More, More, More! Your Questions to Me (Pt. 1)

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Yay! I was bored and I finished all my homework, so I went through the comments on this book and found a bunch of questions.

Can someone say ,"Yahoozlesauce!"?
There will be two parts! Three if anyone asks questions here as well.

Let's commence!

xbigbodylittleheartx asks,

"if you could be any villians child who would it be? also If you could be any princess child who you would be?"

Great questions! I would probably want to be the Candy Witch's daughter because of the candy and the candy. :p

Also, if we're going by EAH, she is a really sweet woman who would do anything for her daughter Ginger, even so far as going to change her appearance, name, and dating Rumplestiltskin to help Ginger out. Not like my mother doesn't do any of those sacrificial things, but if I were a villain's child...

As for a princess's child, hands down Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. I was obsessed with Cinderella as a young fairytale, I don't even know why.

I later received the Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty and Prince Philip two-pack from my Disney-loving aunt, and I was head-ovah-heels! Childhood heroines!

Oh, the nostalgia. Life was simpler when you still had the energy to make the Aurora and Philip dolls rescue each other. 

Thank you, xbigbodylittleheartx!


_-MissLorieYumuL-_ asks,

What will you do or say if you found out that APPLE & SNOW WHITE are your RELATIVES (Snow White as a stepsister, Apple as a stepniece.)?!?

I'd cry. I adore Apple. Not so much Snow White, but she's such a sweet woman!

But everything would be so complicated. While the Royal life looks so amazing and luxurious, my entire family will be under the watchful eyes of the public. I am going to be constantly judged by my looks, the way I speak, the gestures I make, and quite frankly, I DON'T WANT TO BE MADE INTO A MEME!

Sorry. Another moment by yours truly.

Favorite book series?

The Clique by Lisi Harrison. Cannot find the ability to put it down since I discovered it in 2012, when I was in the fifth grade. I need P.S. I Loathe You, My Little Phony, These Boots Are Made For Stalking, A Tale of Two Pretties, and the Cliquetionary to complete my basic book collection.

I never returned my fifth grade teacher's books, cause books are my life and I procrastinate way too much. Funny not funny. 

Yeah, I don't think any of you got that.

Favorite EAH ship besides Dexven & Darise?


Gosh darn it, what is with me and my moments?!

But honestly, my life is really consumed with Dexven. If I just had to pick one, it would be Ginger and Hopper.

And finally.....

Favorite...story, of yours?

This may sound a little weird, but I love reading about the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus from the Bible, ever since I was a little girl. It is just so powerful and so awe-striking, it made me feel wanted and loved.

Plus, I sort of like reading about deaths. Is it because I want to be a doctor? What part of pediatrics has anything to do with death?

Wait, never mind. I don't want to think about it.

Thank you, _-MissLorieYumuL-_!



what is your truth hearts desire??

To become a beacon of light to those who don't shine as brightly as they should. Oh, and to get through the year without passing out/away! Not really funny, but true.

Thank you, @aNOT_so_ordinaryHERO!

MeridaHaddock2 asks,

What's the worst thing about the Internet?

The people. 7,000,000,000 people with 7,000,000,000 different opinions on things.
What's hot, what's not, what's funny, what's serious, what's crazy, etc. and a whole bunch on stupid McDrizzle sauce on top.

Also, I hate how some people take things. Somethings can escalate between two (or more) commenters, and seeing how foolish our race (the human race) is is rather sad to me.

Oh, did I mention that I DON'T WANNA BE TURNED INTO A MEME?!


I also hate how your work is out there for anyone to claim, unless you have a copyright. People can copy others, and I've had it happen to me a couple of times, even on Wattpad. It's infuriating, because it's like I cannot be my own person without someone taking my personality.

I'm trying to puff myself up, because I keep thinking, "Hey! People actually want to me as their inspiration!" I feel a sense of pride bubble up in me. But if it ever goes out of hand or if it is blatant copying, I'm going to do something about it.

Have you ever been homeschooled?

Never! My mom has threatened to get me homeschooled after my parents found out I was failing math in the sixth grade (passed, by the way!), though.

Thank you, MeridaHaddock2!

And the last one for now...

TundraAmethyst asks,

what makes you happy? :)

Many things make me happy!

•Being secure in my home
•Having my out of state relatives visit me for an extended period of time
•Reading a really good book
•Having knowledge that I am one of the smartest people on my team (hey, not all of my grades show it, but my knowledge and vocabulary does).  ;)
•Accomplishing new things
•Making something look amazeballs! I'm working on Raven Queen's fourth attempt at a bed. If at first you don't succeed, try try again until your fingers are numb and burned and your back aches and you feel like vomiting. Then keep trying.
•Doing voice overs in my bedroom
•Eating a homemade creation
•Eating in general
•Reading aloud in class (the lang. arts teachers always let me read more than what I'm supposed to. I wonder why? ;D)
•Snuggling in a few extra minutes
•Refreshing my YT and WP subscription box/notifications
•Writing my real name and my alias in my cursive handwriting

And so much more!

Thank you, TundraAmethyst!

Well my Rebellion, that's all for now! Take care and stay tuned for part two, coming out tomorrow!


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