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"Where's everyone?" asked Noah

"I guess, all of them are already on the ground,"  replied Emily.

"Teacher made us do extra practice today or else both of us would have been there by now," added Hazel.

"We better go now or Ivy will kill us for reaching late to her competition," said Noah.

"Yeah we should," said Hazel.

When three of them reached the ground, the match was about to start. They were relieved to be there before the match started. The seats were almost full and everyone looked very excited about the match. It was the finals of the under 19 girls football match and the best teams were playing. Ivy played in the SK highschool's team and the opponent team was st. Mary school.

"Oye! Over here!" Daksh shouted, pointing to the three seats that he saved for them.

"What made you late?" asked John.

At that moment the match started.

"We'll tell you later. First, let's watch the match," said Emily.

Ivy was playing in the match and she was the captain too.

Zoe was cheerleading that match.

"Ohhhh!!" shouted everyone as the St. Mary team scores the goal. It was the last two minutes of the match and so far it was a time.

And the final goal was made by the SK team and they won! Everyone was really happy for this victory.

When Ivy came out of the changing room, all the friends, Hazel, Zoe, Summer, John, James, Daksh, Noah and Leo gathered around her. Noah and Leo picked her up and threw her in the air. For them, her victory was like their victory.

"Woh! Woh! Put me down, guys. I know why are you this much happy Noah. It's because your ex was in that team. I easily understand this" said Ivy teasingly.

"It's not because of that!" Said Noah blushing. "I am really happy for you. Winning this match means that our school finally won the trophy. The thing that what the boys were unable to do is accomplished by the girls"!

"That's true," added summer. "Besides, boys aren't that much talented as us girls". All of them burst into laughter.

"Guys! I have an idea! My parents are going out tonight and won't be back till next week. We can have the whole house to ourselves. What do you say? Wanna do a sleepover at my house? It will be fun. We can even celebrate Ivy's victory today!" said Leo.

"That's a great idea, Leo!" said Zoe. We haven't done anything together for a long time and besides it will be a break for all of us from this stressful life," added Zoe acting like a grown-up.

"Ya! this is a good idea. I can come tonight. I am free anyways" said James.

"When are you busy?" added John, James' brother. "I don't think I can come. I have a test on Monday and it's really important" said John.

"Oh common John. It's four days away. I also have to take that test. I am ready to come," said Hazel.

"Alright I'll come," said Ivy.

"So everyone is in?" asked Leo.

"Yeah we'll be there," said everyone.

"Hey! I have this amazing new DVD of a horror movie that my friend gave me. Shall I bring it?" asked Daksh.

"Why not ?" said summer. "We will watch this movie and have a lot of fun together!

"Alright guys see you tonight at 8 at my home," said Leo. "Bye, everyone!"



Finally! The first chapter finished. It must not be that good but I tried to do my best. Hope you like it! Please vote and comment. It only takes one click to add a vote. It will really motivate me! Add this book to your reading list. I promise that the coming chapters will be better. Thank you, everyone, for reading 😊😊

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