LXIV. The Guest

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chapter sixty four - the guest.

THE ROYAL SIBLINGS ENTERED the grand dining hall to see their dad sitting at the head seat.

The two quickly sat down and went on about their day to their dad, lunch was served and the family conversed as they ate.

"Felix will be arriving today. The Villareals as well." Claude told them.

The siblings stopped moving their utensils and focused on Claude completely.

"They'll arrive after sunset. We will have dinner with them."

The siblings looked at each other with the look of utter disgust remembering their time with a certain lilac during lunch.

"The ceremony to bestow the title is simple and short. It will take place tomorrow in the morning. As soon as it's done they can leave." Claude explained as he focused on his tea.

"So they'll be here for only the night and day?" Athanasia asked.

"Yes, or should I prepare the ceremony at night so they can simply leave in the morning?" Claude looked at his children for their opinion.

The two younger royals looked at each other with a hint of worry and guilt.

"Dad, how long does it take to travel here from Feradona?"

"A week at most, but Felix was eager to come back since he's left his post empty for a while."

"We can hold the ceremony in the morning, after all the guests would be tired. They'll need a good rest first." Arius decided. Athanasia nodded her head in approval.

"Very well, but if you two have anything to tell me..." Claude placed his teacup down.

"Arius", he looked at his son, "Athanasia", and then at his daughter.

"You are the prince and princess of this empire. Your authority is second to mine."

"If anyone says anything to you, tell me. If you come looking for me and I'm busy with people, you have the authority to ask those people to step outside."

" You don't need to wait for me to be free to talk to me."

" You don't need to care whether the people you're using your authority on are adults or not. Whoever it is, they will always be below you. So use the authority of the Alger Obelia name, and use it with pride. "

Claude spoke with such a captivating tone that the siblings couldn't help but pay attention to every word.

"The life of a royal isn't easy, but it comes with privileges. I know I haven't been a good father to you two, and I'm... trying to become better, but if you face any difficulty and I am not by your side, then use your authority. Exercise your power. Teach anyone who annoys you, what they got themselves into."

"I... tend to get wrapped in my work and sometimes end up not seeing the two of you needing my help. I-" Claude stopped.


A trail of tear lined Athanasia chubby cheeks. She had her eyes half-wide from surprise and was slowly turning into a waterfall.

Claude looked at Arius who was rubbing his eyes with his arm.

"Dad! You need to warn us before you start talking like that!"

"Ihic! –know right! " Athanasia added.

"Start talking like what?" Claude asked dumbfounded.

"Geez!" Arius spoke in annoyance as he rubbed his eyes again. "...Thank you, dad. I love you a lot and I'm really thankful to have you as my dad." Arius spoke in a low voice.

Claude's lips curled into a half-smile, as if he were holding himself from smiling completely.

Meanwhile Athanasia hugged Claude and spoke her feelings of gratitude in her Dad's ears.

The lunch time soon ended as the family parted ways as they were all busy. Claude with his duties and the siblings with their lessons.

AND IN NO TIME WAS THEIR FAMILIAR redhead standing inside the Audience Chamber.

"Felix! " Arius shouted as he entered the Audience Chamber. Athanasia toddling after him, and their knights following the two.

"Your Highnesses! Thank Goodness you're well." Felix hugged the two royal siblings.

"Princess! I heard you fell ill, are you feeling alright now?"

"I'm all better!" Athanasia beamed.

"My prince! look at you! You've become so much taller!"

"Oh please Felix, it has hardly been two weeks since you left."

"It felt like years. I'm so happy you're back!" Athanasia added.

Truly, the siblings were very happy to have Felix back. And they wished Felix would never leave again.

"Arius, Athanasia. " Claude called for them from his throne in the middle.

The siblings turned their heads to see two mini thrones besides Claude's, and Claude gesturing for them to come and sit.

"I'm taking the right one!" Athanasia declared as she ran up to her mini throne. Arius sighed and also walked up to his throne.

Once all the royals were seated, Claude ordered Felix, "Send them in."

The giant golden doors to the Audience Chambers opened to reveal the awaited guests.

Walking forward was Millicent, with her ebony hair in a half ponytail tied by a gray bow, eyes like Jade that were looking down as she marched.

She was in a grayish black waistcoat over a light blue dress that reached below her knees.

A simple black coat reaching till her knees and unbuttoned from the front. Velvet black boots that reached a few inches below her knee.

Following behind her was Edna, the second youngest, wearing a similar black coat over a gray dress and velvet black boots. She had her ebony hair tied into pigtails, by gray bows. Her emerald eyes also staring at the ground but would glance up the throne every once and now.

Arius observed the two as they slowly matched up to thrones. They emitted this aura Arius couldn't name, especially the one walking forward.

Her expression was emotionless as she walked and although Athanasia and Arius had imagined another seductive woman to come, she felt different to Arius.

He looked at Athanasia to see his little sister staring at the younger Sibling of Millicent, Edna. Edna too was glancing up and staring at her.

Finally when the two Villareals reached the closest to the throne, they spoke in unison and bowed.

"Blessings and Glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire, as well as first and second stars."

"I am Millicent Villareal, here to succeed the title of Governor."

"And I am Edna Villareal, here to accompany my elder sister." The two spoke after one another.

"Raise your heads." Claude ordered and then scanned the two with an intimidating gaze, but surprisingly the two remained the same.

Even Edna the younger child was standing firm and even staring right back at Claude.

"Although late, I express my condolences over the loss of your father. He was a great man who assisted me a lot in my life." Claude began.

"Thank you for your words, Your Majesty. However I must ask your forgiveness in the matter of the rebels. While father was focused on other matters he neglected the territory somewhat and allowed something so grave as an assassination on the Imperial Prince's life to occur. Even after his passing it took me far too long to capture all perpetrators and a second assassination attempt occurred. I have no excuses for my incompetence. " Millicent entered into a slight bow again. Edna following her actions.

Claude looked at Arius to see what his son thought. Arius made a thumbs up with his hand.

Claude copied his son's thumbs up and brought it to his neck and slid the thumb across his neck as a way of saying 'kill them?'. Arius immediately shook his head and went into a two minute long session of talking to Claude with body language and telling him to just forgive them.

"Raise your heads. This time you shall be forgiven since those rebels also took a loved one of yours. But next time I will not tolerate this."

"Thank you for your mercy."

"If I'm not mistaken I heard you would be bringing both of your youngest siblings, but I only see one."

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