LXV. Dinner with Villareals

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chapter sixty five - dinner with villareals.

"IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN, I heard you would be bringing both your youngest siblings, but I only see one."

"Pardon me your Majesty, my youngest brother became sick due to the swift traveling of such a distant destination. "

"Hm? Were you not coming in a carriage?"

"We were at first, but Sir Robane heard of the Imperial Princess's sudden sickness and decided to head back immediately. So we shifted to horses midway."

Athanasia was blushing from embarrassment. But she was also touched by Felix's worry for her.

"I see, well then you may go and rest now. Felix."

The Villareals bowed and were escorted with Felix to their rooms.

Claude leaned back on his throne. He was wearing his casual robes even during the audience.

Athanasia was wearing a navy blue dress with small white dots scattered. Arius was wearing navy blue shorts and a white shirt with a navy blue blow at his neck. A navy blue coat over his shirt.

"Well?" Claude asked.

"They look okay daddy. I don't think we need to worry, right brother?" Athanasia voiced her thoughts.

Arius didn't reply. He was lost in thought. He was a hundred percent sure. There was just something about the eldest.

Plus she was from Feradona and Arius had been dying to visit Feradona. Not in a million years did Arius expect this, but he was actually looking forward to the dinner.

"Arius?" Claude called him, seeing him zoning out.

Arius smiled widely at them and said, "I like these people."

IT WAS NOW A DINNER TIME, Arius and Athanasia were supposed to be wearing matching colors. Athanasia was wearing a purple dress with small golden stars and a full sleeved white shirt underneath.

White knee length socks and purple pumps.

Arius was supposed to be wearing a suit of similar color, but instead he wore black shorts and a white full sleeved shirt underneath a black coat.

After the audience Claude had gotten slightly annoyed by the dark colors worn by his children. So he told them to dress with more vibrant colors.

Athanasia complied but Arius wore black. He felt it would be rude since the Villareal siblings' father died not too long ago and the siblings themselves were wearing darker tones as well.

That being said the Imperial Family is the Imperial Family and a mere noble death shouldn't be enough to make them alter their dressings. But Arius still felt bad.

The Governor's wife died in childbirth of their youngest, Edwin. And now the Governor himself has died. Arius didn't know how it felt to have no parents.

If Claude died, Arius wouldn't be able to do a single thing. He'd just cry and cry and keep crying. He couldn't imagine his life without his father. That's how close they had become.

So what about the Villareals? Arius wanted to talk to them, make friends with them.

The two Imperial siblings stood outside of Claude's room, debating whether to go inside or wait for their dad to exit.

Right as Athanasia knocked on the door, Claude opened it and immediately glared at Arius.

Arius glared back of course. Claude was wearing his casual robes, the only difference being the difference in color. White and Green robes.

His dad really doesn't care about those kids who lost their father. Arius sighed, "Let's just go."

"To the Sapphire Palace." Claude added before holding his son.

And then began a fifteen minutes argument between the two males to decide whether Arius changed his clothes or went on with these.

"Ahem! We are getting late. Save your arguments for later." Athanasia diverted them , before walking ahead.

The family finally decided to just go to dinner. Claude decided to just have a talk with Olivia.

The imperial family entered the dining hall to see the three Villareal siblings present and standing up with a slight bow.

As soon as the Imperial Family sat down, the Villareals too took their places.

The setting being of six chairs. The two head seats at the opposite ends were occupied by Claude and Millicent. The seats beside Claude being with Arius and Athanasia and the seats beside Millicent being with Edwin and Edna.

"Greetings your Majesty, Your highnesses." The Villareals spoke in unison.

The imperials only gave a curt nod to their greetings.

The maids arrived with the dishes and began to place them on the table, while the two families simply sat in silence.

Even after the food was placed, the families remained quiet.

Usually during dinners with nobles, the nobles pull all sorts of tricks to curry the imperial family's favor. And the imperial family was yet again hoping for a similar dinner time, but the Villareals were completely quiet.

"Let us begin." Was the only word Claude spoke before picking up his utensils.

Once all members of the imperial family had begun to eat, the Villareals too picked up their utensils.

As far as manners were concerned the Villareals hardly had any mistakes. Even the youngest Villareal, Edwin, used his knife and fork properly. T

heir upbringing was probably very strict, assumed Arius as he was staring at the Villareals.

He accidentally made eye contact with Millicent and realized he was staring a bit too much.

He cleared his throat before initiating the conversation seeing how his father was not starting it anytime soon.

"Say, Lady Millicent, how long will you be staying in the capital?" Arius looked at Millicent, Athanasia and Claude also shifting their heads.

"I have yet to decide that. The main essential is the ceremony to bestow the title. Other than that, my siblings wished to sightsee the capital since this would be our first time here."

"The ceremony will be completed in the morning." Claude spoke and Arius immediately added.

"But you're welcome to stay here until you and your siblings have enjoyed the capital to your heart's content." Arius smiled at them, while kicking his father underneath the table sheets.

Claude looked at Arius lightly perplexed but the kicking underneath the sheets made Claude understand to just go with what his son wished.

Claude looked at Athanasia to see her thoughts and saw her staring at her beloved sweets.

If his children are fine with it, so is he. Claude continued eating his food.

The silence continued in the room as Arius kept stealing glances at the Villareals. He decided to look at his own family for a while and saw Claude staring at Millicent.

Claude was staring at Millicent, but there wasn't any kind of desire in his eyes, there was sadness.

Claude soon averted his eyes and began focusing on his food. Arius looked at Athanasia who was observing the younger siblings of Millicent.

He felt bad for deciding something without asking her, but she seemed okay with it. And Arius couldn't help but feel something from the Villareals.

He didn't know what. It's like they had this aura around them. Their quietness, their midnight hair and their shades of green eyes.

They seemed so mysterious. Except Edwin, Edwin had golden eyes and Edwin emitted an aura of childishness as well.

The dinner was too formal of a setting, Arius needed to find another way to talk to the Villareals, to talk to Millicent.

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