Worthless or Priceless?

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What's the difference between being worthless and being priceless?

When I'm classified as "Worthless", why do I think I'm not valued or unimportant? Why do I think I'm uncherished, unseen, unloved? Why do I think I'm neglected, forgotten, and alone?

But when I'm viewed as "Priceless", my whole world changes.

Suddenly now I'm unique and extraordinary. I'm special and am kept close - a treasure to behold. I'm cared for.

But what's the difference? Why one over the other? Aren't they essentially the same?

Technically speaking, they both simply mean "without value".

But in our society, I suppose we don't value "technicality" when it comes to our words.

We've gotten into the habit of using whatever word seems to fit with our situation, even if it means defying the battered dictionary kept sitting in the living room corner.

So is it simply connotations that comes with being called worthless or priceless?

Has society pushed its point in saying that you're nothing if you're worthless, yet you're everything if no one can put a price on you?


Why one over the other?

Author's Note

So I've been pondering on this question for at least two years now. It might seem pretty ridiculous. Even reading this over I see that yeah, it really probably is connotations that make us prefer one over the other. Still though, I think once and a while you just have to question what is "real" or "is". No matter how trivial or stupid it may seem.

It makes you a stronger person and it forges you to be who you were made to be.

After all, we're writers, right? We have to question each and every thing that we come across.

It's in our blood.

(Also if you have any thoughts on the subject, feel free to share, I'd love to hear:) 

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