3. Time for Judgement

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WARNING: There is a lot of Gore and blood in this chapter if you dont liked hat then skip this! Thank you!

(Yedda's POV)

I was now walking to Lola's house. I had been stalking them for a week now, waiting for the right moment to strike. During that time Cecilia confessed her feelings to me, I denied of course, I was already inlove with someone else. I would never love anyone like Cecilia. She needed to die, and she will tonight, but first Lola has to die. I make it to her house and find the spare key they had that was in the plant pot. I walk into the house , being careful not to make any noise as I close the door and tip toe up the stairs.

I take the knife out of my pocket ad I make my way to her bedroom. She was there, sleeping soundly in her bed, like nothing was wrong, but how wrong that was. A grin cast across my face as I set the knife down and grabbed the tape in my pocket. I quickly tape her mouth shut right when she woke up and turned over to look at me. She tried to scream, but couldn't. She was about to remove the tape, until I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, placing my index finger on my lips and shushing her with a grin. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, oh how I loved the fear in there. I handcuffed her to the bed and straddled her. "You don't understand how much you hurt my (y/n), well, I'm going to teach you now. I said. I slowly slit her wrists as deep as I could without hitting the bone. I watched as she slowly bled to death before leaving and going to Emily's house.

Emily's house was only a few blocks away from Lola's, so it wasn't that far of a walk. They all live in the same neighborhood anyways. I walked to her house and climbed up the tree in her back yard and open her window which was unlocked. She actually thought she was safe, she is surely wrong. I watched her sleep for a moment before pulling out the rope. She was disgusting to watch and she needed to die. And so she will. I tied the rope into a noose and woke her up by pulling her on the ground. "What!?" She said, disoriented. I took the moment and wrapped the noose around her neck to which she struggled trying to take it off.

This was a pain in the neck, but it would be worth it. I drag her to the window, but before I could get her out and tied to the tree she was able to pull her head out of the rope. "Help!" she screamed as she ran to the door. I was quicker though and beat her to it, locking it and shoving her to the ground. "We gotta shut you up first." I said as I pulled out a needle and thread. I stitched up her mouth so she wouldn't be able to talk anymore and then put the noose back around her neck. She dragged her to the window and tied the noose to the tree before shoving her out. She struggled to get the noose off her neck, but to no avail. She suffocated to death and just swung from the tree, lifeless and pale. This only made a smile grow on Yedda's face. How the view filled her with joy! Now it was finally the worst bitch of all, Cecilia's turn.

She quickly climbed down the tree and onto the soft grass where she looked around for a moment before leaving the scene. I was walking down the street to her house. I knew she had a crush on me, but I hated her. I had a plan in mind that is as going to do.

I walked to her house and threw rocks at her window which was lit from the lights still on. Cecilia looked up from her work when she heard a bang on her window. She went over to check and saw Yedda standing in her yard with a smile on her face. She instantly opened the window, excited to see her, but didn't show it. "What are you doing here." She growled. She couldn't show Yedda that she loved her. "I came here to confess my love to you." Yedda said with a small blush. ɢᴏsʜ sʜᴇ's sᴏ ᴀᴅᴏʀᴀʙʟᴇ. Cecilia thought. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll let you come in, but my parents are asleep." She said and rolled down the window, walking downstairs to the back door. Yedda ran over to her and hugged her. "Thank you." She said. Cecilia hesitantly hugged back with a blush creeping onto her face. "It's nothing." She said.

They both went up to Cecilia's room and sat on her bed. They talked for a bit before Yedda kissed her. Cecilia pulled her close as she deepened the kiss. Her dreams were finally coming true. She was finally going to be with Yedda. She immediately stopped though when she felt a pain in her side. She looked down and saw a knife in her side. She was about to scream when Yedda placed a hand on her mouth with a smirk. "Hush now, we don't want anyone to find out about us~ " she said and pulled the knife out before stalking her in the chest. She stabbed her over and over again, at least 37 times before finally stopping. She was long dead though, after three stabs to be exact. Yedda just had to let her energy out though. Now that this was over it was time to watch her darling sleep.


Hey I hoped you liked this chapter and yes it does have a lot of Gore im sorry about that, my mind is very morbid. I was going to do where Cecilia is chopped up with an axe, but just decided to go with her being stabbed. Anyways hoped you liked it! See ya!

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