Chapter Twenty One

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All three of them appeared out of no where.

I was to upset to worry about how at the moment.

They asked what happened so I explained.
I started at the beginning which was my coming home and then how the door was open and when I walked in it was quiet. Told them home I checkd all the rooms then went upstairs to which I heard footsteps coming from my mom's room and the encounter.

After finishing I told them, " one thing that erks me is when she told me destiny is destiny and fate is fate. As if we had no choice in the matter."

I slumped exasperated, tired by all that has happened since... well since I moved here.

Why can't I be normal? I thought to myself.

Cel came and hugged me trying to comfort me.
Pulling away she says, " you can come live with me until we find your mother."

I nodded silently knowing deep down that once all was said and done, in the end, I'll be on my own because I'll have to do it on my own.

No words were said as Derek pulled me into his arms doing the same as Celina. Comforting me. was a little different in the sense of he was holding onto me as if I would somehow end up disappearing.

Gone forever out of his reach.

Pulling away slowly looking him in the eye I say with conviction in my voice, " you know something about what's happened here." I glance over to cel and Alex saying to them, " and you two are more than what you seem"


I was done with all the secrets, the lies.

It was time for me to be who I was meant to be.

Also, I don't know how I knew this, but I did know somehow that that witch was involved in my father's death.

Just like I knew deep down that If my mother wasn't found soon, she would meet the same end as my father...

The old Serenity was gone and she wasn't coming back.

There's a game being played here and if we aren't careful... we'll end up being pawns.

We have to win.

It's that simple.

Once everything was packed and loaded up, we delivered it to Celina's house.
Ironically enough she had already talked to her parents a while back and was okay with me staying.
They considered me a second daughter which may be why they set up a room for me to which I was very much so grateful.

As we arrived at her house getting out, they carried everything in and sat it down in my new room.

I found Mr and Mrs. Davenport in the kitchen and I hugged them both saying, " thank you."
Smiling softly Mrs Davenport said, " your welcome sweetie. Stay here as long as you need to."

Thanking them again I walked out of the kitchen going up the stairs on the right to my new room.

Before going in though I heard it...


What are they fighting about? I thought to myself as I slowly turned the doorknob entering the room.

When I walked in...

A/N: A overdue update finally up!!!!
I apologize from the bottom of my heart for it being so late!!!!
Since I have begun working, finding time to update is a little bit difficult so please bear with me!:) 😇😇😇😇😇

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