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Your name is (y/n) (l/n) and your family is a bunch of priests, your even related to a Pope, how amazing is that? You didn't really care though and instead focused more on studying animals and dinosaurs. You always wanted to be a paleontologist or a zoologist. Anyways your parents decided that after middle school you would go to a Catholic school. You complained about going and begged them to change their mind, but they only hugged you and said sorry. You understood though, since it is a private school you'll get a better education, so you can't complain that much.

Now here you are, dressed in the white button up shirt and long blue skirt that was your uniform with your dinosaur book bag over your shoulders. (tbh idk how Catholic schools work I've never been to one so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong just correct me and I will correct it in the story (•ᴗ•)❤ ) You walked into you school and all the girls stopped and starred at you. I forgot to say, this is an all girl's school too, just my luck... You felt uncomfortable with all the eyes starring at you, made you feel weird.

You tried ignoring it the best you can and instead focused on getting to class. Your first class was history. As you were on your way to class you noticed a girl on the ground as three other girls yelled things at her. "You unholy sinner!" one yelled as she kicked her "I hope you burn in hell!" another yelled.

You quickly ran up to them and pushed them away from her. Good thing about being short and chubby is that your basically a human cannon ball. "Don't hurt her! She didn't do anything to you!" You yelled out of anger. The girl on the ground looked up at you with wide eyes, shocked you even came to help her. No one ever has tried to save her, so why would you?

"Don't test me you obese hippo!" The tallest girl yelled at you. "Try me bitch!" You said as you balled your fists, ready to attack. She stepped back and made a tsk sound with her tongue before walking off. "Let's go somewhere else." her little minions followed her leaving you and the poor girl alone.

You turned to her and smiled. "Hi, I'm (y/n), what's your name?" She looked at you for a second before blushing and looking down. "Y-Yedda, my name's Yedda." she said softly, almost to a whisper. You smiled at her and held out your hand for her to take and she hesitantly did. You helped her up before speaking. "Yedda... I like that name!"

She blushed and looked down with a small smile on her lips. Why were you being so kind? "I-I like your name too." She said with a soft voice. Her voice was sweet and gentle, like an Angels or like Flower from Bambi, except more beautiful and girlish than his.

Now all that was taken care of you could take in her appearance. She was tall and dark skinned. She was curvy with legs that almost seemed perfect. She looked like an angel to be honest. You blushed softly and looked away from her. You couldn't believe you were talking to a girl this beautiful.

(Yedda's POV)

This girl saved me (y/n) was her name. She's so kind and beautiful with flowing (h/l), (h/c) hair and big (e/c) eyes. She was curvy and had thick thighs, but I loved it. She was perfect. I couldn't help but blush when looking at her. She was shorted than me, about chest height which was so adorable, I just wanted to hug her to my breasts all day!

Stay calm, I've got to get to class before anything. "So what class to you have?" I asked her. She pulled out her schedule and I looked at it. "History, same as me." I said happily. She smiled and nodded. I smiled back with a small blush. I looked down, our hands are almost touching, how I want to hold hers so badly! But I can't. They wouldn't like it if I do. So I have to keep these feelings a secret. Weird huh? I just met her and I already really like her. Maybe she likes me too... I hope she does. That would be wonderful.

We got to class when the bell rang and everyone piled in, ready for the lessons to begin.


Hey guys I hope you liked this I just thought there should be more yandere girl x girl out there. Anyways I hope you guys had or have a great day depending on what time you read this and you'll have a great tomorrow! See ya!

Yedda: Angelic voice

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