Chapter 2 ~ Space Port

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I sat in the corner, fiddling with my Wispon in my hands. I was pretending that I was waiting patiently, but anyone smart enough would know I clearly wasn't. I kept taking glances at everyone in the room, trying to learn what I could about them. It was something to pass the time.

The silver hedgehog seemed to have a positive aura, but still serious by the way he crossed his arms. He seemed... sad. Every few moments he would have a sorrowful flash in his eye. But it wasn't just him, everyone. I knew why... the loss of a friend affects everyone differently.

The pink hedgehog has been on the radio line for ten minutes now, calmly sending reinforcements to help a recon team named "X-Ray", while collecting information about how many foes they were facing. I note that was the only female.

The large green crocodile – who was guaranteed to be the oldest one here – seemingly took pride in the gold chain around his neck. He stood straight with his head raised. It made me shiver at the thought of having something around your neck, surrounding your windpipe and choking you, yet unable to take it off. I don't understand how someone could be alright with that. Sure, I wear a bandana, but I have a reason.

I had caught the chameleon staring at me earlier. It made me uneasy, I don't like attention. He was hard to read, just sitting there quietly, no emotions to judge. I felt like he was judging when he had tilted his head at me.

That bee... "Charmy". I don't like him much already. He blurts out things without thinking of the consequences.  Charmy shouldn't be in this war... Is he even old enough to engage in battle? He should have been evacuated to one of the adolescent safehouses with the rest of the kids.

The Commander, Knuckles... he seems to care. It was weird to has someone support me... But by the little nervous glances Knuckles gives his team, he cares about all of them even if he keeps his face hard and arms crossed.

The things I have "learned" could be misunderstood. I've observed everyone for almost half-an-hour, though it feels like ten times longer. In frustration, I accidently let out a low, annoyed growl. It came out harsh, aggressive, and loud.

Everyone in the entire room turned to look at me. Confused, and somewhat frightened expressions appeared on their faces.

I knew I messed up. Their faces screamed "who the hell did we just recruit?" All I could do was stare back, feeling pinned underneath their gaze. The staring contest had only lasted a few seconds before I shifted my gaze back to my Wispon. My face burned red with shame, embarrassed about how I had acted out for such a petty reason.

It took a moment before I felt everyone's gaze move off me. Not that I had looked back up to see it, not until I had heard the ringing of the line which indicated that a new transmission was coming.

I look up to see the pink hedgehog put on her silver headset. She was on the opposite side of the room, so that made it difficult. Of course, I can't hear, I think sarcastically. Almost mad at myself. That's basic logic.

"It's for you, Commander," the girl says, taking off the headset and holding it out to Knuckles.

He took it from her, put it on, and listened. I noted Knuckles' silence as the speaker's voice spoke. Within seconds, his expressions changed, he looked like he could either jump for joy or faint.

Knuckles turned his back to everyone, stepping over to the wall. He held a hand on the concrete, not looking up from the floor. He was hiding himself from the others, but I could see the tears that shimmered in the corner of Knuckles eye as he grinded his teeth in attempt to hold in sobs.

I tilted my head, questioning whether I should comfort him. Knuckles hid his face for a reason, I think. He obviously doesn't want anyone to know about this. Besides, he barely knows me, it's not my place to offer support.

As quickly as it started, it stopped, Knuckles blinked the tears away and his face replaced with pure joy. Was it joy that made him cry? Knuckles turned and walked back into the center of the room. He tossed the headset onto the table. A huge smile was on his face.

"I've received some incredible news!"

The room went dead silent, turning to face Knuckles, eyes hopeful. Knuckles took a deep breath before continuing, trying to calm himself. Or it was like a knot in his throat, and wasn't sure how to get the words out? I shift in my corner, keen to find out what was so "incredible" that it could make our Commander's hard exterior crumble by just hearing it.

"Sonic is alive!" he proclaimed.

Jaws dropped, shock and joy were plastered on everyone's faces, ecstatic to hear that after all this time their friend was alive. Even my eyes widened. I didn't know Sonic the way everyone else did, but it filled me with relief to hear that he was still breathing. I thought for sure Sonic would have been murdered shortly after Robotnik's goons dragged his body away... Why would he take Sonic prisoner?

"No way!" the silver hedgehog gasped, face paling.

"What?!" the one female yelled. Her eyes filled with joy for the first in what seemed like a long time.  "Oh, thank God! ...I knew it! knew it!!"

"He's captured in the orbiting prison. My spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell, and they've...  been torturing him for months..." Knuckles explains, his voice normal. I notice the strain in his voice as he spoke.

What Knuckles said took squeeze at my heart. That's why that insane doctor took him... I think. To break him. I could only imagine what it was like to go through something like that over the span of six months at the doctor's hands. Especially when you have angered him as much as Sonic has. For Sonic, Robotnik would make sure that it would be the worst, most agonizing experience possible. I couldn't help but fear for that cocky hedgehog. I guess it's because I know what Robotnik is capable of.

"That's horrible! We need to save him!" the girl urged. Both rage and worry etched on her face, but her eyes were filled with pain. When I looked around, everyone had this emotion in their eyes.

"Plan's already happening," Knuckles replies. "I've got a squad on the way to the Space Port in the Chemical Plant, to... 'borrow' a shuttle. Pack up the supplies get ready for our old-school style jailbreak."

Everybody quickly got to work, grabbing weapons kit, packages of grenades or ammunition. I nervously watch from my corner, feeling useless and almost intrusive. Everyone here already knew where all the supplies were kept, so I can't exactly "help out". I can't exactly communicate that I want to offer my assistance either.

The pink hedgehog was rushing to pack up all of her things: laptop, headset and folders. Her hands kept shaking and she dropped her headset and folder to the floor, scattering the papers inside all over the concrete.

She mutters in frustration to herself before crouching down to the floor and trying to collect her things. My gut told me that I needed to help her. Not because she needed it, but because I want to prove my worth and not seem insignificant.

I rest my Wispon down on the ground, stand up and walk over to the girl. I stand there for a short second delay. I didn't know what stopped me, but the girl didn't even notice my presence yet.

I crouch down to her level. She sees me and jumps slightly, almost dropping the few papers she had collected. I note that the hedgehog's eyes were wide and she was breathing quickly. She acted as if an invisible clock was ticking down.

Are you scared of me? I think to myself, unsure how to feel. I didn't know if I liked being feared, respected and given privacy. Or if I wanted to be treated like a normal person like everyone else.

After a short moment, she breaths and smiles, embarrassed. "S—sorry, I'm just stressed." She looks up at me, green eyes slightly calmer, friendly even. "I'm Amy by the way."

Don't tell me your name... I don't want to grow an attachment.

I hover my hands over the papers, waiting for the girl to give me the all clear. "Don't worry about this, all these reports need to be arranged specifically. Just grab the large medical kit from the surgery room in the hall," she points to the large door. I remember seeing a doorway in the hall that had the title 'Surgery'. That must be what Amy was talking about.

Amy looks back down to her papers, stacking them in a precise order. "When you get it, bring it to Silver." I don't know who that is. "You'll know who he is, his name explains all."

I nod and stand up. I walk over to the metal doors, letting them open and reveal the hallway. I step out into the hall, artificial lighting making it drearier that it already was. Distant voices fill my left ear, I glance in its direction. The silver hedgehog and Knuckles were talking about something. I could barely make out anything they said.

"You can't be serious, Commander!" I heard the hedgehog, who must be Silver, exclaim. Everything he said was in bits and pieces, but I heard enough. "You know I love new recruits, but we don't even know her name!"

My gaze goes to floor, somehow feeling shamed. I go right and find the surgery room before they could notice my presence. When the doors open, I wonder how much they did know about me.

I look up. There were several shelves lined with medical equipment, used to store extra supplies. There were also plenty of machines that I couldn't name. There was a large operating table in the centre of the room. Either it is barely used, or they sterilize well.

I walk over to the closest shelf and grab the largest kit with a red plus that I could find. Realizing I had to walk up into Silver and Knuckles conversation about me, I hesitate before stepping back into the hallway.

"If you know, why don't you tell us?" I hear Silver ask from the other side of the hall. I approach them, trying to get closer so I don't have listen to this conversation for long.

"She asked me specially not to tell anyone her name," Knuckles replied, remembering the promise he made me. Knuckles whispered something inaudible to Silver.

"...I understand," Silver replied.

I knock on the metal wall to alert them to my presence. They instantly looked to me. I calmly walk over to Silver and hold out the slightly heavy medical kit to him. My gaze falls to the floor.

"I'm going to grab my gear, we'll talk later, Silver." Commander Knuckles walked away.

The kit leaves my hands, so I let my arms dangle at my sides. I turn to leave, but Silver's voice stops me.

"Thanks." I turned my head, nodding at him. I considered leaving, but Silver's face was strained, like he wanted to say more. "You're... going to see a lot of bad things out there," he starts. Where is this coming from? Besides, I've already seen just about everything. Why else do you think I don't speak?

"Just remember, you're a part of our team now." No, I'm not. "We have each others backs. You can always tal—" Silver stops midsentence. His eyes widened slightly, like he said something he shouldn't have. "...Trust us."

You were going to say "talk". He cuts himself off as if it would offend me. So far, Silver is the only one who has brought attention to my... disability. Am I getting special treatment somehow?

I process this, unsure what to think. My eyes finally make solid contact with his. I give a nod, making him think that I would confide with someone if something was ever wrong. It was a lie, a white lie. Made to make someone feel better. I don't want to be untruthful, but I don't trust easily. Specifically, trusting people with my heart.

Weakness, that's what you're opening yourself up to when you trust others. You're giving them an open hug so that they can stab you in the heart.

I will never let myself be exposed to weakness again.

I held out my left arm, clenching my hand into a fist, firing my grapple. It latched onto a metal support beam. The wire began retracting, pulling me forward, up, above tall barriers. A voice in my earpiece spoke as I landing running.

"Espio here. My team is engaging enemies in the orbital tunnel," the deep voice says. "I think we can hold them off for now..."

A small hint of worry formed in me as his voice stopped. What Espio said is giving me a sense of déjà vu.

Trying to distract myself, I launch my grapple at a robot. It hit dead center, between the eyes. Sparks spurted from its head before falling to the ground, the grapple pulls towards the empty shell.

Another robot came from behind the last, stumbling towards its dead clone. I swung my arm, holding out my foot. Letting my body swing around at the robot. My boot met its face before my grapple detached.

The minion fell on its back, skidding as it's metal grinded against the ground, creating more sparks. Its eyes flickered for a moment, but the lights remained on.

Remembering how weak these small robots were, I raised my foot high, muscles tense. "No, wait!" Espio's voice cut through on the radio. But I had already brought my foot down. A sense that I made a mistake flooded me. No, I think. He couldn't have been talking to me.

I looked down at the dead robot. A large dent in its head. It's just a robot, I think to myself. It doesn't have a soul, no feelings. Nothing.

"It's here! That monster that took down Sonic!"

My eyes widened, I looked around, fearful. He... It's here. My breathing quickened; my heartbeat pounded in my throat. If he's here, I'll have a panic attack! My thoughts race. There's no way I can face him again!

Trying to regain control of my anxiety, I held my breath. Ten seconds hold, then inhale... Ten seconds hold, exhale. Each millisecond was like an eternity.

This is what the doctors told you, just do your deep breathing...

Why the hell isn't it working?!

I crush my eyes shut, trying to take back control of my senses. Only to be met with bloody images of war. My eyes opened again, looking around. My grip tightened on my Wispon.

A sitting duck is a dead one, I think.

I continue running, aiming, and firing flames at robots as I ran. Trying to remember the mission. Just get to the checkpoint.

"Stay focused, rookie! We're going to find a shuttle!" Vector's voice says in my ear. The way he said it made it sound like he could see me. What does he mean "stay focused"? Did he see my panic?

And... rookie? I could build an Eggman base with all the scrap metal from the robots I've killed in my time serving with the military. Not that I can exactly tell the tale.

I travel up another level, only to go back down again. I jumped off the platform, my wire firing, and wrapping around the top of a crane. I spun in a circle, doing a loop, the world blurred together as a hundred-foot drop and more robots. Doing a front flip, I detached. When I landed, I needed to place a palm on the ground. Nausea is still better than fear.

My right arm raised before I saw the robots coming. Once I looked up, the trigger of the Wispon was pulled. Another two dozen were added to my kill list. I look up to see metal pipes ahead in the tunnel, opening to the outdoors, sunlight reflecting off all the metal. It was almost blinding.

My feet speed up as the pipes got closer. When I reached them, I stopped running, letting my feet skid on the thin pipeline. My shoes grinded against the metal, creating a noise that made me wince. But then again, that didn't compare to the sound of bones breaking.

My momentum begun to wear off as I reached the end of the pipeline. My balance began to fail. I launched my wire, not taking the risk of falling. I was raised to a higher level, once again.

Why were the designs of this place so absurd? There were no reasons to have architecture like this. Except that the doctor is a madman, and worse.

Below me, there were tracks suspended in the air. Train tracks. They started and ended further than my eyes could see. They began shaking, and the sound of wheels on metal followed.

"Looks like a freight train," I hear Vector mumble on the radio. He must see what I see.

"It's carrying supplies. I don't think it's armed," Amy informs.

In the corner of my eye, I could see the train coming. It was painted yellow, and it was traveling fast. The first cart was a storage cart, which meant the train was automatic, probably controlled by the tracks.

I quickly looked around. There was a beam high up with several large spotlights. Other than that, there was nothing else within range. I fired, pulled forward. I aim for the train. It was passing underneath me, a few feet below. It was still traveling fast. I might not make it. I brace for impact.

My feet landed on the last cart, but they slipped out from under me due to the velocity. I fell over the side. At the last second, I was able to grab the edge of the cart.

I pull myself up, the speed of the train making it difficult. To keep myself from falling again, I crawl into the center of the cart on my stomach.

All seemed fine. Until I looked up. There was a tunnel. The ceiling was low, it would take off my head, even if I ducked. Instinct kicked in, my teeth grit together and I looked around frantically. Not even knowing where I aimed, I launch. I was lucky enough that my cable latched onto something. I detached before I could go any higher than the several dozen feet.

As I flew though the air I looked around, there was another train coming, below me were more tracks. Before the train could hit me, I launch my grapple again, pulled to another platform. Plenty of robots were waiting. They were reduced to molten within seconds. I took deep breaths as I stood in my tracks, inhaling the smell of hot metal.

I was almost hit by a train, think in slight shock. I remind myself that was nothing compared to what I have faced before. I force myself to keep moving as voices conversed on the radio.

"It's quiet at the launch pad for now," Amy says. "Grab a shuttle before they sound the alarm!"

The radio went silent. Leaving me alone with bullets whizzing past me as I burned more robots. With the flamethrower, it was easy to take down a large group but I must remember that everything has a power source. I mustn't run out of ammo, especially when I need it most.

Vector's voice cut over the com channel. "They won't mind if we 'borrow' this for a while," he says. He found a shuttle. Was everyone else there too?

Hoping that I won't be last to the checkpoint, I picked up my speed, going almost as fast as I can but not enough to completely wear out my stamina.

More pipes were up ahead, going straight towards the Landing Zone.

   I jumped, landing on one, then ran across it. "Hurry, rookie! Step on it!" Knuckles orders. Making me panic for no reason.

The pipes slowly came to and end. Before they could, I launched my wire. It pulled me forward, then set me down to the ground again.

Before me was the space shuttle. It was still a small run away, but that only proved how large it was. It was more than a few hundred meters long with powerful thrusters at the back of the ship. It was a ship built for speed. Most of the faded red paint was covered in frost.

I shivered as tiny, cold specs fluttered past me. Snow? I looked to the sky. The once, clear, bright sky was filled with dark storm clouds. Man... I think. Robotnik really screwed up the atmosphere.

My hand went to my neck, my fingers found my bandana. Good, I still have it. I exhaled. All I needed to do was handle every other mission like that... Take deep breaths when you need, and you'll do fine.

"Are you coming, or what?" I heard Charmy's high voice echo. The tiny bee was floating by the entrance to the shuttle. It impressed me that his tiny voice carried all the way to me.

Sighing, I ran towards him.

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