Chapter 3 ~ Gamma

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Smoke filled my lungs. Death stung my nose. I was bleeding from countless cuts and scrapes, but I still ran. I duck behind crumbled chunks of concrete as I rushed to my fallen comrade. My Commander, Rex had narrowly missed a blast from the masked Mobian, but it had left a long gash across his stomach. Rex has been bleeding out for several minutes now. Not long ago, he had collapsed, but had been able to drag himself to cover behind a large stone slab that was buried horizontally into the pavement, probably a piece of wall at one point.

I rushed out from behind my shelter, dashing towards the grey wolf, moving as quickly as I could to avoid the blasts sent my way. Each of the three explosions shot at me barely missed as I tried to block out the voice of the one who fired them.

"There is no reason to resist," the deep voice says. The voice almost... glitchy? How could somebody sound like that? The voice itself was enough to send fear up my spine.

I slid on the ground, reaching the safety of the slab. I ignore the sting of the new scrapes. Rex sat there with his back against the stone, still clutching his assault rifle. Rex's pupils were dilated. Even though I gently shook his shoulders, his golden eyes stared blankly ahead, wincing. After a short delay Rex noticed that I was there. By the time he did, I had already gone to work.

I reached into one of the many pouches on my belt, my fingers wrapping around a small needle while my free hand pressed against the gushing wound in attempt to slow down the bleeding.

My hands were shaking, but I stuck the needle into Rex's shoulder, squeezing the end. I prayed the morphine would enter his body quickly. It hurts me to see him in pain.

I reach into another one of my pouches, pulling out a roll of gauze. I wrap them around Rex's torso to cover the wound.

Sweat stung my eyes, blurring my vision. Or was it tears? I couldn't tell. I'm not the one who should be doing this. Neon should. She is the actual medic. I'm not even done training yet. I am only the "backup field medic" if something ever happened to the original... it did. Neon had been caught in the crossfires of our enemy. She had been sent flying several dozen feet and hit her head. There was no way she didn't have a concussion. Not that I would know, when had I dragged Neon to cover, she was still unconscious.

Chocking back my feelings, I made myself remember the next step. Rex has lost at least a pint of blood, maybe two. Plus, he didn't even know that I was in front of him. Rex needed plasma, one of the four major components in blood. Otherwise he could die from shock.

I pulled out one of my two precious bottles of blood plasma, placing it above Rex's head inside a crack in the stone. Before I could stick the tube into his arm, Rex stopped me, placing a bloody glove on mine.

"D-don't need plasma," he stuttered, weak. But his voice firm as ever. Still acting as Commander, even when he is reaching death's doorstep.

"Give it to Ajax!" he says, looking to his right. I followed his gaze. Ajax was lying in the middle of the warzone, a chuck of flesh missing from his right side. Water shimmered in his eyes, some streaming down his face. Ajax crawled on his back slowly, one hand pressing down on the wound and the other firing his pistol as he tried to get to cover.

Did he get hurt when I ran to Rex?  Did I drown out his screams when I tried to block out the bloody confusion? I could have prevented this...

I looked back into Rex. My eyes were filled with worry. I couldn't leave him. My hand went to my pouch again, pulling out my other bottle of plasma.


What the hell was he saying? You'll die!

"N—n..." I stutter, barely able to force out the vocals. It was almost impossible to sound out the word, a knot had formed in my throat.

"I'll be fine. Go," he cuts me off, knowing I won't be able to finish my own sentence. Rex's voice was strained. "Go."

I squeezed Rex's hand, a way of telling him that I will come back for him.

I quickly put everything back into my bags and grab my pistol from my holster. I looked on at the warzone ahead of me. There was fire, bleeding friends, gunfire. Everything that I did not want to see. Everything I did not expect when I had entered the city. I knew that there was an attack, and something bad was starting, but I did not imagine this. All we were told is that this would a simple "evacuate and eliminate" mission. We didn't realize how much of a threat we were going to face. If I had known the information that we would be sent on a mission like this, I would have brought more blood plasma.

I turned back to look at Rex. It felt like I was breaking a code leaving him behind. But he ordered me. And disobeying a direct command from my Master Sergeant was breaking a code.

Taking a deep breath, I ran into the hellfire. Adrenaline took over exhaustion and hesitance. I glance up at the black Mobian, trying to get a visual on our enemy.

What species was he? A canine of some sort. He had a notably large tail and dark colouration. A jackal? He had long, stiff white hair. The white stripes on his sides looked... like a ribcage. I had a disturbing sense of familiarity, like I have seen it before, and yet he seemed so alien and foreign at the same time.

The jackal had his back to me, looking down at the twins, Crow and Raven. Each were running in straight lines, zig-zags, and circles while they fired their guns. They were doing what they did best: being a distraction, using their mind tricks, and overwhelming people.

They both chuckled as they shot at the jackal with their small, custom-made machine guns. The bullets didn't seem to affect him. Nonetheless, they were keeping the assailant's attention, so this was the time I could help Ajax.

I reached Ajax, a pool of blood surrounded the dingo, including a trail from when he had begun crawling away. He has lost a lot of blood. As in, this is probably the worst injury I have ever seen.

"P-please, tell me you have morphine..." he growled, pain seeping through his quivering voice. I did just what he asked, quickly jabbing the needle into his arm then tossing it away when it emptied.

I grabbed Ajax by putting my hand under his armpits, then I dragged him back towards cover. The problem was the nearest chuck of concrete was several meters away, we were moving slow, and Ajax was bleeding fast.

Panic rising, I looked back at the one who caused this. This time, the jackal didn't have his back to me.

He stared straight at me.

He was half looking away, just so his one, glowing yellow eye was seeing into me. I held the eye contact with him, unable to tear away my gaze.

Ajax pulls the trigger. It clicks, no bullets came. Ajax cursed silver streaks to himself. The only thing I could do was to continue dragging Ajax as quickly as I could. My heart slammed in my chest as me and the canine both stare. I was waiting for death.

We were not the ones who were killed. The masked jackal turned back and shot a red beam at Crow and Raven. He only used one hand, effortless, like it was a waste of his time and the two soldiers weren't even worth the energy.

            The beam hit the ground, when Crow and Raven were crossing paths. Their speed didn't aid them this time. The blast left a small crater in the ground, and the twins were sent flying. Both in separate directions.

Crow was knocked back into a concrete slab, leaving a crack as he slid down onto the ground. Blood leaked from the corner of his beak and the back of his head. Black splotches covered his legs and feet. Blood trickled from cuts and gashes. It was a horrifying sight. All I could do was look on in horror, eyes wide as Crow's two cobalt ones dulled and slowly close.

Raven had been sent several yards away from her brother. She rolled across the ground, her legs too covered in black and blood. She laid on her side, back to me, littered in cuts, bruises and scrapes. Her black muscle shirt was ripped, blood pouring out from the gaps. I held in tears as she slowly placed her arms on the ground and tried to lift herself up. Her body trembled, then she collapsed, laying on the ground, motionless.

"Oh my god..." I heard Ajax mutter, snapping me back to reality.

I pulled him all the way to cover. I pulled out my bandages as I stared at the chunk of flesh missing. It was all red and bloody, changing the colour of his wrecked sage green pilot suit. Through the crimson I could easily see the white of his ribcage poking out at the top if his wound.

I wanted to vomit. I turned my head away, gagging. It smelled like raw meat. Raw flesh. My eyes burned again with disgust.

I had no idea what to do. Ajax needed an actual doctor, not a field medic! I can't do surgeries! And I sure as hell can't do my job when all I can think about is my dying comrades. And that masked Mobian... he saw me. He could have easily killed us instead. But he didn't... He knew that I was about to die, but he made us watch as he...

Stress and anxiety were taking over as I surrounded gauze around a clean cloth that I placed on the wound. I placed Ajax's hand on it to put pressure on it as I set up the plasma.

My gaze shifted to the corpses of Crow and Raven as I stuck the IV into Ajax's arm. The bodies remained still, no breaths. I didn't want to believe that they were gone. They weren't. They couldn't. They were talking to me only moments ago. I can't move my eyes from them. They were alive less than a moment ago. They were joking less than a minute ago, without a single damn care in the world.

I couldn't shift my gaze, until I saw the light blue fur buried under rubble and concrete. Oh my god... Nyx?! Someone was calling my name, it seemed like it was a thousand miles away.

I never saw what happened to Nyx. When did this happen to her? When did I ignore her cries for help as she was crushed? Nyx was so young... not even thirteen. And she's gone too.

Someone snapped me out of my gaze. A hand on mine. I turned to see a blurry, short, sage green figure. Large ears were on their head. Radar.

I blinked the blurriness away. Radar had his sniper rifle beside him, like he had tossed it aside. His hand was on my trembling one.

"I'll stay with Ajax. You need to wake up Neon," he told me, voice almost too calm for me. How is he not freaking out right now?! "We won't survive without another medic!"

Nodding, I place my hands on the ground and crawl behind Radar. Lying beside him was the yellow coyote whom I considered a sister. I quickly place two fingers on Neon's neck and move my ear close to her face. Small breaths brushed against my face. Relief filled me. She's breathing.

I shook Neon's shoulders. She didn't even react. I took my canteen from my belt, screwing off the lid, pouring a small amount over her face, not wanting to waste the precious contents but needing her to wake.

She didn't.

"HQ come in! We are getting annihilated! When is assistance coming?!" Radar

Panic rises inside again. I stood up. If Neon can't save anyone, then I must. It's my job. There are no other options. I can't lose my squad... they are all I have.

I quickly stepped over to Ajax and Radar. Radar was peering around the concrete, firing his sniper rifle. A frustrated expression was on his face, teeth gritted, eyes fearful. He never shows emotions like this... Radar is always so calm and collected.

"What do you mean?!" Radar demanded, talking through his radio. He hides back under cover, holding a finger to his earpiece. His eyes look into mine. "Squads and aircrafts are being picked off."

Help wasn't coming.

My gaze moves to Ajax. He had begun to bleed through his bandage. Even with the morphine, Ajax still winced and cursed to himself, pure pain in his eyes. His lip trembled and water ran down his cheeks. It was so odd to see Ajax cry, he never does. I keep reminding myself that it was because of the pain he was in. I swallow my sobs, holding the flood gates of emotions shut.

I grab my handgun. My gut drops when I hear a familiar battle cry.

No... he's going to get himself killed! I think to myself as I rush out from cover. Not thinking, only reacting.

I had a perfect view of the horrors to come. Griffon's large body was soaring through the air. I gasp and drop to my stomach, just barely avoiding the bison's body. I saw as the light left his deep blue eyes. There was a large hole where his chest. Blood and guts showered the pavement around me. Some of the gore landed on me.

The stomach acids slip back up my oesophagus again. I continuously swallow the burning fluid down as I frantically try to get the bloody chunks off me.

"You bastard!" another voice yelled. I turned to watch Stryker run at the black jackal, firing his assault rifle. He was hoping to avenge his friend, but it didn't take long for Stryker to meet a similar fate.

The canine continued the beam after killing Stryker, not stopping. It neared the slab of concrete that Rex hid behind. Rex stared at the red light as the beam drew closer, then he looked to me. Rex couldn't run. He couldn't crawl away in time. He knew this.

Rex smiles sadly at me, nodding, his final goodbye. Then he was gone. A tear ran down my face. My captain was dead.

I froze up, I could have helped him! But now he's gone.

I rushed to where Rex used to be. I grabbed his body's wrist and held his dead hand. I squeeze it in my grasp, gritting my teeth together. My eyes squeeze shut for a moment, holding back tears.

I said I would come back for you... I thought. I'm so sorry, Rex! I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything!

Opening my eyes, I press my back to the remaining bit of concrete with Rex's hand still in mine. Trying to hold in my sobs. A metal breakdown was arriving, I could sense it creeping in.

I turned to Ajax, Radar and Neon. My lip was trembling. Radar was gaping at Rex's corpse, steel blue eyes wide. Radar's teeth gritted together, then he turned around the corner and fired his sniper rifle at the masked jackal in rage.

"Your 'savior' is dead. There is no hope," he says. He shot a burst of red energy at the concrete pile where Ajax, Radar and Neon hid.

My friends were gone in a cloud of red smoke, fire and screams.

Tears ran down my face. Why? Why is this happening?!

I looked around me, whipping around. Overwhelmed. I let go of Rex's hand and place my trembling ones on my head. Nine out of twelve members, gone just like that. We fought for less than fifteen minutes... and we lost that easy. This was never supposed to happen. The mission wasn't meant to go to shit! We were all supposed to walk away in one piece!

Where the hell is Ash and Levi?!

I heard a cry of pain.  There was no need to look to know Ash had met the same met the same fate as the others.

I crushed my eyes shut, pressing my hands over my ears. Trying to get their screams out of my head. They're all dead. And there is nothing I can do to bring them back!

Ash's gun skidded on the ground next to me. I opened my eyes, staring at it. "I can taste your terror, child," the voice says. He's still here...

I dashed out from cover and snatch up Ash's gun. My hands were shaking as I took aim. I hoped that the tears on my face had dried. I inhale tiny gasps, as if breathing loud enough would immediately alert the Mobian to my location.

My eyes shut again, trying to mentally force my muscles to stop quivering so that I can pull the trigger at the murderer while he doesn't know where I am.

You'll be next! Come on, (Y/N). Pull the damn trigger!

"All that anxiety and doubt. It's delicious." The voice sneers, sending shivers up my spine. I opened my eyes again, afraid of what will happen if they stayed shut for too long.

The jackal's hand glowed red as he raised it at me, ready for another attack.

If my teammates, or even Sonic can't land a single hit, what hope do I possibly have?

He shot a small ball of energy at the ground next to me. I stumbled as the ground shook, and because of fear and natural reflex. I fell onto my back but quickly sat back up.  That was a warning shot... not even enough to injure me. Ash's gun clanked as it landed several meters away from me, too far to be able to reach without being killed.

I looked around at the bloody bodies. They were alive. Now they're gone... that... monster took them away! And yet I'm here! Is this a dream? It must be. No person could do this. My team... no, my family is gone because of him.

My gaze shifted back to the bringer of death. Red swirling around him. Crimson, like blood. The white stripes on his chest stood out to me again, the ribcage. Like death, the reaper.

"Give into your fear. Flee, screaming, and I'll let you live." He offers. The monster was holding a hand out to me still, ready to summon that black magic he had to kill me if I didn't what he wanted. I realize how sharp his nails were, and the red glitches that appeared on his body. This is reality, not some game... how is he able to do that?

I can't. I can't scream. But if I don't survive, who will remember Gamma? Who will avenge them? Nobody will know what happened here today. They will just stumble across the mutilated corpses and never know how it happened.

Weakly, still trembling, I stand up. I glare at the figure though my eyes were full of pain and on the point of streaming water.

I'm going to send you to hell, I vow, though no sound came out.

The figure started sniggering quietly as I turned and ran, but it got louder and became a psychotic laughter. When I got a few yards away, when the laughter had finally begun to fade away, the monster was there. He was in front of me, hovering, arms crossed, still cackling wildly.

I turned in another direction, I didn't know where, anywhere! But he kept teleporting. The monster followed me everywhere.

After several more failed attempts to get away, I just fell to my knees, hands crushing my ears shut. My eyes were closed, mouth open, screaming. But no sound came out. No sound ever came. The laughter kept continuing to fill my head as tears ran down my face. The flood gates had opened. The breakdown had arrived.

I was all alone. With no one to save me.

I woke up with a jolt. My eyes dart around the shuttle wildly. Sweat dripped from my forehead. Eventually I was able to slow my rapidly beating heart and draw in breaths. It's just a dream, I think to myself. I stood up, leaving the room, hoping no one had noticed my awakening.

How could I fall asleep? Stupid.

I stood in the hall, placing a hand over my still pounding heart. I exhale. "You might need it for yourself" Rex had said about the blood plasma. What was ironic was that he was right...

I shudder, that monster's words still vividly seared into my mind. I swear I still hear his laughter sometimes... Little does he know that I will stay true to my promise.

The doors opened again, I looked up to see Amy. "Is everything alright?" she asks. "You just left... and you looked a bit... freaked out."

I force a nod. It's just a dream.

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