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Lucas's P.O.V

It's been a rough day so far. I had to throw my sheets into the washer along with other clothing without the maid seeing it, I was running late due to the fact I had to clean myself, and I ended up getting a ride from our driver instead of Taeyong. I got out of the car and quickly walked into the school. I need to tell someone, I can trust my friends right? I groaned and ruffled my hair. My shirt was buttoned wrong and my tie wasn't completely tied. "Woah, uh Lucas. You okay?" Yuta asked looking at me with concern.
"Can I talk to you hyung?" I asked Taeyong and he nodded as the other's looked at me questionably. I started to walk away and soon he fell into my step and I snuck into the janitors closet pulling him in and locking the door.
"Woah Lucas I'm not in-"
"What? No, no, no. Whatever you are thinking throw it out the window. I just need someone to vent to" I groaned and he nodded.
"Is Wong Yukhei actually coming for help?" He asked with a smirk.
"Hyung this is serious!" I exclaimed and he put his hands up.
"Okay, okay. What's up?" He asked and crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. I leaned against the door and sighed.
"Promise you won't tell" I said.
"Lucas did you do drugs? I won't tell b-"
"No, just let me talk okay? Promise me you won't tell a soul." I said in all seriousness.
"Okay, I won't."
"And you won't think I'm weird?"
"You've done a lot of weird stuff Lucas and I'm still here" he sent a smile and I sighed and ran my hands down my face and then put them together under my chin and I looked at the floor.
"I-I had a wet dream last night" I said quietly and I heard a small laugh. "Hey! I told you this is serious!" I scolded and felt my cheeks grow hot.
"Lucas, those are normal for teens" he shrugged.
"You talk like a mom, jeez. Just, it's not that" I said and looked away.
"Are you in love? Who was the lucky chick in the dream?" He said and bit my lip.
"No, I am not in love; also that's the point... it wasn't a girl" I said and his mouth dropped open.
"You had a wet dream about a guy?" He asked and I nodded shyly. "W-was it one of us?" He asked and I cringed.
"Fuck no" I rolled my eyes. "I've had them before with girls but they weren't this vivid."
"Now you have to tell me all the details, we made it this far" he shrugged.
"You want to hear the details of my wet dream?" I asked.
"I'm curious, and hey! I promised not to judge, so you can't judge me" he smirked.
"Ugh fine. Well it started off— I don't know, kinda innocent? I ended up taking off his shirt and we left hickeys on each other and flipped around a bit until I was lying on my back and he-"
"He fucked you?" Taeyong asked.
"What? No way, if I were gay I would never ever be a bottom" I defended myself.
"Continue" he gestured for me to continue explaining. My cheeks heated up thinking about the lewd yet beautiful scene.
"Well, then he sucked me off-" I shrugged "and in my dream it felt really, really good..." I trailed off.
"And then?" He asked.
"I don't know how to describe it, Jungwoo, he looked so pretty even after doing that and I-" Taeyong cut me off.
"You had a wet dream about Kim Jungwoo?!" I quickly put my hand over his mouth.
"H-hey! It slipped. Shut up..." I sighed and he took my hand off his mouth and I ruffled my hair messing it up even more.
"Well, do you like him?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"Absolutely not, lets just forget about it. Let's meet up with the guys" I said and led us out making sure no one saw us leaving the closet and walked back to the circle to see Jungwoo, Ten, Sicheng, and Kun were there. I gulped and Taeyong nudged me. I glared at him and Doyoung looked at us.
"You still look like hell" he said to me and I groaned. I started by tucking in my shirt and undoing my tie, I had to unbutton some buttons so I could do it correctly this time. I bit my lip trying to button it up again but kept failing.
"Lucas you're like a big baby" Jaehyun said.
"Shut up." I snapped and tried to focus again.
"Better hurry before the dean comes" Mark spoke and I groaned. I heard a few steps and suddenly someone was removing my hands from my buttons and they started buttoning my shirt and I looked to see it was Jungwoo.
"He's right, the dean will be making rounds soon. He wouldn't be happy seeing you improperly dressed." He finished buttoning my shirt and lifted my collar and quickly tied my tie and put the collar back down and smoothed my blazer out. He looked up and I saw him blush but he reached his hands up and managed to fix my hair. "O-okay, all done. The dean is heading down now" he said and quickly backed away and we watched as the dean passed.
"Morning boys," he paused and looked at me "good to see your nicely dressed, unlike other days" he scolded and I nodded. He walked away and then I heard Ten laugh. Ten wrapped his arms on Jungwoo's waist from behind.
"Jungwoo you'd make a great wife. You should fix my uniform when I'm a mess" he cooed.
"Shut up" Jungwoo said and took Ten's arms off him and then whispered something in Ten's ear. Ten growled at the boy and crossed his arms with red cheeks. I felt my heart beat faster.
"Wife?" Mark asked.
"Don't worry about it" Taeyong and Doyoung said at the same time. He nodded but still looked confused.
"Anyways, we should get to class" Jungwoo said softly and Ten and him quickly walked away.

After our morning classes it was finally time for lunch. I sat at my table and sighed, today had to be the most awkward day for me. Every time I saw Jungwoo I thought about the dream. We ate with small chit chat and then Doyoung and Taeyong started arguing about who's smarter. All of a sudden Johnny pointed behind me. "The hell is that kid doing?" He questioned and we all turned back and I saw some random dude approach Jungwoo's table.
"Maybe he's gonna confess to your prince Ten" Jaehyun teased. Johnny smacked his arm.
"Prince my ass" and then the kid spoke.
"Jungwoo hyung!" He said and then the lunch room started going quiet. Jungwoo turned around and frowned his brows at the taller male and he tilted his head.
"Yeah?" He asked and stood up to face the male properly. The guy held a box of chocolates in front of Jungwoo.
"Be mine" was all he said with a red face and I saw Ten choke on his milk. Kun and Sicheng watched in shock and the lunch room was frozen with small whispers. Jungwoo scratched the back of his neck a bit awkward. I felt my blood boil seeing the male still holding the chocolates towards Jungwoo with a hopeful face. Jungwoo is nice enough to say 'yes' right? I huffed. Jaehyun elbowed me and whispered. "You're glaring" he smirked. I flipped him off and whispered back.
"He's disturbing lunch."
"I-I'm sorry, I don't actually know you. I-I have to decline y-your offer" Jungwoo stuttered shyly. The boys face dropped and Jungwoo fiddled with his fingers. "Sorry" he apologized again. The male glared.
"Why not?" He asked and a few people gasped seeing the guy talk to his elder like that.
"I don't know you" Jungwoo answered.
"So?" He asked "We'll get to know eachother" he snapped. Ten stood.
"No means no kid" he said and gestured for the male to leave. The younger clenched his fist and then threw the box at Jungwoo and Jungwoo blocked his face and I was about to get out of my chair but Jaehyun stopped me.
"Fuck you, all of you" he snapped at Jungwoo's table and quickly stormed away. Kun looked at Jungwoo's shocked face, people had their phones out recording. Soon everyone went back to talking and Sicheng sat Jungwoo back down. Haechan was asking if Jungwoo was okay.
"Who the hell was that kid?" I asked and the boys at the table shrugged as I turned back around.
"Is someone jealous?" Johnny asked.
"Not at all, by the way when are you and Ten gonna confess?" I pointed at the male directing the attention to him. It worked.

I finally arrived home after Taeyong gave me a ride and I walked in to see Chenle and Jisung in the living room watching a movie. I sighed and walked upstairs and walked into my room and saw my bed was made and my sheets clean. Hopefully no one noticed. I placed my bag on my bed and laid down on my back with my feet still on the floor. I looked at my ceiling and then closed my eyes, I instantly regretted doing so since the image of Jungwoo came back to my mind and I groaned. Then the kid from the cafeteria came in my head and I growled. Who the fuck was that kid? Why am I getting mad? After about an hour of playing games on my phone the doorbell rang signaling Jungwoo had arrived. I changed into comfy clothes and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Chenle and Jisung were begging Jungwoo for five more minutes and Jungwoo gave in. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch and Jungwoo smiled.
"Hey Lucas" he said and I hummed as an answer.
"Hey Jungwoo hyung, did you see the video was posted?" Chenle asked pausing the game causing Jisung to groan.
"What video?" He asked and walked over to sit by the younger male. Chenle showed him a video and I walked over and couched down behind the pair sort of leaning on Jungwoo as I watched the screen. It was the scene that happened at the cafeteria today.
"I hope he doesn't get made fun of too much..." Jungwoo said with a frown.
"Didn't you say you didn't know him?" Jisung said and Jungwoo nodded.
"Yeah, but I know how it feels to be bullied" he said with an awkward smile. Everyone went quiet. "Anyways! Let's get to work!" He said with a confident smile and the boys groaned.
"That wasn't even five minutes" Chenle whined and Jisung agreed. Fuck it.
"Let them play, I have some questions about the homework" I said and got up and started walking upstairs knowing he'll follow me, he did. I heard his footsteps behind me and we walked into my room and I shut the door and then sat on the edge of my bed and looked at him standing awkwardly.
"Where's your books?" he asked and bit his lip.
"Sit" I patted the spot next to me and he complied. I sighed and rubbed my hands together. "Jungwoo" I said and he looked at me but I kept my focus on my hands.
"What is it Lucas?" he asked.
"When did you... when did you know you were gay?" I bit my lip. I heard him suck in a breath and then sigh.
"Do you think you're g-" he was about to say but I cut him off.
"Forget it" I got up but he grabbed my hand.
"I'll tell you, I won't question why you're asking!" he quickly explained himself and I sat back down and our legs touched. After a few seconds he let go of my hand and I nodded. He looked down in his lap. "I started to question myself in fifth grade I think but then in middle school I played truth or dare with a few friends and I was dared to kiss a girl, so I did. For me it didn't feel right but I didn't say anything, I denied how I felt, hell I even dated a few girls but it never lasted long because I was so awkward" he licked his lips and then continued. "At the start of eighth grade my, well ex-friend, asked if he could kiss me, I remember feeling butterflies in my stomach and I agreed so he did. That's when I knew I liked boys, it felt real and not fake like it did with girls" he paused and I looked over to see his expression darken.
"What happened after that?" I asked quietly and I saw him gulp. Somethings wrong, he sighed.
"Soon enough our friends found out and spread it all over the school and we were made fun of, him only for a day, for me it was two years" he clenched his fist "he lied and said I forced myself on him and he called me names. I tried to change, I did but it never worked. Every day I came to school and was bullied, pushed down, my locker even had to be painted over three times because of the slurs the kids wrote on it..." he let it out and I saw a tear fall from his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. "Sorry I got carried away..." he laughed awkwardly and then looked up at me and smiled. I bit my lip and turned towards him a bit and I wiped a stray tear away. He looked at me and frowned confused. "Are you okay Lucas?" he asked. I couldn't stop myself, I leaned in and captured his lips with mine and kissed him gently. I was surprised when I felt him kiss back, the kiss was slow, I'd never done this with a girl. Nor did it ever feel like this. His hands were on my chest and mine were cupping his cheeks. I backed away and looked at him and he slowly fluttered his eyes open.
"Jungwoo, I think I like you" I whispered and he had a shocked expression and then he smiled.
"Lucas, are you sure? Don't you like girls?" I heard his tone sadden at the second question. I'm becoming soft. I moved his bangs away from his face.
"I thought I did" I whispered and looked back down at his lips. I saw him smile.
"M-maybe we should get to know each other better sometime?" he asked me and I looked back into his eyes and nodded.
"Okay... but Jungwoo" I said and he tilted his head.
"I won't betray you like your friend did" I said and then buried my head in his neck and he held me tight.
"Thank you Lucas" he said.
"That was our first sober kiss..." I whispered, it felt so cheesy. He laughed and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"It was" he said.

A/N: Did I jump into the relationship part too fast?

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