas in the future." I watched as she smiled sweetly at the guy across from me. I rolled my eyes and began to eat. I heard my dad clear his throat and I looked at him, so did my younger brother.
"Jungwoo, right?" He asked. Jungwoo looked up from his plate and set down his utensils, he smiled and nodded. I looked to see my father nod, he was thinking. "How are your grades at school Jungwoo?" He asked. Jungwoo scratched the back of his neck.
"I would like to say they are good, I'm on high honor roll" he said and moved a strand of his light brown hair out of his face.
"Are you in any school sports or electives?"
"I'm in choir," I looked down to see Jungwoo playing with his fingers on the table. Why is he so nervous? This is the most I've heard him speak "I-I'm not too good at sports." He laughed nervously. Something about that laugh made me smirk. I continued to eat. I saw my mom reach across the table and touch Chenle's hand. "Didn't you want to join choir dear?" Chenle blushed embarrassed. I flicked my gaze up to Jungwoo and his face instantly brightened. He turned towards my younger brother and grabbed his hand gently, Chenle looked at him in shock.
"You should totally join!" His voice was soft as he exclaimed, "We could always use more members, especially guys. It's very fun, we go on trips sometimes and sing for people."
"I'll think about it hyung." I saw Chenle smile a bit awkwardly. Jungwoo picked it up and instantly let go.
"I'm so sorry, I'm a bit touchy I guess" he shrugged "I'm just passionate about singing..." he trailed off.
"Singing is lame, and quite gay if you ask me. Most of the choir guys are gay right?" I asked and glared looking at Jungwoo, his cheeks dusted pink.
"Yukhei!" My father raised his voice and I looked towards him. He was seething. "Apologize to our guest, he is older than you also. You should learn from Jungwoo, he's got good grades and a good attitude unlike you." I mentally rolled my eyes. Jungwoo is such a try-hard. I then heard a whisper, very small.
"Yukhei" I snapped my head towards Jungwoo and he was looking at his plate. Was he testing my name? He then stopped eating and looked at my father. "Mr. Wong, if I m-may. It's alright, I'm not offended, I hear it often unfortunately." He paused "sometimes peoples' passion isn't the same and I respect that. Your son is actually very smart, I had math  with him freshman year and we did an assignment together. He knew what he was doing and even checked my answers. I admired that about him." He smiled towards my father and I saw my father relax slightly.
"It still doesn't excuse his rude comments."
"It's alright, I assure you."
And with that we continued eating with light conversation. I tried to remember my freshman year, some memories popped up, I do remember having to correct my friends. But I don't remember Jungwoo.

I sighed, it was cold and I was escorting Jungwoo out of my house since my mother forced me too. Not before she thanked Jungwoo and paid him for his help with my brother, he even helped clean the fucking dishes. What a goody-two-shoes. I walked him to his car and he smiled.
"Thank you for walking me out." His voice way quieter than when he was inside.
"Drop the act," I snapped at him and he looked at me confused "why can you talk so confidently to my parents but not to anyone at school?"
"I've been taught to respect my elders... I should speak respectfully and clear." He once again said shyly. God I hated him. I began walking towards him and I saw him back up. I smirked. I soon had him trapped between his car and myself.
"You know, you're a choir boy aren't you?" He nodded looking up at me. "So, I think you're pretty gay. Your actions prove my suspension hyung." I said taunting him. He looked away. "Not denying it huh? So you are gay!" I cracked up a laugh.
"Please step back..." He said looking at the ground.
"Why? Don't you like guys close? Huh? Are you flirting with Doyoung?" I paused "You should stay away from my friends Kim Jungwoo, watch yourself."
"I said please step back..." He once again shifted his gaze away.
"Why? Am I making you blush?" I touched his cheek and he instantly pushed me back making me lose my balance and I fell on my ass and growled. Before I could get him he got into his car, started it and drove away quickly. "Better run asshole!" I got up and dusted my pants off. I groaned and walked inside to see my mother and father had gone to bed and Chenle was watching TV.
"Don't you think you were a little harsh on hyung today?" I groaned at my brothers question and walked upstairs ignoring it. I slammed my door shut and laid in bed, instantly falling asleep.

"Doyoung you're with us today!" Taeyong exclaimed and wrapped an arm around him and smiled. I looked at him, he looked conflicted.
"Yeah." He said and looked at Taeyong. We all walked into the school and with that school began. Another day flirting.
Lunch soon rolled around and I sat in my normal seat, as everyone else. Taeil raised an eyebrow at Doyoung. "Not bringing Jungwoo to our table today?" Doyoung shrugged and answered.
"He's ignoring me I think." I smirked.
"Lucas stop that, it's kinda scary..." Johnny said looking at me weird. Everyone looked at me and I instantly stopped. "I'm not scary, I'm sexy" I said smoothly and Yuta laughed.
"That smile probably scared Jungwoo off." He said and fixed his hair. I shrugged and began eating. I took a glance around and saw Jungwoo sitting a few tables away. He was eating across a boy I knew as Kun and of course Ten. He was talking to Kun and smiling. God damn that smile. My eyes widened and I shook my head and went back to eating. "You okay there man?" Johnny said looking at me weird. I nodded and downed my food quickly.
"So how was last night?" Jaehyun asked. I groaned thinking about it.
"He stayed for dinner and my parents practically praised him and told me to be more like him. Yeah right, like I'm going to be like a gay goody-two-shoes." I laughed and Johnny's eyes widened and looked behind me.
"D-Doyoung choir practice is canceled tonight." I heard Jungwoo's soft voice pierce the air. I felt a shiver and I saw Doyoung glaring at me and then he looked at Jungwoo with a soft gaze.
"Thank you for telling me Jungwoo. Do you want to hang out after school?" Before he could answer I heard another voice and snapped my head back.
"He already has plans, and why would you want to hang out with a goody-two-shoes. Not to mention Lucas said he's gay. You believe him right?" It was Ten, he was glaring at me. I looked at Jungwoo. He looked uncomfortable.
"Ten, lets not start a fight, it's not worth it." Jungwoo said. He walked away and I turned back around and I felt a grip on my shoulder. "Watch yourself  Yukhei" he smirked and walked away. I saw Taeyong rub his temples and Jaehyun look at me surprised.
"You're dead Lucas." Taeil said.
"Ha funny, lets see if that midget can fight me." I smirked.
"I don't think you should worry about Ten" Mark said and looked at Doyoung. I turned towards the guy and I saw that icy glare.
"You must be the reason he is ignoring me" he snapped.
"So what if I am? He isn't like us Doyoung."
"Whatever Lucas, lets just drop it." He went back to his lunch and stayed quiet the rest of the time.
Once again Jungwoo was at my house and he was talking to my brother but wouldn't even look in my direction, not even once. "Hyung I don't understand this." I heard Chenle say from the table and I shouted from the living room.

"Because you're dumb!" I laughed.

"You're not dumb Chenle, it took me awhile to learn too, here this is the equation." I heard Jungwoo say and rolled my eyes.

"He's lying to you Chenle, you're slow!" I pushed further trying to get a rise out of him. My parents were on a business trip so we were home alone. Unfortunately my mom had entrusted the money to Chenle to pay Jungwoo.

"Shut up Lucas!" He shouted back.

"Is that a way to talk to your older brother?" I shouted and I heard him groan. I pushed further, "Ya'know if you join choir you might turn gay right?" I smirked, I heard my brother start to say something and then I heard a slam on the table and jumped a bit. I heard Jungwoo raise his voice, "That is enough Lucas! Homosexuality isn't a illness or infection that spreads to people! Learn to be tolerant and support your brother for whatever he chooses." Kim Jungwoo yelled, he actually fucking yelled. Oh how I wished I recorded it. I laughed loudly and got up and stormed to the kitchen. I took the collar of his shirt and pulled him up.
"Lucas let him go!" Chenle yelled.
"You think you can yell at me in my house?" I threatened and I saw his eyes were blank.
"You don't deserve my respect Wong Yukhei" he seethed. He used my name. My name! I brought my fist up and punched him roughly. He jolted back but my grip on his collar held him. Chenle managed to get me to let go. Jungwoo looked up and I saw a tear slip down from his eye and I saw him touch his lip and nose. He was bleeding, he looked at it as if it was alien for a second before his face went emotionless. I felt something sting my heart and it was hard to breathe for a second.
"Sorry Chenle but I'll have to stop our lesson early," I heard him stumble over his words, he smiled at Chenle. His bloody face and his smile looked so, so wrong and I saw him speed walk out grabbing his keys off the counter and I heard his car race off. Chenle looked at me with anger.
"What the hell Lucas!" He yelled. I groaned, why was everyone yelling at me. I walked upstairs and shut my door and laid on my bed. I looked up at my ceiling and closed my eyes to relax but once I did I saw his bleeding face and I felt a pang in my heart, my throat felt like someone was squeezing it. Why did I do that? He was only trying to defend my brother, I'd honestly do the same but it's different when you're brothers. I grabbed my phone and opened the message app and typed on Yuta's contact.

I fucked up

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