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Ok guys, I have taken a very vey long hiatus, but there is a good reason behind why...
it's not something I enjoy talking about, but I shall tell you anyways..
about a year and a half ago or so my family and I ran into some money trouble, I would go without a phone for months on end as would my mom. Dad was the only who never ran out and that's because one of us needed to keep one on just in case of emergency and it was everything we could do to put food on the table...😓
Heck to have the bare necessities basically..😞

I dropped out of college of course because it was hard enough as is and I as well as my parents found anything that could possibly be pawned so that we could have money for food and water and showers and things of that nature😞
Sitting here typing this out is of course bringing out the memories of this dark time and trust me it's not something I care for to remember....
I have two younger siblings one who is now twelve and the other who turned four in December. That made it so much worse and the pain in my heart was unbearable😭

Things are a lot better now thank god for that, and they have been since we moved. Money isn't tight anymore, I am working as well as both my parents once again therefore we are in a far better place than where we once were.
I apologize for the very long absence but I have been going to a counselor to help me get past that dark time and I am just now getting to a place where I can post again if that makes any sense.

Guys, I pray none of you go through what I went through, it was the worst kind of torture for me😓😓
I cried and prayed every night and he answered my prayer and led us to the light so to speak, led us out of the dark tunnel to the sunlight and greenery.
I have been since then and  always will be thankful and grateful and so much more for what I have. For what my family has.

Never take what you have for granted.

I also apologize for the long author's note, but I felt bound to tell you all since most of you have stuck with me anyways to which I want to say thank you😇

I love you all very much!:)

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