XXXV. A White Dog

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chapter thirty five - a white dog.

ATHANASIA AND ARIUS along with their newly appointed knights were making their way to their Palaces, when they met someone on their way.

"Ah! Mister White!" Athanasia spoke.

"My Lady, My name is Roger Alpheus..."

Since Felix was no longer with the royal siblings they were now walking instead of being carried.

So currently, four minors were walking alone. And Duke Alpheus wanted to take advantage of this situation where no adults were with them.

That being said all the children were quite smart and Arius already knew what that man was gonna bark about today.

He didn't like the fact that the man didn't even bother greeting them properly.

The Duke felt a cold gaze on him, like the emperor's and noticed the prince staring at him, with a smile.

"Blessings and Glory upon the future sun and star of the Obelian Empire. " The Duke bowed slightly.

"Greetings Duke Alpheus, I believe you came here for an audience with Dad. "

"Yes that is correct, but before I went there was something that had been bothering me."

'Ah here we go.'

"Is there someone who can serve as your Highnesses friend or companion? I worry you may get lonely... "


"Thank you for your concern, Duke, but as you can see our knights are close to us in age and so having friends is the least of our worries."

"I have a son two years older than you prince, he's a very bright and mature child. I understand you enjoy the company of your knights but perhaps you should widen your social circle." The Duke stated.

Now that, is some good advice. Widen your social circle. There's nothing wrong with doing that. And Arius might even benefit from it, after all Ijekiel isn't like his father.

He is the son of a Duke so his status could be helpful. If the Duke is so willing to offer his son's time for Arius then how about Arius manipulate Ijekiel into benefiting Arius.

'I sound like a hella twisted villain.'

Arius went quiet over the proposal as he was thinking of the pros and cons. Meanwhile Athanasia declared she needed none.

"Athy has a brother! And Cad and Gun!"

"I'm glad to hear that, but perhaps for the princess someone who is of the same gender might be more fun company." the Duke said as he smiled.

"Are you referring to your niece ?" Arius asked and Athanasia was physically freaking out.

"That's right. She's the youngest daughter of my cousin. What do you think about princesses? And you, my prince? "

Arius and Athanasia looked at each other and gave each other a knowing smile.

"We don't want a friend that's more stupid than us." they both replied in unison, leaving the Duke speechless.

"Your don't have to worry, their quite bright children."

"If that's the case then..." Athanasia looked at her brother.

"How much social theory have they studied?" Arius asked.

"If they're smart then they should already be up to the second volume. " Athanasia added.

"Athy, if you still have any problems with Max Berlinger's theory of Functionalism , maybe his niece can help you? " Arius asked her.

"Nope! After my brother explained it last time, all my confusion disappeared. Although, Athy is finding Ronald Dworkin's theory of interpretivism quite confusing." Athanasia said and both siblings turned to Roger, to see his reaction.

"My lady..."

"Have they already studied Bill Roitz?" Arius asked.

"How are her other studies? Magic? Philosophy? History?"

"Can she speak Arlanta? What about the official language of Pascal?"

"The Heavens know of everything, the truth cannot be hidden." Athanasia spoke.

"Saicana's Sacred imperial language is fairly easy so they must already know that. " Athanasia asked with a smile.

"May God punish those who deceive with a thousand punishments. " Arius added.

The Duke looked quite shaken as he didn't speak for a while.

"Although, they are interested in their studies... I don't think they're at the level of your highnesses." Duke Alpheus stated before remaining quiet.

"If that is all Duke , then let us be on our way, and you mustn't keep Dad waiting either."

"My son."

"Hm? "

"My son has studied the theory of interpretivism. And he has also been learning swordsmanship. He might even learn a thing or two from your knights. "

The siblings looked at each other.

"What do you say , Your Highnesses?"

"Isn't your son going to Arlanta soon?"

The Duke flinched over Arius's question.

"You seem very updated , Your Highness. Yes he will be going to Arlanta, but there are still more than a month left for him to leave. "

Athanasia was already firm with her decision of not having any playmates but Arius was thinking of his benefits from this.

"Then I will ask permission from Dad and in case I accept your son as my companion, I will send you a letter."

"I am honoured." The Duke bowed before leaving the royals.

They began walking to their Palaces once again.

"Brother, are you sure about this?"

"That man is up to no good!" Cadell stated from behind.

"I know right. And the look in his eyes was ominous too." Gunther added.

"Okay , okay. We'll discuss this when we get back to our Palaces. There are too many eyes on us out here." Arius reasoned.

Athanasia looked around but saw no one. The same for Gunther and Cadell.

"Whose eyes exactly?" Athanasia whispered.

"Look, there in the left outdoor corridor."

"Huh?" Athanasia looked as hard as she could. The corridor was quite far from them since they were surrounded by forest.

Cadell and Gunther also had to try hard to see exactly who stood in that corridor.

A man with black hair. He looked like a noble. He was looking in their direction. That's all they could conclude.

"Brother, do you know him?"

"No. Anyway , let's just get going."

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