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This chapter has sexual themes.


Lucas's P.O.V

I looked between Jungwoo and his father and I felt the tension rise.
"You haven't been answering your phone, I came to check up on you." He said.
"Sorry, I was busy with Chenle..." he said and I watched his father look Jungwoo up and down. He seemed to lightly cringe.
"What are you wearing?" He asked and Jungwoo looked down at the clothes I gave him.
"I got flour on my uniform so Lucas let me borrow some clothes" Jungwoo said and looked towards me and I walked up and bowed. "Um dad this is Wong Yukhei, but he prefers to be called Lucas. Lucas, this is my dad." He introduced us.
"Nice to meet you sir" I said. He looked at me and then looked at my brother and I saw Chenle fidget with his fingers.
"You must be Chenle, I assume Jungwoo has been helping you with homework?" He said as he looked at my brother and he nodded.
"Jungwoo hyung is a great teacher" he smiled. Mr. Kim nodded and looked at Jungwoo.
"Are you done playing around Jungwoo?" He asked, his tone becoming darker. I saw Jungwoo clench his fist.
"I agreed to bake with Chenle if he got an A+ on his test" he said simply. His father seemed to consider this and then nodded.
"Well your mother is waiting for us, she's worried. Go grab your uniform and collect your things," he said. Jungwoo nodded and then paused.
"My uniform is dirty" he said but mostly to himself. I shoved my hands in my pockets.
"You can wear my clothes home and return them when you come over tomorrow to help Chenle with homework" I said and he looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you Lucas" he said and headed upstairs to grab his uniform. I looked at Jungwoo's father to see him staring at me.
"I'm sorry if Jungwoo caused you guys any trouble, he can be quite childish at times" he said and looked at the maid and Chenle.
"Not at all sir, Jungwoo is a good kid and is quite nice. Mr. and Mrs. Wong are very satisfied with Lucas's and Chenle's grades" she smiled. His father nodded. We heard someone stepping down the stairs and Jungwoo was holding his uniform that was now folded, he unzipped his bag and placed them in it.  He slipped on his shoes. He walked towards his father.
"The driver will be taking your car, you'll be riding with me" he said and leaned forward "we need to talk" he whispered but I heard it. Jungwoo nodded and he turned and bowed.
"Thank you for having me over. See you tomorrow at school Lucas" he smiled at me and his father swiftly left with Jungwoo catching up behind him. I heard two cars start and speed away.
"He's scary" Chenle said, he sighed and picked up one of the cookies that they had let cool and took a bite and I nodded.
"Okay boys! Help me clean" the maid said as we groaned and she laughed.

The next day I had gotten to school with Chenle. Chenle had packed some cookies in a tubber wear box for Jungwoo since he didn't get to eat any yesterday. I walked up to my friends to see them all talking and I smiled as I fist bumped Yuta. "Oh cookies!" Johnny said and tried to grab the box but Chenle held it close to his chest.
"They're not for you!"
"Ohh do you have a crush?" Jaehyun said smiling at the younger and Chenle rolled his eyes and I laughed.
"I doubt anyone would want to date him" I said and smirked. My brother punched my arm.
"Tons of people would like to date me, and no I don't have a crush. These are for Jungwoo hyung" he smiled. I smirked and looked around not spotting the soft-spoken hyung. I then saw Ten walking over while talking with Jungwoo. I watched as Ten leaned up to whisper in Johnny's ear from behind saying 'boo.' I watched as Johnny jumped and whipped around and Ten started laughing, I rolled my eyes. These guys have been getting close lately.
"Hey Jungwoo hyung!" Chenle said and walked towards the male and held out the container, "I brought you some of the cookies we made since you didn't get to eat any" he smiled as Jungwoo took the container.
"Thank you so much Chenle" he smiled and then he looked at me, "ah! one second" he knelt down placing his bag on the floor and placed the container in his bag and grabbed the clothes I let him borrow. He zipped his bag and put it back on his back and walked over and handed me my clothes. "I washed them, thank you so much for letting me borrow them." I took the clothes.
"No problem."
"Oh ho ho what do we have here?" Mark said and placed a hand on my shoulder. Jungwoo let out a light laugh. I'm glad Jungwoo and I aren't awkward after the whole hickey incident, we both seemed to agree to never talk about it again without saying so.
"Lucas let me borrow some clothes yesterday when I got my clothes dirty from baking" he explained and I nodded and shrugged Mark's hand off my shoulder. I saw something in Jungwoo's eyes that worried me. He seemed off. The bell rang and we started the day. I walked down the hall and suddenly someone pulled me aside and I felt a chest against mine as they leaned in to whisper in my ear. "How about we go to the janitors closet?" a girl whispered in my ear and I bit my lip. I used to feel turned on by things like this, but oddly enough, not anymore. It aggravated me that I somehow changed. I gently pushed her off of me.
"Not today" I said and walked away as she pouted, I sat down in my desk and placed my face in my hands. What is wrong with me? I grabbed my book and opened it to the page the teacher had on the board and I spaced out until the bell rang, this cycle continued and I finally made it to lunch and sat at my table with my friends.
"So how was baking cookies with Jungwoo?" Jaehyun smirked.
"I wasn't part of it, guess he made a deal with Chenle that he'd bake with him if he got an A+ on a test" I shrugged.
"And you gave him your clothes?" Yuta added.
"His uniform got dirty, what exactly are you implying?" I glared at the males.
"Nothing, we thought you hated him" they both said. I groaned.
"What else could I do? His dad came over to pick him up out of the blue so we couldn't wash it before Jungwoo left" I shrugged and took a sip of my water. All of a sudden Taeyong spit out his water and it hit Mark.
"Dude really?!" Mark yelled gaining some people's attention. Taeyong wiped his mouth and we all looked at him like he was crazy.
"His dad came to your house?" he asked and I nodded.
"So?" I asked and Taeyong gulped and looked over towards Jungwoo and then back to us and he leaned in, as did we.
"I heard he's very strict with Jungwoo, he could completely get you removed from Jungwoo's life if he thinks you're a bad influence" he said. I started laughing.
"Whatever, no old man can tell me what to do" I took a bite of my rice.
"Jungwoo's dad is scary, his mom is fairly nice though" Doyoung shrugged. We watched as Ten walked up to Johnny from behind and Johnny tilted his head seeing us look at him.
"Hey honey" he smirked and Johnny whipped around to see Ten, he smirked. Ten wrapped his slender arms around Johnny's shoulders and then he leaned forward and quickly stole Johnny's chips with a smile. "Thank you Johnny!" he smirked and walked away. Johnny had his hand on his chest breathing heavily.
"Dude, I hate him" Johnny said.
"Obviously not with that blush" Taeil said with a laugh and we started laughing at the flustered male. The bell rang and we continued on with our day.

Taeyong drove me home today and I entered my house to see Chenle and Jisung were already here and I sighed. "What's up kids" I said and walked over and ruffled Jisung's hair and he groaned and fixed it.
"We're not kids Lucas" Chenle said and continued to play a game on his phone with Jisung watching as they were slumped on the couch. I rolled my eyes.
"What ever you say kiddo" I laughed as he threw a pillow at me, I took a seat on the couch. My mother walked downstairs and smiled at us.
"How was school boys?" she asked and sat on her chair and crossed her legs.
"Boring" Chenle and Jisung answered together and then they high-fived without looking at each other.
"It was fine" I shrugged.
"I saw you got an A on your test Lucas, I'm so proud of you!" she smiled "Jungwoo must be helping, I'm glad."
"Thanks mom" I said and turned on the TV. Time seemed to fly as I had notice it had been an hour and the door bell rang.
"That must be Jungwoo" my mom said and got up and answered the door and I heard the familiar soft voice. Chenle turned off his phone and walked to the dining room with Jisung and they unpacked their bags. Jungwoo looked at me.
"Are you joining us Lucas?" he asked with a smile. I nodded.
"Sure" I got up and we walked to the dining room together and laid out our things.
"Oh ho ho, Lucas actually joining?" Chenle said and I threw an eraser at him, he laughed and set it back on the table. It had been a couple of minutes and I looked down at the paper confused. What the fuck, why does my graph look like some drunk guy started driving in a cornfield? I ruffled my hair and Jungwoo noticed and turned to me. I was sitting next to him and Chenle and Jisung were sitting across from us. Jungwoo laughed lightly and slid my paper over to himself and I looked at him.
"If you needed help, you could have asked" he said softly and I rolled my eyes and turned my body to face him. He looked at my work and after fifteen minutes of him explaining it to me for the fifth time I finally got it.
"And you say I'm slow" Chenle said under his breath.
"What did ya say brat?" I said and threatened him with my pencil and Jungwoo took my hand and removed the pencil.
"Don't stab your brother, use your pencil for your work" he laughed and let go of my hand and I felt the warmth leave. He leaned over and started helping Chenle. He got up and walked around the table to help Jisung, he was reading over Jisung's essay checking for errors. I looked back down at my paper and we worked for another hour and I saw Jungwoo yawn as we finished and packed our books. My mom walked downstairs and saw us.
"Did you guys finish?" she asked and Jungwoo nodded with a smile. "Okay, here's your payment sweetheart" she took the money out of her purse that was sitting on the kitchen counter and handed Jungwoo the money and he thanked her. "Stay for dinner, you too Jisung" she said and they nodded and we took our bags back to the living room.
"Jungwoo play this game with us" Chenle said as he sat crisscross on the floor as did Jisung.
"I'm not good at games" he laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Hey, why don't you ask me to play?" I asked and sat down beside my brother and grabbed a controller. After a few minutes we started yelling at each other.
"This is why I never ask you to play!" he said and jabbed my shoulder.
"You're just mad cause you suck" I smirked.
"I do not!" his voice cracked and I laughed. While we were arguing Jisung took lead in the kill count, we were playing a first person shooter game, PVP mode. "You're cheating Jisung!" he said and quickly got back to the game. Jisung laughed. Chenle pouted seeing he lost again.
"You really suck at this" I said and he chucked a pillow at me but I dodged it.
"I give up" he said and set his controller on the ground. "Jungwoo tag me out, your turn" he said and walked to Jungwoo holding up his hand.
"I-I'm not too good at games" he laughed nervously.
"Come on" I said and turned to face him. He sighed and slapped Chenle's hand gently 'tagging' him out and walked over and sat between Jisung and I.
"You're going down hyung" Jisung said and Jungwoo laughed.
"You're probably right, but go easy on me. I don't know the controls." he sighed.

Five minutes into the game and Jungwoo absolutely sucked. I sighed and paused the game. I leaned onto Jungwoo's shoulder and pointed at the buttons and explained what each one did. "O-oh" he said and we started a new game.
"Jungwoo hyung fighting!" Chenle said.
"You're suppose to be cheering for me!" both Jisung and I said and Chenle laughed, as did Jungwoo. Ten minutes later and Jungwoo was destroying us.
"What the hell?!" I shouted and Jisung pouted and then the game ended showing our scores. Jungwoo looked surprised.
"I-I won?" he asked and looked at myself and Jisung and we nodded.
"I shouldn't have taught you the controls" I groaned and he laughed.

"Boys, dinner is ready!" I heard the maid yell and we got up and walked to the kitchen and sat down, yet again I was sitting next to Jungwoo, Jisung by Chenle and my father and mother at the end of each side of the table. We were served our dinner and Jungwoo thanked them for the dinner. After eating I was told to escort Jungwoo outside. We walked to his car and I decided to speak up.

"So, how's your back?" I asked and shoved my hands in my pocket and he turned and gave an awkward smile.
"It's healing, thank you for asking. I'll see you tomorrow Lucas" he smiled. He left and I went back inside and to my room and changed into pajamas. I laid down in my bed and turned to my side and I let sleep take over.

I was sitting on my bed and Jungwoo walked in. He sat in my lap and kissed me gently and I felt up his chest and ripped open his white button up causing buttons to fly onto the bed and the floor and he let out a light laugh and I ran my big hands over his small waist and kissed his collarbone. I ran his hand through my hair as I kissed up to his neck, to his jaw, and finally his lips and we kissed deeply, it was full of emotions and he gasp feeling me grip his butt and I forced my tongue into his mouth and the kiss became heated and he grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it and I helped him take it off and he smiled and ran his hands down my chest and I kissed him again before I went to his neck and started biting and sucking and he let out soft whines as I marked him and suddenly I heard a small gasp and a moan as I bit onto a particular spot, I continued to bite and suck on the spot and he ran his fingers through my hair and I pulled away from his neck and we went to mine and started to mark me and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Ju-Jungwoo" I managed to say his name and I felt his smile against my lips and he moved his hips gently on mine and I groaned. He moved down to my chest and kissed down and left marks all the way to my v-line, he looked up at me and gave a gentle smile and moved back up to take my lips again. I quickly flipped us over so he was lying down and I was hovering over him and I felt my pants getting tight. He kissed me and moved his hands down my chest slowly and undid my belt and I took off my jeans and I pulled at his pants and I help him out of them. I kissed down his jaw and then his neck and finally made it to his nipple and took one in my mouth and gently bit and moved my tongue over it as I rolled the other bud between my fingers and he let out soft moans and lifted his hips and moved them against mine creating friction and I let a moan escape my mouth and I felt him turn us over and he went down to my boxers and pulled them off and took my member into his mouth going slow at first but picked up his speed and I couldn't help but thrust my hips up. I gripped his soft locks and I groaned finishing as he took his mouth away with a 'pop' and swallowed down my seed; he looks so beautiful, his hair a mess and his cheeks flushed. Beep. The hell? Beep, Beep, Beep!

I woke up startled and quickly lifted my covers and saw the mess and ran my hand down my face. Fuck my life.

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