Chapter Twenty

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The next few weeks were nothing short of being a blur.

Derek and I made our relationship official to which we told our friends who were absolute ecstatic.

Though I did observe Alex and Celina being weird which I hadn't noticed before.
The sneaking glances, the sneaking off, the fidgeting and how when one meets the other eye, they both immediately look away.

They were hiding something.

The question though, what were they hiding?

What huge secret are they keeping that makes them not act themselves?

I didn't know and neither did Derek, but I did have a premonition that it had to do with me.

Whatever it was.

I will find out though.

Training has begun as well to which I learned that Alex would be joining in.

Upon taking a break, I rounded on Derek asking, "why is Alex doing this?"

He shrugged saying, " you'll have to find that out on your own."

Pondering the possibilities, I hopped in the car, going home.

If I knew what awaited me there...

I would have never gone.

What was seen...

What was witnessed...

Upon coming up the driveway, I noticed a strange car.

Whose is that? I thought as I walked up the steps going inside.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

The feeling of unease coursed through me as I searched the house for anything out of the ordinary.

The living room was fine and so was the kitchen.

Nothing broken.

Nothing stolen.

When walking up the stairs to check the bedrooms I heard it:




I paused, listening.




Silently creeping up the stairs to mother's rooms, I heard a woman's voice say, "don't you worry. She will have no choice if she wants her back."

I tried to listen to the other voice, but couldn't decipher anything that was being said.

"I know you're out there darling. Come on in. I have been waiting on you." The woman's cold voice said as she opened the door that led into my mom's room, revealing herself.

She was tall and long limbed.

Her hair was blonde, falling straight down to her lower back.

Her eyes were grey, like a storm cloud though red lipstick painted her lips.

She wore a long sleeve fitted red blouse that was V necked which was tucked into black skinny jeans which was paired off with red high heels.

Can you guess her favorite color?

Swallowing hard, I asked, " where is my mom?"

She tsked, shaking her finger back and forth as if I had been a bad girl, " oh dear, must you know already?"

I didn't answer.

She walked into the room with me following. Once in, the door slammed shut with a loud bang!
She leaned against the wall, arms crossed saying, " you know, you are such a bad daughter for leaving your precious mother all alone."

As she talked, I did everything I could to summon some kind of power that might aid me in this situation, but I stopped at once when she said, " I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Well," she said pretending to think." You don't know what happened to your mother and I know your just dying to find out.
Second." She held up a number two." You never know what could happen to her if you try anything, anything at all."

She had me there.

She had me trapped and she knew it, " shall I give you a sneak peak?"

I gulped nodding.

I had to know, I had to know that she was safe, where she was.

She walked up to a large rounded mirror chanting.

Slowly, a picture started to form and eventually the picture was complete and there she was.

She looked anything, but safe. She looked to be locked up in a cell of some sorts somewhere with bruises covering her body. The clothes she had been wearing were tattered and torn.

So dirty.

What was worse. She was knocked to unconsciousness.

She looked lifeless, but wasn't.

She was still alive.

For now...

"Where is she?!?" I yelled. " tell me where she is?!? Now!!!"

I could not and would not cry in front of this woman.

She laughed to which I shuddered.

It was a cold, heartless laugh.

"My dear, you will have to find her to rescue her."

She eyed me up and down before saying, " so young. Tis truly sad, but destiny is destiny and fate is fate."

Then she disappeared as if she hadn't been there at all.

Once she was gone, I wept.

A/N: What do you guys think?????

Please let me know;)

Also, do not forget to hit the star at the bottom and please do mot forget to comment!😇😇😇

I love reading what you lovely readers have to say :)

Want to give a shout out to SarahTaylor469 for her amazing and continuous support of this story!!!:)
She is truly an amazing person!

Question: what is your dream job?

Until next time🙋🙋😇😇🙃🙃

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