2. The Bullies

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You sat in history taking notes like everyone else while Yedda was too busy staring at you. She just felt a strong connection to you and didn't know why. You had free time at the end of class and Yedda instantly went up to talk to you. You smiled at her and you two talked about random things and experiences you've both had. Everyone looked at you strangely. Why are they looking at you like that? You don't know what you did.

"Just ignore them, they don't like it that your talking to me." Yedda said. You looked at her confused " why is that?" She didn't answer your question and instead went on another topic. "So your dad is a priest? Maybe I can meet him one day and he can baptize me." You looked at her before glaring. "You didn't answer my question from before."

"What was that question?" Yedda asked, acting oblivious. You sighed in annoyance and began to speak. "Why does everyone hate you?" She sighed and looked away for a moment out the window, she seemed a bit sad by the way she looked before she turned to you and smiled. "It's nothing you need to worry about." She said. "Please just tell me." You said softly, why wasn't she telling you this? It can't be anything that bad right?

Yedda frowned and looked down with shame in her eyes. "I'm lesbian, and that's a sin. I'm going to burn in hell aren't I?" She murmured, trying her best not to cry. You place a hand on her shoulder and smile softly at her. "I'm bisexual you know, and you aren't going to burn in hell, if you love and believe in God then you'll go to heaven." I said with a closed eyed smile. She blushed and hugged me, still trying her best not to cry. "Thank you...." She muttered. You hugged her back and you two stayed like that for at least ten seconds before you tried to push away. She hesitantly let go after a few seconds and looked at you. "So what now?" she asked. The bell rang right after she said that. "Next class" I said with a small giggle and packed my things in my book bag before heading off to my next class, science.

Once that was done it was time for lunch. You took your lunch box and went somewhere quiet to eat, since you didn't like the loudness of the cafeteria. You went to a hallway on the second floor of the building to eat. It was nice and quiet and no one came through the hall. That was until you heard footsteps and looked over to see the girls from earlier. You gulped as you saw them and put your head down, hoping they wouldn't notice you. They did of course and stopped right in front of you with scowls on their faces.

"Look at me." She said with her hand on her hip. You hesitantly look up at her, and she immediately kicks you in the face. "That's what you get for ruining my play time with Yedda!" She yelled as the two other girls laughed. You learned that the leader of the group is named Cecilia while the one on her left is Emily and the one on her right is Lola. They caused nothing but trouble at this school apperently. "Don't ever talk to her again or I'll kill you." Cecilia said before storming off with Emily and Lola right behind her.

You rubbed your sore nose as you groaned in pain. Damn Cecilia. Little did you know that Yedda had been watching this from the corner of the hall. This just pissed her off. Cecilia had no right to act like that towards you! It was awful for her to do that! How could she even do that to someone as innocent as you! She gripped to the wall with a scowl on her face. She was going to do something about them for dare hurt you. She had to, You didn't deserve it at all, unlike them.

(Cecilia's POV)

I sighed ad I was finally alone. Those damn girls had finally stopped following me. I slid against the wall as I thought about how perfect Yedda is. I wish I had the courage to tell her my feelings, but after all I've done, she probably hates me. Each day I think of all the wrong I've done to her and I always regret it. I just don't know how to handle my feelings I guess. I should tell her my feelings soon before that damned (y/n)gets to her before me. I stood up and began to walk off with a stern and emotionless face. No one knows about my secret and I want to keep it that way.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. Anyways let me explain the names to you.

Cecilia: blind
Emily: rival
Lola: lady of sorrows

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