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Leo lived in a big apartment on the seventh floor. Everyone started to arrive at his place around 8:10 p.m. except for Daksh who arrived at 9:00.

"Daksh! Why are you so late?" asked Summer.

"I'm sorry but I was not able to find the DVD and when I found it, I kept it in my bag. But when I re-checked my bag before leaving home, it was not there. After a while, I found it near the toilet sink," said Daksh. "I think something is wrong with this DVD."

"Nothing is wrong Daksh," said Ivy. "Stop being a baby. You must have taken it with you when you went to the toilet and forgot it!"

"No! I completely remember that I kept it in my bag. Anyways, leave it now. Let's watch the movie. I am dying to watch it," said Daksh.

"We can't!" said Emily. "Leo forgot to order pizzas and we can't start without them!"

"It was not my fault Emily! No one told me to do so. How can I then?" said Leo.

"Stop fighting guys! I have already ordered the pizzas. They will be here anytime!" said Zoe.

"Yeah, you are right! and besides, I bought many cans of coke and just made popcorn as well. We'll have fun if you all stop fighting," said Hazel.

"Yeah ok!" said Leo.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"Yeahh! The pizza is here!" said Emily enthusiastically.

They took the pizzas from the delivery man and paid him.

"Everyone settle down! I am starting the movie," said Leo.

Emily, Daksh, James, and Summer sat on the big couch. Zoe and Leo sat on the single-seaters while John and Noah brought chairs from the dining table and Ivy and Hazel sat on the floor.

When the movie started, a disclaimer came on the screen which said "This is a warning! Watch this movie at your own risk. You may not live to review it."

"This can't be real," said summer doubtfully.

"Of course, it's not!" said Ivy assuring her.

Before the movie started, that disclaimer made everyone a little scared. 

5 minutes after the movie started, there was a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it," said Noah who got up to open the door.

"There's no one here," said Noah.

"But we heard a knock," said summer.

"Me too but there's no one here!" said Noah.

"Nevermind. Come back, must be the kids who live next door,” said Leo.

Noah came back and took his seat.

In the middle of the movie, Hazel said, "Daksh you said that you will bring a horror movie, but it's nothing like that. It's a normal movie!"

"Well, the cover said that it was a horror movie and also the title, 'Death Ride' suggested so. That's why I thought it was a horror movie. But nevermind! Let's just finish it and then we'll do something else."

"Yes, I think so..." said Hazel.

"Or we could always watch ‘The Conjuring’! It never gets old!" said Leo.

"Ya, that's a great idea! Let's do that!" said Zoe.

When the movie ended a message came up on the screen. It said, "turn around".

They all turned around but nothing was there.

"It must be a practical joke," said James.

"Aaarghhh!" suddenly Ivy shouted.

"What happened?" everyone asked, shocked.

"Something bit me on my leg!" said Ivy, showing her bleeding leg to everyone.

"It's not possible! Who would bite your leg? You must have hit it on the corner of that side table which is kept near you," said John thoughtfully.

"What are you saying John? I didn't hit my leg against that table. I’m sure that someone bit me. It's bleeding so much! It wouldn't bleed this much if it was because of the table," said Ivy.

"She's right," said Hazel. "We must immediately apply antiseptic cream on it or it might get infected. Where is the first aid box, Leo?”

"It's on the shelf above the mirror, in the bathroom," said Leo.

"All right," said Hazel. "Zoe, will you come with me?"

"Yeah, I will. Besides, I don't think you should go alone," said Zoe.

"What the hell!" shouted Zoe from the bathroom.

Everyone rushed to the bathroom.

"What happened Zoe?" asked Daksh.

I saw something written on the mirror. It said, "you all will die!” said Zoe.

"What are you saying? I don’t see anything!" said James. "I don't see anything at all!"

"She is saying the truth! I also saw it! It was right here!" said Hazel.

"But there's nothing here!" said Leo, a little sacred. "It must have been your imagination!”

"Are you mad or what? How can we both imagine it at the same time, the same thing?" said Zoe.

"She's absolutely right," said Emily. "There's something wrong here! First, someone bit Ivy and then they saw this message! I think we should just cancel today's plan and go home."

"Yes, you are right," said James. "'It’s better to go home than to risk my life."

But when he tried to open the front door, it wouldn't open. It was stuck.

"The door is not opening! We are stuck here now!" said James.


Finally! The second chapter is over! I hope you like it and it is better than the first one. Please like and comment. It will really mean a lot to me. I'll get motivated to write more!

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