LXVI. Siblings Things

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chapter sixty six - siblings things.

MORNING ARRIVED AND THE CEREMONY for the title bestowment had begun. As Claude had told them, it was extremely short. There was one priest attending and just the Villareal siblings standing beside the red carpet.

The imperial family sitting in their thrones and in walked and kneeled Millicent.

The priest spoke a few words of absolute boredom which Arius didn't pay attention to as he was busy thinking of a way for him to talk to Millicent.

"I now declare, Millicent Vi Feradona Villareal as the next Governor of Feradona." Claude spoke aloud and the siblings of Millicent began to clap. Arius clapped as well.

It hardly took twenty minutes for the whole ceremony and after it was finished, the Villareals went back to their rooms.

Now begins Arius's mission: find a way to talk to Millicent.

As he had seen during dinner, she isn't much fond of talking. She seemed like someone who read a lot of books.

Arius debated whether he should approach her and talk to her about books. But what if she doesn't read books?

The overthinking part of Arius's mind was now activated. He was pacing back and forth in Athanasia's study room.

"Geez, brother I didn't know you were this awkward with people." Athanasia commented as she flipped to another page of her book.

"Just go and order her to answer your questions." Suggested Lucas who was sitting on the couch eating cookies.

"Are you really that dumb?" Athanasia asked.

"You two just care a lot about public appearances." Lucas commented and Arius stopped pacing.

"Fine I'm going." Arius decided and marched out.

"Is he really gone?" Athanasia asked one minute after Arius left.

"I'll go see what he does." Lucas spoke with a devilish smile and Athanasia insisted she wanted to see as well.

Arius had now arrived at the Aquamarine Palace which was specifically a Palace reserved for guests.

The Imperial Family of Obelia was nothing to joke about.

They were really rich no doubt.

Arius stepped inside the Palace and was greeted by queues of maids.

"Are the guests still at the Palace?"

"Yes, Your Highness. If you would please wait in the reception room, I will convey your visit to them."

"Thank you."


"Good morning, Your highness!"

"Good morning Lord Edwin."

Edwin sat on the couch opposite Arius.

"My sisters will be here in a minute, until then, May I ask the reason for your visit?" Edwin asked, his golden eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"No important reason, I just wanted to get to know you better. May I be more casual and call you Edwin? "

"Sure! I have a lot of questions to ask you as well!"

"Of course, go ahead."

"Then! Do you like snakes, Your Highness?"

"S-Snakes?" Arius asked as he saw the youngest Villareal's sparkling eyes.

"Yes!" Edwin placed his hands on his cheeks and closed his eyes, "Their smooth scaly skin and that terrific sound they make and the way they slither. And when they bite someone!"

Edwin looked cute as he talked about what fascinated him, if only it was something Arius could relate to.

"I'm more of a cat lover." Arius spoke with a nervous smile.

The cute expression of Edwin changed in a split second to a darker one. "Tch."

"Do you not like cats?" Arius asked and Edwin again placed his bright smile and stood up.

"Cats are fluffy and small. They have four legs and a tail too." Edwin was walking towards the backside of the couch Arius was sitting on.

"Cats are really adorable." Arius spoke nervously as he tried to follow Edwin with his eyes.

"Yea," Edwin arrived exactly behind Arius and stopped. "But if a venomous snake bites you, " Edwin brought his right hand thumb to Arius's front neck and slid it across his neck.

"You die."

Arius forgot to breathe for a second. He gulped down his saliva and slowly, very slowly turned his head towards Edwin.

Only to be met with his huge smile.

Only one thought repeated in Arius's head. 'This kid isn't normal.' Arius felt a deadly aura surrounding the boy.

This wasn't what he felt when he saw him at the dining table. So much for an aura of childishness.

Arius calmed himself, he's the imperial prince. Edwin wouldn't do something crazy as harm the prince in one of his own palaces.

Arius took a deep breath and smiled back at Edwin.

"But a cat can kill a snake." Arius replied as per Edwin's previous statements.

Edwin opened his mouth to speak further but-



Edna appeared from behind.

"I apologize for my brother's rudeness, your Highness. He's. . . a bit messed up in the head." Edna pointed towards her head with her index finger and went in circles to gesture madness.

Arius gave a light laugh, and asked, "A bit?"

"What did I even do!?" Edwin whined.

Edna and Arius ignored him and Edna now sat on the spot where Edwin was sitting a moment ago.

Her hair tied into two pigtails on the sides and as usual she was wearing a dull color.

"So, what would your hobbies be?" Arius asked, genuinely curious about the siblings.

". . . Gardening, I suppose." Edna answered after taking some time to think.

"I like to read! " Edwin announced in his childish tone and one arm raised up.

"He wasn't asking you." Edna stated.

"How do you know?" Edwin asked.

"Cause I'm older."

"Only by two years and yet you're dumber than me." Edwin crossed his arm and sat beside Arius on the couch.

"At least you're admitting you're dumb."

"I never–"

"Wait, Edna's two years older than you?" Arius asked, his voice filled with surprise.

"She looks younger than me, right?" Edwin asked.

"Uh," Arius looked at Edna who was glaring at him. He could feel a resemblance to Athanasia's death stares. "No–No, that's not what I meant. I knew she was older than you but I didn't think it was a whole two years."

Edwin shifted closer towards Arius with a grin and placed a hand in front of his mouth as he whispered in Arius's ear, "She's awfully short for a ten year old, right?"


Edna stood up with her hands hitting the table and even Arius could see the death glares she was giving Edwin.

"Your Highness! Save me!" Edwin shouted as he stood up and ran behind the position where Arius was sitting on the couch.

Edna picked up a few cushions from the couch and began aiming at her brother.

"Both of you! Calm down! " Arius raised both his hands, but the siblings were too busy quarreling to notice.

"It's not MY fault you're short!" Edwin shouted as he picked up a cushion as well and threw it at her sister, who skillfully dodged it. Yep, this looked way too casual for the siblings.

Well Arius has had cushion fights with Athanasia as well, so he knew it was normal.

But he was sitting in between, so he decided to just get up and move to a safer corner.


Arius stood up and carefully began stepping out of the way, but alas Edwin followed the prince's shadow and soon Edna's cushion directly landed on Arius's face.

A small silence ensued as the siblings– or Edna stopped quarreling and realized what they had done. They just hit the imperial prince with a cushion.

Amidst Edna's dread Edwin hesitated before raising his arm in a fist and shouting.

"H-Headshot! "

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