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"7th of the School Mysteries." Tsukasa-lookalike got up, clearly not willing to leave his dignity today. He tipped his hat courteously. "Hanako the Bathroom Ghost."

'Bathroom ghost?'  Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes cautiously, her knife still aimed right above his heart. Somehow, that statement felt like a challenge to her.

"I'm flattered." He grinned, eyes slitted. He laid a finger on her knife, irritating Y/N where she stood as he slowly tilted it away from his chest.

"Already got an eye on my heart? Just don't use a knife!"

"I hate you." Y/N decided instantly.

She retracted her grip, veering the knife in front of his face again. They both stumbled out of the stall, the now-named intruder - Hanako - falling on his back in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Uh..." Hanako's hat fell over, but his amber eyes were still alight with mischief. "...dying?"

Y/N drew a sharp breath. She couldn't help but feel this stranger was all bark and no bite; in short, no potential to be an intruder.

"I see you're not good with words." She turned to walk away, pulling her knife back to her coat. She was glad her mask hid her relief. She always got uneasy when she held her weapon.

"Go die in your own bathroom stall, Tsukasa-lookalike."

"Tsukasa-lookalike?"  Hanako got up with a start, dusting his uniform.

"That's technically what you are. You're a good shapeshifter, but not good at copying personalities!"

"Shapeshifter?" Hanako scoffed bitterly. "I'm his twin brother."

Y/N crashed into a wall midwalk out of surprise.

"Oh!" Hanako rushed up to her in an instant. Y/N's heart raced. She had dropped the mask!

She got up, hastily reaching out for it. Thankfully, Hanako was already holding it up.

'At least he has manners...'  Y/N thought.

She pulled down her hood, taking the white mask. She was about to thank him, when she realized Hanako was staring at her with wide eyes.

'....or not.'

"Y/N?"  His voice had gone weak with relief.

"Okay, that's a bit of personal information!" Y/N backed up, holding the mask to her chest. She looked at him with a harsh glare, but the smile on his face held nothing but joy. "It's Aka Manto. How do you-"

"You're alive!"

Y/N's eyes went wide in shock as he tackled her in a tight hug. Her face scrunched up in discomfort as he buried his face in her shoulder.

"I knew  it! Your voice was so familiar!" He spluttered weakly, voice devoid of any of the brashness she had seen in him earlier.

"Stop pulling a prank on me now! Let's go back."

Y/N awkwardly let him speak, not finding the heart to stop him when he looked so relieved.

But then he began to wrap his arms around her waist, as if they had known each other their whole life. Y/N pushed him off.

Hanako fell back in shock, his hat getting knocked off. Y/N held her arms in a protective self-hug, looking at him with utmost disgust.

"Ever heard the concept of personal space, Hanako-san?"

"'San'?" He repeated in disbelief. Y/N looked at him incredulously. What's wrong with this boy?

"Call me Aka Manto, stranger." She let out a quick sigh, adjusting her hood tursely. "And don't hug me like that."

Y/N thought she caught a hint of pain in his eyes, so she awkwardly cleared her throat.

"You mistook me for someone else!" She prodded him, trying to cheer him up. "I'm the wrong person."

"No." He shook his head, gripping her by the shoulders and staring at her with determined persistence. Y/N held back the urge to call for Tsukasa or Mitsuba; Hanako was that  annoying, but she wouldn't drag them into her predicament.

"Y/N. You're Y/N L/N." He said in a flat, steely voice. Y/N was utterly confused.

"'L/N'?"  She drawled. "It's Tsukira!"

"L/N was your old surname!"

"Again, you have mistaken me for another person!" Y/N shrank away from his grip, seeing as it weakened anyway. She noticed he looked even more crestfallen than before. 

Y/N bit her lip, fighting her pity, but it was hard not to. The look of pain in his face was unbearable.

"You should go." She began to feel uncomfortable. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint yet another spirit.

"But I..." Hanako trailed off.

"I'll tell the leading Wonder in your place to kick you out of your position!"

A flash of his old, cocky spirit returned in the apparition at her words. He looked up at her with a smug look.

"I am  the leading Wonder."

Y/N looked at him with complete disbelief. This weird, touchy, flirty pervert was a 7th leading Wonder like her?!

"Amazed?" Hanako chuckled.

The Sukora Wonder realized she was staring. She shook her head, poking him in the chest.

"I'm a leading Wonder too. Better get out of here before I do it myself."

"Oh noooo,  how scaryyy!"  He let out an exaggerated groan of despair. "I'm being kicked out by Aka Manto, the ghost who can't even wield a knife properly!"

"Shut up!" Y/N snapped in embarrassment. She pushed him towards the Rift, where she assumed he entered through.

Hanako let out a laugh, but allowed her to continue pushing him in front of the slit. Once he was in front of it, he slowly began to crawl in.

"Oh, Tsukasa-lookalike!" She started as he began to step into the Rift.


"Yeah, Hanako, whatever." Y/N waved dismissively. "I'll tell Tsukasa I met you, I'm sure-"


Y/N looked up with a start as the Wonder looked at her pleadingly. 

"I mean... please don't."

"Why not?"

"Well...." Hanako cleared his throat, looking to the side. "We have a little conflict right now. He'd hate to know I visited."

Y/N suspiciously looked at him. She could tell he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"I'm not convinced."

Hanako let out a sigh, lost in his own thoughts for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes brightened with an idea.

"How about this... you don't tell him, and I'll do something in return."

Y/N grew curious.

"Go on."

"I can come back, you know?" He offered generously, a warm smile on his face. "I can teach you knife combat. I think I have a trick or two."

Y/N stopped for a moment, looking at him in surprise.  Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was actually tempted to accept his help.

'Okay. What's wrong with me? I just met him!'

"Well?" Hanako tilted his head.

She looked to the side thoughtfully. Tsukasa never helped her, and Hanako didn't look like he could bring trouble.

Still, she wanted to think about it. She shook her head.

"No can do."

Hanako rose a brow, smirking. Clearly he was not buying her answer.

"Goodbye, Hanako!"

"Goodbye, Y/N."

"Aka Manto."

Y/N corrected him, but as soon as she saw the pained look in his eyes again, she awkwardly added;

"Uhm.... good luck finding your missing person!"

Hanako gave her one last smile before turning away, but the sadness and hurt remained in his eyes.


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