Randomness with Rebelliously_Yours No. 5: Tagged!

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I'm here with another tag! This one has been sent to me by MaddieHatterADemigod , so let's get on with it!

1st Question: Do I like someone?
A: Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

2nd Question: Do they like me?
A: It's hard to tell; he's a friendly guy. He was in my elementary school, but we sort of connected this year (I'm in the 8th). I ship him with someone else, though.

3rd Question: Middle name?
A: I'd rather not tell you my middle name for safety reasons.

4th Question: Single or taken?
A: Single, because from my hexperience, middle school relationships are complicated and don't last for more than five months (if they even get that far). I'm waiting for high school.

5th Question: Last person I texted?
A: My mom told me to text my aunt since she was driving.

6th Question: Last song I listened to?
A: While You Were Sleeping- Casting Crowns

7th Question: Battery life %?
A: 36%

8th Question: Girl bestfriend?
Real life: I don't have best friends, but I have really close ones, ones who can read me like a book.

Wattpad: I guess it would be the ones who always comment on my two novels, read and reply to my updates, rush to my inbox or main page to chat or ask about things, you know, the followers who are always there for me and involve me in things.

I won't list them, for fear I may forget a few, but you guys should know who you are. :)

9th Question: Guy bestfriend?
Real life: I don't have guy best friends anymore in real life.

Wattpad: CJLouAgor

10th Question: Favorite OTP? 
A: Dexven/Rexter is my everything. #Dexven4Life

11th Question: Why did I made this account?
A: This is quite a long story.

When I learned that there was a 30 Days of Ever After High Challenge going around on Instagram during the summer, I was both jealous and upset. I did not have an IG account (hex, i don't have any social media accounts!),therefore I could not do it.

Until I turned to Wattpad.

Earlier in the year, I had started reading EAH fan fiction stories on Wattpad without an account. Don't ask me how, I don't know.
But one day, I couldn't get on because it now required a password.

I died inside, by the way.

I was getting antsy looking and seething at all of the #30DoEAH pictures and tags on Instagram, so on June 4th, I cracked and asked my mom if I could join.

She was all for it. Thanks, Momma! <3

I could finally do the challenge!
However, my competitive spirit crept up on me. As soon as I finished with the sign-up, I searched for any authors in the fandom that had turned the infamous Instagram challenge into a book.


This meant thar I was going to be the trailblazer. I was going to be the first.

And I was.

Now here I am! I'm catering to 213 amazeballs Royals and Rebels, whom I fondly refer to as my Rebellion.  I have eight books, and almost all of them have hit the 1K reads mark. I'm so pleased with the progress I have made.   

12th Question: Current lockscreen?
A: It is Freshplinfa's drawing of Raven Queen as a toddler. (Check him out, he has some amazing works of art! He's also on WP)

13th Question: Birthday?
A: I'll tell you when we get to that mile marker.

If you want to do it, just do the challenge. I'll tag a few people to stay safe, though.


If you've done it, you can just tell me. If you haven't, hop to it!

Ciao, fairytales!

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