XXXIV. Change

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chapter thirty four - change.

THE THREE ROYALS shared a warm embrace with each other before being interrupted by a knock.

"Your Majesty, May I come in?" Felix spoke from outside.

Claude's face immediately had a frown on his face but he allowed his entry.

"Good Morning Felix!" Athanasia greeted him.

Arius did the same, but both of them were quite surprised by Felix's appearance. Dark circles underneath his eyes.

His eyes were closing from exhaustion.

And when he spoke he mixed up the words.

"What is it so early in the morning?"

"Sire, the assassins were sent by the... Feradinies."

Athanasia and Arius looked at Felix with sympathy.

'Poor Felix probably stayed up the whole night interrogating the assassins. I feel bad now.'

"I see. It seems those fools really are asking for it. Felix goes to the ruins of Feradona and seeks these pests out and brings me their heads. Take as many knights as you may need."

"As you wish...your Majesty. When do I leave?"

"Right now–"

Arius clutched on Claude's robes and Athanasia did the same. They looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Tonight. Until then Prepare and rest for the journey." Claude changed his answer.

Felix's eyes suddenly brightened and he looked at the royal siblings with utmost gratitude and even though he didn't say it they could tell by his eyes that he was praising them and thanking them in his mind.

"Leave, and ask the maids to prepare breakfast on your way out."

They just smiled at him and waved him goodbye as he ran out of the office straight to bed probably.

Arius suddenly remembered Cadell and Gunther, and tried getting off of bed but Claude stopped him with his arm.

"Where are you going? "

"To see Cadell and Gunther, they protected me last night."

"Your Knights? They're not injured. They seem to be quite skilled."

Arius smiled as he felt proud when Claude praised his knights.

"And about them..."

"Yes?" Arius asked with curiosity.

"I will discuss it during breakfast. Now you both may go and fresh up."

"Okay!" both replied in unison.

ARIUS AND ATHANASIA were now making their way to the dining area, accompanied by their respective maids.

Arius tried finding Gunther and Cadell but they weren't anywhere. Arius was worried but since Claude said they're safe he didn't think too much about it and instead thought about the Assassins.


His mother's homeland. He wanted to see it, even if it was in ruin. He wanted to meet Feradinies, even though they're literally trying to kill him. But he still wanted to at least see them. Curiosity, I suppose.

But Claude would never allow him to go with Felix and he didn't want to get in a new argument with Claude when they finally patched things up.

He decided to stay in Obelia after all. Not to mention, soon Lucas was going to be introduced and Athanasia's mana explosion was also only a few weeks away.

The doors to the dining room opened and revealed Claude sitting on the seat in the middle with Gunther and Cadell standing a few steps behind his throne.

"Blessings and Glory upon the star and the future sun of the Obelian Empire" Both said in unison, when Arius and Athanasia were seated.

They both nodded in acknowledgment of the greeting and Claude began.

"Since Felix will be leaving tonight and since I had also previously temporarily appointed Felix as your guard. I have decided that Knight Gunther Soliva will be Arius's personal knight."

Gunther stepped forward and kneeled before Arius's seat.

"And Knight Cadell will be Athanasia's personal knight."

Cadell stepped forward and kneeled before Athanasia's seat.

"Will you allow that , Arius?" Claude asked.

Arius had a confused look on his face, why ask for his permission? However, he still replied.

"I do." Arius gave his permission.

"Are you satisfied now?" Claude asked as he faced Cadell. And Cadell smiled in acceptance.

"You both may leave and wait outside."

The two said their greetings and left the dining room. Arius immediately gave Claude a stare of confusion.

"I ordered those knights to serve you both, but they told me they're your knights and will only follow your orders. "

Arius had a proud look on his face. The maids quickly came and placed the food on the table. They all began picking up their utensils to start eating.

"I apologize if they offended you Dad."

"Not at all, it's been a while since I've seen such bold and loyal knights."

"Athy, are you okay with Cad being your knight?"

"Yes! Cad is super fun to be around!"

Arius just smiled because he felt proud. He was definitely going to tell them about Claude and Athanasia's praise for the two.

"One more thing." Claude said as he placed his fork down.

"Starting today, Athanasia will be residing in the Emerald Palace and Arius will stay in Sapphire Palace."

Their jaws fell down.

"R-Really, Daddy!? " Athanasia asked.

Claude nodded and the room fell quiet for a bit as they were processing what he said.

"Daddy, living in different Palaces will be boring, I wanna stay in the same Palace as Brother" Athanasia asked with a pout.

"The Sapphire and Emerald Palaces are quite close to each other. The only reason I'm sending you to different Palaces is for your own safety. Those Palaces are located near the imperial knights quarters. " Claude reasoned.

"It's okay Athy , I'll eat all my meals with you and we have our lessons together as well. I'll also come everyday to play with you!" Arius promised.

Athanasia gave him a big smile, before focusing on her meal.

THEY BOTH EXITED THE DINING ROOM and were greeted by their knights, who were now escorting them to their respective Palaces.

On their way, Arius told Gunther and Cadell about the praises he heard from the Emperor and also asked them about what Claude had told him about their loyalty.

"I didn't think you guys would be able to talk back to the emperor." Arius stated.

"Well, we weren't wrong were we?" Cadell grinned.

"I was the one who talked back and Gun just kept nodding and supporting my words. "

"I spoke too!" Gun defended himself.

"Yeah Yeah..."

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