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A moment of appreciation for all your art. Thank you so much!! You don't know how much they mean to me!! Please, if ya'll can, support all of the artists!!

Wattpad: Lord_of_Calamity

(thanks for all the bird seeds mom >:,])

Insta: Anotherfanoftbhk123

Wattpad: _SunnySunshine_
Insta: _sunnysunshine_no.7

(thank u your very nice sunny!! literally a ray of sunshine xD)

Wattpad: @Mega_Toots
Insta: pomegranate_75

(i'll drink bread dont worry)

Wattpad: @imeasily_annoyed

Insta: clumsylittledoodler


(thank you!! aka looks awesome!! >:,]])

Wattpad: DearieDrawer
Insta: itzmacaronz

(okay this one just made me tear up... please check out her tbhk book as well!! Her writing is awesome and atm Im working on fanart for it!!)

Wattpad: @INSeong_Min

(Also rlly good at writing!! Please check them out!!)

● ● ●

Broadcasting Room...

Hanako was trying not to trip over his words of excitement as he hastily explained the situation.

"I saw a red coat. A red  coat, you lot!"

Kou was still dejected from losing Mitsuba, but now he was pricked up and alert, looking at the Wonder with wide blue eyes. Yashiro was practically on the edge of her seat.

Osane had stayed in Kamome seeing as she had no affiliation to Sukora anymore, a crestfallen look in her red eyes.

"And so, I was thinking..." He was pacing the room now, rapidly racking his brain for a plan.

"Should I use that gash to visit her?"

"Of course!" Yashiro nodded aggressively.

"Isn't the answer obvious?!"


Everyone turned to Osane, who had now drawn herself up to her full height. As feeble and frail as the Sukora spirit was, a steely determination was in her eyes.

"Tsukasa did terrible things to her. I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

"Oh." Hanako walked up to her, rising his voice in anger. "So you're letting her die  as we speak?"

"That's not-"

"Didn't you say you don't want to kill anymore, Osane?"

"She is  already dead!"

Hanako froze at her words.

Yashiro let out a horrified gasp. Kou glared at her darkly.

Osane shuffled her feet awkwardly, realizing the weight that her words carried. Just earlier, she had seen Hanako livelier than ever, which he hadn't been for almost two months.

"I hate to break your optimism," Osane continued with a heavy heart, persistent with her point. "But I saw the pink-haired boy. He was unmoving."

She looked at all of them helplessly.

"It's been two months. Y/N has never returned. How do you know  this isn't a hopeless case?"

Hanako drew his lips to a firm, tight line, the flame in his eyes dying just a little. Kou's grip on his staff faltered uneasily.

However, Yashiro's resolve was strong. She got up, fists curled.

"We don't know, Osane." She said firmly. "And that's  why we want to find out for ourselves."

"That's right." Kou got up beside her. His eyes were still shadowed with hurt and loss, but his voice was loud as ever.

"We're finding Y/N!"

Miku looked at them with wide red eyes, feeling even more guiltier.

'These are Y/N's friends? What did she ever do for me to take them away from her?'

"No, you two." Hanako spoke at last, the strength in his voice returning.

"I'm searching for her alone."

Yashiro and Kou immediately fell into protest, about to open their mouths, but Hanako cut them off.

"The Mokke only mentioned she lost her memory. But I know  there's one thing she can't forget."

"Her wish?" Osane narrowed her eyes, speaking out of her perplexion.

"Bingo!" Hanako fingergunned in her direction, a bright smile on his face.

Yashiro and Kou looked at eachother with new hope. Seeing Hanako's dramatic shift of demeanor certainly lifted their spirits.

"With that being said, I'm the only one who knows her wish." Hanako lifted his chin.

"Alright then, you special snowflake." Yashiro muttered darkly, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"So you're going off alone? That's final?" Kou asked.

"I don't plan on changing my mind." Hanako crossed his arms determinedly.

Everyone looked at each other. Even Osane knew it was hopeless to combat Hanako's persistence now. The Sukora spirit let out a small sigh.

"Expect the worst, 7th Wonder... but, if somehow, she is  alive-"

"Bring her back." Kou cut in, grabbing Hanako by the wrist. The apparition turned to him in surprise.

"Also, if you please can," his voice was desperate. "Mitsuba, too."

Hanako looked at him with a fierce, steady gaze. He said nothing, but Kou understood, before slinking back to an anxious Daikon's side.

Without turning to look back for more replies, he rushed to the library to look for the split.

● ● ●

Y/N tried to contain her beating heart from all the events she experienced yesterday, which she completely spilled upon on to no other than her best friend, Mitsuba.

"There were many staircases!" She exclaimed with sparkling E/C eyes. "To multiple boundaries! I'm  the guardian of all that!"

"Oh really?" Mitsuba sneered goodnaturedly. "If I were a Wonder in that Rift, I'd be worried where I stand."

"You're no fun." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Is that all you've got to say?" Mitsuba cocked his head. "If so, I'll be off to hang around with ol' Sewing Girl."

"That's about it!" She nodded. "I'll be off to my bathroom stall, now... you know, intruders!"

"Good luck!" The pink-haired boy called over his shoulder as he walked off. Y/N did the same, floating to her Boundary.

The intruder part was actually a lie. Barely anybody came to visit, as only those who were close to death or with a powerful 6th sense could see. On another boring, fair afternoon like this, Y/N liked to enjoy the bathroom stall alone.

As she landed on her feet inside, her thoughts began to wander to the Rift again. The experience was exciting and so vivid she wanted to relive it. And to think the library was only one of many boundaries!

Good thing Tsukasa didn't see her. Since he wasn't around to check on her much, she might as well try jumping into the Rift again.

Y/N was about to do just that, until she heard a loud crashing sound from her stall, followed by a screech of pain.

She immediately fell into a crouch, pressing against the wall to hide herself. Her eyes were wide.

'An intruder?! But I've never had one before! How?!'

She tilted her head to peer over cautiously, trembling from excitement and nerve where she stood.

'Maybe this is it! I can show Tsukasa I can beat someone up!'

"Hello?" A weak voice called out groggily. It was clearly a boy.

'Familiar. Haven't I heard this in the library?'

Y/N slowly crept forward, holding her kitchen knife in two hands. She put on her mask for good measure. Even if she was shaky as heck, it would make her look intimidating. After an eerie silence, she finally dared to shout:


"Uh." The voice started unsurely. "No thank you?"

'Okay.'  Y/N thought nervously. 'Never heard that before. What do I say next?'

"Choose a color or you'll die!"

"Actually, it's choose a color, then  I'll die." The voice corrected snarkily. "So I'll keep my tongue."

Y/N turned red. Her first intruder, and she wasn't even being outsmarted by fight... but by words!

The Sukora spirit furrowed her brows, anger getting the best of her. She kicked down the stall door, which clearly hit someone inside.



She stopped midsentence as she met a pair of wide, surprisingly familiar amber eyes.


"Tsukasa?!"  The boy spluttered indignantly.

It didn't take Y/N long to see the look of complete surprise in Tsukasa - or whatever person's - face. She stood on top of the crouching, wincing lookalike, knife to his face.

"Who are you? Speak, or I'll force it out!"

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